Just now, Li Shiting's father said that he was repeating a sentence when he heard Li Shiting talking in his sleep on the first night. Li Shiting's mother also said that she was repeating a sentence.

The question now is, is the dream talk that Li Shiting said the same two nights, and is the dream talk she repeats the same as what Zhao Fang said?

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan and the others understand that no matter how they ask, the couple will not be able to tell what Li Shiting said in their dreams.

After a while, Li Shiting's mother asked Lin Chen and the others, "If my daughter's sleep talk for two consecutive nights is the same as the first victim's dream talk, what's going on? Impossible? It's a coincidence that even the content of the dream talk, the frequency and time are the same? For this, Ouyang Chuying and the others did not think of how to explain it. Is it possible that such a dream talk can still be controlled by the murderer? From a scientific point of view , which is completely impossible.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianbao, 15 Wu Xuan and the others didn't know how to explain it. Lin Chen said at this time, "I can't be sure whether your daughter's sleep talk is the same as the first victim's, maybe it's because your son is too tired from work. Coincidence is over, we did not investigate the second victim, and the third victim had been talking in his sleep for two consecutive days before he was killed.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Shiting's parents didn't ask any more questions, but they could see that they still viewed the matter of Wang from a superstitious point of view.

Lin Chen looked at them and said, "From the previous investigation and interrogation of you, you said that you have no enemies, and Li Shiting has no enemies in her life and work, right?

Yes. "Li Shiting's mother hurriedly said: "Our family Xiaoting is a kind person and has never taken revenge against others. We can't think of anyone who would want to kill her.

After asking a few more questions, Lin Chen stood up and said to Li Shiting's parents, "You two, who will come with us to go down to where you found your daughter's body?

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Li Shiting's father said, "I'll take you there."

Li Shiting's mother said, "I'll go too.

After the two were willing to go together, Wu Ying asked them to sit in the car together. Although it was a bit crowded, they could still sit down if they were crowded. However, Li Shiting's parents refused. ride your own bike

Immediately, Li Shiting's parents rode a motorcycle and walked in front, and Lin Chen and the others followed shortly after driving their car, and they came to the section of the road where Li Shiting was killed.

Seeing Li Shiting's parents stop the car, Lin Chen and the others also got out of the car

Lin Chen looked at this section of the road. It was a road that leaned against the mountain and the farmland on the other.

On the other side of the mountain, all kinds of trees and weeds grow on the mountain, and the farmland on the side of the farmland is full of green rice.

There is a corner in front of this section of road, and there is also a corner in the back. This straight line distance is about three or four hundred meters.

The location where Li Shiting's motorcycle was found that night was around the center of the road

Li Shiting's parents still remembered exactly where their daughter's motorcycle was parked. He walked there, pointed to the ground, and said, "Comrade police officer, this is the location here. At that time, Xiaoting's motorcycle was parked here.

"You can retell what happened when you saw the motorcycle at that time." Lin Chen looked at the road and said to Li Shiting's parents, Li Shiting's father said: "That night, Xiaoting didn't go home for a long time, and the phone couldn't get through. , my wife and I rode a motorcycle and went out to find her. After we got here, we found that my daughter's car was parked here, and the helmet was on the seat cushion.

We shouted and called Xiaoting's name for a long time, but there was no response, and finally we found Xiaoting in that small forest..."

Li Shiting's father pointed his hand to a small forest on the other side of the mountain.

In fact, there is no need for him to point it out. Lin Chen and the others also know where it is, because there is still a warning belt left on the ground over there. This small forest is about [-] to [-] meters away from where Li Shiting parked.

There were no weeds or thorns in this small forest at that time, but now four months have passed, and the place where Li Shiting's body lay four months ago is already overgrown with weeds, and it is very difficult to walk in.

Lin Chen approached the grove and didn't walk in, but just stood on the side of the road to observe the support.

