There are many ways to hijack a motorcycle that is not slow. Place obstacles on the road to hit or throw the motorcycle with sticks or other objects, or push the motorcycle hard to make it roll over and stop. "

There are many ways to hijack and stop, but as long as it is violent hijacking, it will definitely leave fresh drop marks or scratches on the motorcycle. Li Shiting riding on the motorcycle is also very likely to suffer from falls and injuries. Bump injury. "

When Lin Chen said this, he changed the conversation and said, "But you look at the photos of the motorcycles in the photos, the surrounding environment, and the photos of the ground.

On this women's motorcycle, there is not a single fresh drop scratches visible from all angles, and there is no trace of sudden tire braking on the ground. Li Shiting's autopsy report on the wound summary did not show any bumps or falls on her body. , What do these points indicate?After Ouyang Chuying heard what Lin Chen said, she was the first to say: "These circumstances show that the murderer who intercepted Li Shiting at that time was very likely to know Li Shiting. At that time, driving on this kind of road, If Li Shiting saw a stranger, out of defense against strangers, she would step up the accelerator and drive past him.

"Yes." Lin Chen nodded slightly and said, "In that time and environment, a stranger suddenly appeared on the road, and Li Shiting would definitely speed up the car even more. In this case, the murderer forced her to stay, and he would definitely Leaving traces of a forced stop."

However, it is different for Li Shiting to know the murderer. She knows the murderer and is unprepared. When she sees him at this time, she will be puzzled, wondering why this person she knows is here, and then she stops the car and asks about the situation .

There was no sign of a forced stop at the scene, so the possibility that Li Shiting knew the murderer was indeed a bit high. "Wu Tianyu nodded and said that Wu Ying had a thoughtful look on his face, and said, "That is to say, after one o'clock on the night of April 4, when Li Shiting was passing this road, she saw a person she was familiar with. Because of the familiarity with that person, Li Shiting took the initiative to stop the car, but she did not know that the person she was familiar with was a cruel butcher. "

Li Shiting's parents have heard from Lin Chen's words, that is the murderous king who killed his daughter, who knew his daughter

Did the murderer know my daughter? "Li Shiting's father hurriedly asked

Very likely," Lin Chen nodded to him and said

The people Xiaoting knows, there are some people Xiaoting knows. Among the people she knows, there is no hatred against her, and they want to kill her.Li Shiting's mother said in a murmur, that there are some people who are looking for her daughter in memory.

Li Shiting's father also fell into contemplation, also thinking about

After pondering slightly, Wu Tianyu said, "Brother Lin, if you want to stop forcibly and leave no traces, there are other ways, for example?" Lin Chen asked.

For example, the murderer was lying on the ground, pretending to be injured and asking Li Shiting for help, asking Li Shiting to help him, Li Ting stopped the car and let the murderer succeed. "Wu Tianyu said another speculation in his heart.

Lin Chen nodded slightly, and said, "What you said is ok, but it also depends on the time period. Li Shiting is not very brave. At eleven o'clock in the evening, on a remote country road, a big man was lying on the ground. Ask her for help, do you think, does a girl have the guts to approach (Zhao's good)?

Wu Tianyu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, saying, "Uh, this

Lin Chen glanced at Wu Tianyu and said, "Instead of pretending that the murderer you said was injured and begging Li Shiting to stop and help him, I prefer Wang to know the murderer, or maybe he is the murderer.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others became very curious after hearing what Lin Chen said halfway through and hesitating about what he didn't say.

Or is the murderer doing another job? "Ouyang Chuying asked

Lin Chen lowered his eyes, shook his head, and said, "No, nothing."

Ouyang Chuying knew what Lin Chen thought just now, but he didn't seem to have any confidence, so he didn't say it

Everyone said a few more words here. Lin Chen looked at the place where Li Shiting was sawed in the grove by the roadside, then took a step and walked towards the overgrown grove.


