It was still Wu Tianyu who came to drive, Wu Pu was in the passenger seat, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were in the back seat of the car

Wu Tianyu took out the information given by the Zhengshan County police, checked the location of Li Shiting's house, and then drove towards Li Shiting's house under the guidance of the navigation.

Li Shiting's home is in a village on the edge of Qingshi Town. On the night of the crime, Li Shiting was killed on the way back because of her class.

After leaving Qingshi Town, Lin Chen and the others drove on a country road with a cement road. Zhengshan has the government's wealth, and many villages have built cement roads.

The car stopped at the entrance of the village, Lin Chen and the others got out of the car and entered the village

After asking the location of Li Shiting's house, a villager, a few minutes later, Lin Chen and the others came to the door of Li Shiting's house.

Raising his hand and knocking on the door, with the knock on the door, a man's voice and footsteps came from the door, and he came to open the door

As soon as the door opened, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Lin Chen and the others. This middle-aged man had a haggard face, and the hair on his head was the same as the parents of the second victim, Wu Min.

This middle-aged man is the father of the fourth victim, Li Shiting.

"Hello." Lin Chen said to him: "We are the special case team from Long Hai to investigate the murder of your daughter Li Shiting.

Li Shiting's father's eyes swept across Lin Chen and the others in turn, his breathing quickened, and the hand holding the door trembled slightly.

He just stood there and didn't speak for a while


1198 It doesn't seem simple [2 more subscriptions]

After seeing that Li Shiting's father didn't speak for a long time, Ouyang Chuying repeated: "Hello, we are the special case team of the Mohai City Public Security Bureau to investigate the murder of your daughter Li Shiting.

Ouyang Chuying's words brought Li Shiting's father back to his senses.

He trembled: "Please come in, please come in

Li Shiting's father's eyes were red. From his performance and his gray hair, we could also see how much Li Shiting's death was a blow to their family.

Li Shiting's house is a brick-and-tile structure. The house has two floors. Only the first floor can live in people.

Under the leadership of Li Shiting's father, Lin Chen and the others passed through the courtyard and came to the hall of Li Shiting's house.

You Gan Li Shiting's body has not been cremated, the funeral has not been done, and there is no black and white photo of Li Shiting on the wall.

He said: "My wife goes out to work, you sit down first, and I'll go get you some tea.

"No need," Wu Pu said to Li Shiting's father: "We don't drink tea, let's learn about Li Shiting first.

it is good. "Li Shiting's father was not reluctant. After hearing the words, he immediately sat down in front of Lin Chen and the others.

〃Comrade police, just ask what you want to ask. I know what the plenum will tell you. I also saw on the TV news how much the province attaches to this case. I really hope that you can catch the murderer and pay me back. A fair baby girl. "Li Shiting's father cried. Everyone could see that the parents of the second victim, Wu Min, and the fourth victim, Li Shiting, loved their daughter very much.

Wu Min is the only child at home, and Li Shiting is also the only child at home. The only child in the family has died. Parents who are nearly half a hundred years old can see how sad it will be.

After asking a few simple questions, Lin Chen said to the father of the fourth victim, Li Shiting: "In the days before Li Shiting was killed, did she have any unusual behavior, or how did she get along and talk with you, what was different from the past? , think about it

Lin Chen asked Li Shiting's father to think about it, and he fell silent, thinking straight.

After a while, he said: "There was nothing abnormal about Xiaoting in our family before she was killed, er, by the way, I don't know, is that abnormal?

Which? "Ouyang Chuying asked.

Li Shiting's father swept his eyes from everyone and asked, "Does talking in a dream count?

Li Shiting's father just said this tentatively. After he finished speaking, there was still a look of questioning in his eyes.

It's not uncommon to talk in your sleep. He wonders if these police officers will talk about sleep talk after he proposes to talk in your sleep. It's not unusual at all.

But what Li Shiting's father didn't expect was that after he finished speaking, three of the four policemen in front of him had expressions of surprise on their faces, but the expression on the face of one handsome young man did not change from Siting.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan looked at each other with surprise in their eyes

Before, when asking the first victim Zhao Ruo's husband to go, Zhao Fang's husband said that Zhao Fang was talking in her sleep two nights before the murder.

The content of the sleep talk is to find him, find him, after two days of sleep talk, the first victim Zhao Fang was killed soon. Now, the father of the fourth victim said that Li Shiting also said before the murder. Dream talk, this kind of coincidence has to make Ouyang Chuying and the others take it seriously

After Ouyang Chuying exchanged glances with Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan, the light fell on Lin Chen.

There was no expression on Lin Chen's face, Ouyang Chuying couldn't see what he was thinking at the moment

What did you say?Before Li Shiting was killed, did she talk in her sleep? "Wu Tianyu asked a question.

Li Shiting's father nodded and said, "Yes, in the days before she was killed, she was talking in her sleep.

"What is the content of her sleep talk?" Ouyang Chuying asked

If the content of Li Shiting's sleep talk is also to find him, find him, then the meaning of this sentence is not so simple. Before, the first victim Zhao Fang said to find him, find him that dream talk, Lin Chen and the others speculated that Zhao Fang was harassed by the supermarket boss during the day, so she had a dream at night, and asked the boss not to disturb her and find someone else

ask for flowers

Under the watchful eyes of Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, and others, Li Shiting's father shook his head and said, "I don't know, I didn't hear it clearly, but it seemed that he repeated a sentence.

Immediately, Li Shiting's father told Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others about the situation that night.

Li Shiting was killed on April 4 this year. A few nights before April 3, Li Shiting's father came out of the room to urinate. The house where Li Shiting lived was on the other side of the hall when he was about to push the door. When he went to the door, he heard a voice from his daughter's room. At first, Li Shiting's father thought that his daughter was still asleep. Who was he calling? But after walking a few steps closer to the room, he realized that her daughter was talking in her sleep. I repeated a sentence in it, and said it vaguely, and I don't know what it said.

He didn't care either, so he went to the door for convenience. When he came back, Li Shiting's sleep talk had stopped.

On the second night, Li Shiting's father did not wake up at night. It was her wife who woke up. Li Shiting's mother Li Shiting's mother returned to the room and told Li Shiting's father that she had just heard her daughter talking in her sleep. , murmured, as if repeating a sentence

Li Shiting's father was very sleepy at the time and didn't care.

After two nights of talking in her sleep, Li Shiting suffered an accident. On the way back from overtime, she was brutally killed by the murderer in the grove by the roadside, leaving only the motorcycle she was riding on the roadside.

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