Call and ask. "Wu Xuan said

Wu Tianyu immediately took out his mobile phone, entered and dialed the number provided on the document.

After Shen called, there was a beeping sound from the receiver, but no one answered the phone.

Wu Tianyu made two calls in a row, but none of them got through.

After putting down the phone, Wu Tianyu said, "No one answered."

Ouyang Chuying looked at the sunlight outside the car and said, "Let's go back to Qingshi Town and find a place to eat.

okay. "Wu Tianyu agreed, and immediately started the car, heading towards the town of Qingshi Town.

In the morning, Lin Chen and the others spent their time in the investigation. Before they knew it, it was already two o'clock in the afternoon and none of the four of them had eaten. When Ouyang Chuying mentioned it, they all felt a little hungry.

After returning to Qingshi Town, Lin Chen and the others found a restaurant, asked for a private room, ordered a few dishes, and ate while sitting in the private room of the hotel while blowing the cool air conditioner.

The chefs of this restaurant are quite good. Several dishes ordered by Lin Chen and the others are all delicious, especially the fried crayfish. The meat in the crayfish is very tasty.

Just when Lin Chen and the others were about to finish eating, the next door went back to the room, and there were the voices of several men talking.

The midnight saw serial murder in our town, I don't know how the investigation is going. "

This case has shocked the province, and it has also made news. Some leaders have been dismissed, and the impact is still great.

"Can it be big? Cong has been killed five since last year. The police couldn't catch the murderer, so they knew that the daughter of Guan Laohuan, who was hiding this time, was killed in the electronics factory. Otherwise, we ordinary people might still not know. There are such ruthless murderers in town."

"That murderer was very cruel. He killed people and sawed off their bodies with a saw.

I heard people say that the reason why the police can't catch people is because of those five people, they were arrested


1203 Go to the electronics factory 【Subscription】

The hotel that Lin Chen and the others came to is not very luxuriously decorated. There are not many private rooms in the hotel, and each private room is only separated by thin wooden boards.

Therefore, Lin Chen and the others could hear the conversation of Zhuo Ren who was eating in the next room.

After hearing that the last man next door only said half of what he said, he didn't go on, another man in the private room next door urged him: "Don't talk half way, the reason why the police can't catch those five victims What happened to them?

"Speak quickly." Another man urged

The half-talking man lowered his voice and said in a mysterious tone, "The reason why the police can't catch the murderous king is because the mountain murderous king is a ghost, not a human being.

The tone the man was using at the moment was a bit obstructive. If he heard him say this at night, he might be horrified by his remarks that he said it was a ghost, which immediately attracted a burst of boos from his companions.

Fart, what the hell, what the hell is there in this world?

"Yeah, ghost kills? Are you funny?

Have you watched too many ghost movies?What the hell is there to kill. "

The man who said ghost murders saw his companions didn't believe him, he added: "Straight, many people say it was ghost murder, so the police can't catch the murderer. The mines on the edge of Qingshi Town, every year. Several people are going to die. Since the start of mining, there have been several supernatural events in our Qingshi Town.

"For example, the supernatural incident of broken flower umbrellas on a rainy night last year, do you still remember?

As soon as the man said this, several of his companions nodded, indicating that they remembered

After seeing them nodding, the man said again: "There have been supernatural incidents in our town, some old people are saying that the serial murder case of sawing corpses in the middle of the night is the murder of ghosts, and the ghosts who kill are buried in the mine cave and can't get out. those absenteeism

Some absentee ghosts had their heads smashed by the falling rocks. After he turned into a ghost, he came to town to kill and take away a person's head. the chest"

some absenteeism”

In this private room, a few men talked eloquently, and it was a set of rhetoric about the murder of Wang Gui.

At the end, the man who said it was a ghost murder added: "The most important thing is that the five victims were killed, and after the flesh on their bodies was taken away, a large amount of ghost coins was left at the scene.

Ming coins, this is the money used by the dead, because ghosts kill people, so at every discovery, a lot of Ming coins are left behind. Another man said hesitantly: "It's a bit like what you said. Ghost murder

Lin Chen and the others were eating, and they were about to finish eating. After hearing what was said in the private room next door, Lin Chen and the others looked at each other and Wu Tianyu said, "The man in the private room next door said it like that once. It's the ghosts who died in the mines. When the ghosts collapsed in the mines, which part of the body was smashed and turned into ghosts, they came to kill and took away the parts of the living people and the coins at the scene. It's also left by ghosts

"However, absenteeism is usually done by men. Even if a man wants to kill someone to take away his smashed parts, he won't ask a woman to kill him. Wu Pu couldn't help but muttered.

Wu Tianyu and Wu naturally gasped at the ghost-killing remarks made by the men in the room next to Wang. Ouyang Chuying, who would not believe it, first glanced at Lin Chen, and then swept across Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan. , said: "He said a supernatural event that happened in Qingshi Town, I would like to know more about it.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he said, "Xiye Broken Flower Umbrella?

"Yeah." Ouyang Chuying nodded: "I feel a little terrifying when I hear the name, rainy night, broken flower umbrella

Having said this, Ouyang Chuying paused slightly and said to Wu Tianyu: "Go to the next door and ask them, what kind of supernatural event is the broken flower umbrella in the rainy night?

it is good. "Wu Tianyu nodded, stood up and walked towards the private room next door.

But just as Wu Tianyu stood up, the phone in his pocket rang.

Wu Tianyu immediately took out his mobile phone and saw the number on the screen, he said, "It was the call from Guan Yan, the father of the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan.

After speaking, Wu Tianyu pressed the answer button, and Guan Yan's deep voice came from the receiver: "Hey, did you just call me?" Begging for flowers

"Hello." Wu Tianyu said: "I am the special case team from Mohailai, to investigate the serial murder case of sawing dead bodies in the middle of the night. Where are you now? I want to ask you in person.

After Guan Yan heard this, he said: "I am in the factory, you can go to the factory gate and ask the guard to bring you in. If you want to come, just come.

Come on, I'll be going somewhere else in a minute

After speaking, Guan Yan hung up the phone without giving Wu Tianyu a chance to speak.

Wu Tianyu held the phone that was hung up, shrugged, and said, "Guan Yan's attitude is very general, and there is arrogance and hatred for the police in his tone. "It's normal. "Ouyang Chuying stood up and said, "If the Zhengxian police let the people of Qingshi Town know about the serial murder case in the middle of the night, and planned the people to be more vigilant, some people would not have been killed. "

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