"It's almost eaten, let's go, go to the electronics factory to find Guan Yan.

Seeing this, Wu Tianyu asked, "Sister Ouyang, don't ask the people next door about the supernatural incident of Guan Yuye's broken flower umbrella? No need." Ouyang Chuying said, "Listen to their tone, there should be many supernatural incidents. Everyone knows that when the time comes, just ask someone casually, or go to the electronics factory where Guan Yan is located first, lest he just leave after a while.

Immediately, after paying for the meal, the group of four left the hotel and drove towards the electronics factory opened by Guan Yan.

The location of the electronics factory is just on the edge of Qingshi Town. It is only a few minutes' drive from the town to the electronics factory.

A few minutes later, the car came to the door of the electronics factory. Because it was an unfamiliar license plate number, the guard in the guard room did not let the car park in the parking space at the entrance of the electronics factory. Lin Chen and his party walked towards the guard room.

After explaining the purpose of the visit, the guard took Lin Chen and the others into a three-story building in the electronics factory.

After reaching the third floor, the guard pointed to a door in front and said to Lin Chen and the others, "The boss is in that door, just knock on the door.

After saying that, the guard turned around and left.

Wu Tianyu walked over and knocked on the door, and a man's voice came from inside: "Please come in.


1204 I've been to some places [2 more for subscription]

After Wu Tianyu heard the voice inside the door, he immediately opened the door and walked inside to talk.

This room is the office of the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan's father, Guan Yan. As the office of the CEO of an electronics factory, the decoration of this office is still somewhat imposing.

A middle-aged man with a haggard face sitting on an office chair, one hand on the table, between the index and middle fingers, there is a smoking cigarette

Guan Yan, who was sitting in the office chair after seeing Lin Chen and the others coming in, slowly raised his head, glanced at Lin Chen and the others with a dull gaze, and then lowered his eyes again.

After Lin Chen walked into the house, in addition to seeing Guan Yan, he also saw a blue-haired girl wearing many metal accessories on the sofa in the office.

This girl is very beautiful, she is Kiko with a bright smile at Lin Chen

"[-]" "Here you come, kiko said to Lin Chen.

"Why are you here?" Ouyang Chuying asked

Kko said: Taifeng and I, and Tang Ren, came to Boss Guan to learn about the situation. We already knew what we wanted to know. We were just about to leave. When I heard that the special case team was coming, I didn’t rush to leave.

When Iko said this, he asked Lin Chen and the others, "How about you also investigate all morning, did you find anything?

How about you? "Lin Chen didn't answer Kiko's question, but instead asked a question.

Kiko smiled and said: "I want to bet with you, how can I tell you what I found?

"I also want to say this to you." Lin Chen said

iko shrugged and didn't say much more on this topic

"You are the special case team from Mohailai?" Guan Yan's father asked

"Yes." Wu Tianyu nodded

Guan Yan pointed to the sofa, his voice was very low, and said: "There is a sofa next to me, take a seat."

After saying Zong's words, Guan Yan put half of the incense in his mouth again, took a deep breath, and then spit it out quickly. Lin Chen and the others sat on the sofa, Guan Yan said: "The reward I issued , has attracted a lot of powerful detectives, and today I have seen quite a few detectives who came to me to inquire about the situation, your special case team from Hailai can ask anything you want."

Wu Xuan turned her questioning eyes to Lin Chen, and after Lin Chen nodded, he began to ask: "Boss Guan's serial murder case involving sawing corpses in the middle of the night, the families of the first four victims have all been investigated by the police. Inquiry, in the information provided to us by the Zhengshan Gear Police, it is also clearly written

However, on this stolen material, the investigation and inquiries to Wang you were very brief and did not provide much information.

Guan Yan sucked the half-loaded cigarette in his hand and put it out in the ashtray.

He said: "If the relevant departments of Zhengshan County knew that there was a perverted murderer in Qingshi Town, I would not let my daughter come back to play during the summer vacation, and I would not let her go out at night after returning to Qingshi Town. Very disappointed and have nothing to say to them.

I understand. "Wu Pu nodded, and then began to ask Guan Yan various questions.

The family members of the previous four victims, the Zhengshan Police Department's records are very clear, but this Guan Yan, such as the banquet, has few, many questions, Wu Xuan asked meticulously

When Wu Xuan asked and Guan Yan answered, kik., who was sitting next to Lin Chen, glanced at Lin Chen from time to time, and then looked back at Boss Guan, you have been in business for so many years, do you have any enemies in the business field? "Wu Xuan asked this point after asking a few questions.

Guan Yan picked up the cigarette case, took out a new cigarette and lit it. He took a breath, and then the smoke came out and said, "The enemy in the business field? I can't think of who is with me in the Niuyi field. Chou Da came to kill my daughter.

Wu Xuan said: "Our current judgment is that the murderer may be a perverted murderer who randomly selected the target, or he may know the deceased. I would like to ask, has your daughter been to any place after she came to Zhengshan Gear?

Guan Yan replied: "I haven't been to any place. After Xiaoyuan came to Zhengshan County, she and her mother lived in Gucheng because there was something wrong with the house I bought in Gucheng. They stayed in the hotel for two days, and they spent the two days playing in the city. They ate some special snacks of zhengshan tools and visited zhengshan tools.

"The mother and daughter came to Qingshi Town after playing with Zhengshan Toys for a few days. I usually live in the electronics factory. When they came, I asked them to stay in the hotel in the town for two days. After the house problem was settled, the mother and daughter went back to Gucheng to live. After that, Xiaoyuan's friends in Qingshi Town invited her out to play, and she returned to Qingshi Town and was killed."

Ouyang Chuying asked: "Before your daughter was killed, did you have any strange behavior or unusual behavior?

After Ouyang Chuying asked this, Guan Yan immediately said: "No, my daughter is with my wife every day. Before she was killed, everything was the same as usual, and there was nothing unusual about it."

Time was passing by slowly. When Wu Ying was about to finish his question, Lin Chen, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

He looked at Guan Yan and asked, "Your daughter Guan Xiaoyuan, did she ever fall in love at school?

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Guan Yan shook his head and said, "How old is my daughter, she's only a minor in high school, how could it be possible to fall in love? No, she still doesn't understand what love is.

Lin Chen nodded, indicating that he understood.

I should know, and I know, this time I have done a relatively comprehensive record of Guan Yan's record.

Lin Chen stood up and said to Ouyang Chuying and the others, "Let's go."

After Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others stood up one after another, Kiko also stood up when she saw this.

Guan Yan asked Lin Chen, "Are you going to leave?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Before leaving, I have to meet someone in your factory.

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