1202 Make a criminal profile [2 more for subscription]

It is only a few meters from the concrete roadside to the grove where the body was found

The distance was short, but it was overgrown with weeds and thorns. After Lin Chen pushed aside those weeds and thorns and walked halfway, he turned and asked Li Shiting's parents, "Four months ago, were there so many weeds here?

No. "Li Shiting's father said: "Four months ago, it was a smooth road to the woods. If there were so many weeds, we would not have found Xiaoting lying in it so quickly.

Lin Chen nodded slightly and continued to walk inside, and he came to the woods in three or two steps.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, and Wu Pu also walked in together. They were all wearing trousers, so they didn't have to worry about being cut by weeds.

After arriving at this location in the grove by the road, except for a warning tape left on the ground, there is nothing to prove that a murder has occurred here. A girl in her twenties was lying in the grove and was used by the murderer with a saw. The waist of the body was sawed off one by one, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others looked at the position in the woods, and in their minds, they sketched the picture of the murderer sawing the body at that time.

In the dark night, in the quiet woods, the murderer dragged Li Ting into the woods after smashing Li Ting to death with a blunt weapon.

He opened Li Shiting's clothes and took out a sharp saw. He sawed down the waist of Li Shiting with her chest down and her navel up. Together with the dripping blood and internal organs, he took it away.

After looking at the grove for a while, Lin Chen said: "Not only is Li Shiting very likely to know the murderer, the murderer is very familiar with the entire Qingshi Town and the villages outside Qingshi Town.

With that said, Lin Chen pointed to the concrete road a few meters away from the grove, and said, "The fierce king sawed off the entire waist of Li Shiting's body. It will take at least 10 to 20 minutes. This time consumption is not short.

During this period of time, as long as someone passed by here, it was easy to see the murderer and Li Shiting in the grove. A few months ago, there were no weeds blocking the view, and the line of sight was easy to see. Moreover, when the murderer was sawing the ruler, It will be more noticeable if the lights are on.Ouyang Chuying said: "The murderer was not in an absolutely safe place when he sawed each victim's body (bfb), but he has successfully sawed the body five times in a row without being witnessed by anyone. What does this mean?"

Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and said, "It means that the murderer not only knew about the entire Maishi Town, but also knew the villages around Qingshi Town very well. The murderer lived around Qingshi Town for at least a few years. Experience, more likely, is that he grew up in Qingshi Town, so he was so bold and familiar.

Both Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan nodded slightly, and Ouyang Chuying said to Lin Chen, "After this series of visits and investigations, we can make a criminal profile of the murderer.

Lin Chen said: "After the investigation and interview with the family of the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, we can have a meeting first.

Um. "Ou Yin Chuying nodded, expressing understanding.

This grove used to be the scene of sawing corpses. Lin Chen and the others turned around twice before walking out.

Four months have passed, and it is impossible to leave anything of value on the site, and it is useless to stay here.

After walking back to the cement road, Ouyang Chuying said to Li Shiting's parents: "Okay, please follow me, now we are going to the next stop.

A victim's home, you can go back.

Li Shiting's parents were a little disappointed when they heard that the police were leaving

Li Shiting's mother asked, "Can you really catch the murderer who killed Qiandao?"

Don't worry, we will give justice to the dead. "Ouyang Chuying assured

Well, thank you so much. "Li Shiting's parents, thanked Ouyang Chuying and the others, wiping their tears.

Immediately, Li Shiting's parents got on the motorcycle.

Wu shook his head: "The murder of the only daughter shows how much damage it has done to the family.

The group immediately got into the car. Wu Tianyu took out the information and found information about the relatives of the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan. The information showed that Guan Xiaoyuan's father, Guan Yan, was in a community in the urban area of ​​Zhengshan County. , owns a house, but he rarely lives in urban houses. Most of the time, he lives in an electronics factory.

After reading it, Wu Tianyu said, "At this point in time, I don't know whether Guan Yan, the father of the fifth victim, was in the second electronics factory or a residential area in the city."

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