You said that Li Shiting had been talking in her sleep for two consecutive nights before she was killed. Although she couldn't hear what she was saying, she should have repeated a sentence? "Wu Pu's face showed excitement, it seems that it is not easy to talk in his sleep before he was killed.

"Yeah, is there any problem with this?" Li Shiting's father said: "People talk in their sleep when they are tired, right? Xiaoting may be too tired to talk in her sleep for two consecutive days.

"No no." Wu Xuan swayed the king and said, "In this midnight corpse serial murder case, there is also a victim who talked in his sleep for two consecutive days before he died.

"What?" Now it was Li Shiting's father's turn to be surprised


1199 Introduce someone to someone 【Subscription】

Dream talk, everyone has said that Li Shiting's father did not take the matter of talking in a dream for two consecutive days a few days before his daughter was killed.

Bi Zhang said on TV that people talk in their sleep when they are tired, and my daughter works very hard. It is not uncommon to talk in sleep at night.

However, Wu Tianyu and the others told him that the first victim of the midnight corpse serial murder case had also been talking in his sleep in the night before he was killed.

At the same time, she was talking in her sleep for two consecutive days, her own daughter was also talking in her sleep for two consecutive days, and she did not hear her talking in her sleep on the third day. It's such a coincidence

Are you talking straight? "Li Shiting's father's eyes widened, and he said, "The other victim also talked in his sleep for two consecutive days before the murder of "[-]"?

Yes. "Wu Tianyu nodded solemnly and said: "The other victim's sleep talk is the same as your daughter, but I don't know if your daughter's sleep talk is the same as what she said. "

When Wu Tianyu said this, he subconsciously glanced at Wu Pu on the side.

At this moment, their hearts are very uneasy. If the content of the dream talk said by the first victim Zhao Fang is exactly the same as that of the fourth victim Li Shiting

So, what does this represent?

Wu Xuan said to Li Shiting's father: "Can you recall what Li Shiting said in the dream?

"What she said was very vague, I didn't hear it clearly." Li Shiting's father scratched his head and said, "Let me think about it again, what would she be talking about in her vague dreams?

Li Shiting's father had a look of reminiscence on his face. After recalling it for a while, the look of recollection on his face turned into pain.

Seeing this, Lin Chen said to him, "Isn't it your wife who heard your daughter talking in her sleep for the second time? You can think of it if you call her back and think about it with her.

Yup. "When Li Shiting's father heard Lin Chen's words, he immediately patted his thigh and said, "I called my wife back and asked her if she could recall it.

Saying that, Li Shiting's father took out his mobile phone and called

He found his wife's number and dialed

After the phone rang for a while, Li Shiting's father was a little impatient and said, "Why did you answer the phone?"

I was in Lao Liu's house, introducing him to his son. "Li Shiting's mother said

"Introduce a bullshit, come back quickly." Li Shiting's father said

what happened at home? "Li Shiting's mother's tone is very puzzled.

"The provincial police have come to re-investigate the murder of our daughter," he explained.

Oh well, I'll be right back. "As soon as Li Shiting's mother heard that the police had come because of her daughter, her tone changed, and she hung up after saying Zong.

After Li Shiting's father put down the phone, he muttered, "This dead woman is still in the mood to introduce someone else's son." Lin Chen and the others didn't say anything but sat on the stool, waiting for Li Shiting's mother to come back

A few minutes later, there was a sound of hurried footsteps from outside, and immediately, a middle-aged woman appeared in front of Lin Chen and them

Li Shiting's father stood up immediately, and said in a fit of anger, "Your daughter's body hasn't been cremated for burial yet, you still have the mood to introduce someone to someone, is there something wrong with your mind?

Li Shiting's father was very angry. If it wasn't for Lin Chen and the others, his temper would have been bigger than he is now.

Li Shiting's mother's face was a little ugly, she took a deep breath and said, "Lao Liu's son is almost [-] years old, it's not like you don't know that if our men are average, when they reach [-] years old, they are very It's hard to find a partner, the son of the old Liu family is anxious, and the wind is good, I know a girl, so I will match them up."

Neuropathy. "Li Shiting's father scolded: "You are a lunatic, your daughter has not been cremated and buried, and you are going to introduce someone to someone, do you still have our daughter in your heart?"

My daughter is my own, how come I don't have her in my heart after falling out of my stomach? "Li Shiting's mother's tone also became tough, and there was a cry in her daughter's voice.

Because of Li Shiting's death, the couple was extremely distressed, and they felt uncomfortable in their hearts. The quarrel between the two who would quarrel over a small matter was something Lin Chen and the others did not expect.

Wu Xuan quickly stood up, pulled the two arguing away and said, "Okay, okay, stop arguing, you calm down first and answer the questions we want to know.

Ouyang Chuying also said: "We are here to investigate the case, not to see you quarreling, so let's all calm down.

After hearing what Ouyang Chuying said, Li Shiting's parents wiped away their tears and stopped arguing

After the two were emotionally stable, Ouyang Chuying said to Li Shiting's mother: "Just now we learned from your husband that Li Shiting had been talking in his sleep for two consecutive nights before he was killed. Do you still remember this incident? ?

Li Shiting's mother wiped away her tears. After a few seconds, she raised her head, looked at Ouyang Chuying, and said, "I seem to remember this matter, what's the matter? Why are you asking about this?"

Li Shiting's father explained: "These police officers said that the other victim was in the same situation as our daughter. Before the murder, he had been talking in his sleep for two consecutive days. They wanted to know what our daughter was talking about.

"Ah?" Li Shiting's mother also showed an incredible expression on her face.

"How can different people say that they are talking in their sleep for two consecutive days?" Li Shiting's mother muttered, "Could it be like the 16 rumored by those people, it's a ghost murder?

Li Shiting's father didn't say anything. Those of the older generation are still superstitious sometimes.

Lin Chen looked at the two of them and said, "In this world, only people kill people, no ghosts kill people. You don't need to think about it. Just recall what Li Shiting was talking about in the two consecutive nights before she was killed."

Li Shiting's parents began to reminisce together.

Li Shiting's mother muttered: "I did hear it the next night, and then went back to the house and told my husband, but that night, I heard it very well, and I really can't remember what Xiaoting said. , but I'm sure

"Are you sure?" Wu Pu asked.

Li Shiting's mother said: "My family's Xiaoting's sleep talk at that time was repeating a sentence."


1200 Section of the incident [2 more for subscription]

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