Ouyang Chuying stood beside Lin Chen, also observing

Wu Tianbao held the information provided by the Zhengshan Gear police in his hand, and while looking at it, he said: "Li Shiting's autopsy report is that the head was attacked with a blunt object, and the skull was smashed in many places. There were slight signs of resistance before her death. Obviously, it is very likely that he was suddenly attacked on the head and then lost a lot of consciousness, unable to resist with all his strength

When Wu Tianyu said these words, his voice was very low, but it was only heard by Li Shiting's parents.

After Li Shiting's parents heard the words, they felt uncomfortable for a while. If the murderer could appear in front of them at this moment, they would definitely pounce on him and bite him to death to vent their hatred.

Lin Chen glanced at Wu Tianyu and asked, "Is there a photo of Li Shiting's motorcycle in the data?

"Yes." Wu Tianyu nodded, then turned the document to one page, and handed the entire document to Lin Chen

540 Lin Chen took the information handed over by Wu Tianyu, and saw that the top of this page was a line of words, and there were several photos of the women's motorcycle that Li Shiting was riding at the crime scene.

Lin Chen observed this photo, looked at the road again, and said, "Li Shiting was killed that night, around [-]:[-] pm, and after [-]:[-], there are no pedestrians on the streets in big cities. On the dark country road, it feels even more lonely, and timid people dare not even walk from here at night.

When Lin Chen said this, he paused slightly, and said to Ouyang Chuying and the others, "Think about it from another position. If it were you, riding a motorcycle after eleven o'clock in the evening, how would you pass this road."

After hearing Lin Chen's question, Wu Xuan thought for a while, and was the first to answer: "If it were me, it would be so dark around me, I would look back while riding my bike, and I was afraid of riding a motorcycle. Suddenly, there was another person in the seat behind

Wu Xuan's remarks conveyed some supernatural feelings.

Wu Tianyu said: "This part of the road is close to this side of the mountain, and the forest is very dense. It looks fine in the daytime, but it must be infiltrating to Wang and a girl at night. If I were Li Shiting, I would ride a motorcycle and speed up this section. road.


1201 Photos of the surrounding environment [Subscribe]

After hearing Wu Tianyu and Wu Ying's empathy, Ouyang Chuying said: "This part of the road is on the side of the mountain, as Wu Tianyu said, the trees are dense, and it is very quiet at night, which makes it easy for people to feel Fear.

"If you think about it in another way, I'm Li Shiting. I work overtime at night until after eleven o'clock and drive through this road. I will drive by the side with the rice field and drive at a faster speed.

Li Shiting's parents listened to Lin Chen's conversation, but they just stood by and didn't say anything.

Hearing this, Lin Chen nodded, turned to Li Shiting's parents and said, "How is your daughter's usual courage?

Li Shiting's mother said: "Our family Xiaoting has average courage, not very daring, nor particularly timid.

Li Shiting's father said: "Xiaoting usually gets off work at five or six o'clock in the evening. She goes home after get off work. It was not dark at that time. Instead of staying at home that night, I went to pick her up from town and she'd be fine

Wu Xuan looked at Li Shiting's father's thin body and said: "The fierce king is very cruel, if you and Li Shiting are together that night, maybe he will even get hairy with you.

I'm fine, I have an old life, as long as Xiaoting is fine, I can do anything. "Li Shiting's father said very seriously, with remorse in his eyes.

Lin Chen didn't care about the conversation between Wu and Li Shiting's father. He returned to his topic and said: This road is a straight road, and there is no hurry to go back to the bend in front of the village. Li Shiting's courage is just average. She passed by alone so late. Here, she must be afraid in her heart, so when she is passing this straight road, her speed should be relatively fast.

Lin Chen put the high-definition photos of the motorcycle and its surroundings on the night of the incident in front of Ouyang Chuying and the others, and said, "Look at these photos of the motorcycle and its surroundings.

"What happened to the photo?" Wu Xuan muttered.

Lin Chen said: "At that time, Li Shiting passed this road at a relatively fast speed, and the murderer killed her on this road. The first thing to do to kill Li Shiting is to stop Li Shiting to Jie.

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