Just now, when some police officers asked Lin Chen about the strengths of Gan Duo'er, they saw that Yu Duo'er's Yuexiong was bigger, but because the deputy director was embarrassed to say it in this situation

Among the five victims, this dry-looking Yuexiong is the most proud

Wu Tianyu said: "The murderer saw the face of the first victim, so he sawed off her head, and the murderer saw the second victim's royal arm, so he sawed off the neck down, and the Hungarian In the upper part, the fierce king took a fancy to the third victim's Yue Hun clan, so he sawed off her entire head clan."

When Wu Tianyu said this, he hurriedly said to Lin Chen: "Brother Lin, the fourth victim, Li Shiting, was sawed off with 230 waists and abdomen. Send out Li Shiting's life photos and see.

Lin Chen nodded, quickly clicked the mouse a few times, and released several life photos of the fourth victim, Li Shiting

Li Shiting works in a liquor wholesale department. In the liquor wholesale department, she works as a clerk to record goods. Sometimes when the king is too busy, she also goes to town or furniture with the people in the sprinkler department. city ​​delivery

Because Li Shiting is often outdoors and has to move goods, her figure is very slender. Compared with Gan Duoer's slightly chubby figure, Li Shiting's waist and abdomen are beautiful and slender, which can be called Yingying. pretty waist

Among the several life photos of Li Shiting, one of them was taken this year. In the photo, she opened her arms and embraced nature. The clothes on her upper body were also lifted because she lifted the open double walls, revealing a section of her abdomen. Come

Ouyang Chuying looked at this photo of Li Shiting and said: "That's right, Li Shiting's waist and abdomen are the best among the five, her waist is thinner than Wang Duoer, Zhao Fang, Wu Min, and the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan. sexy

Yes, Li Shiting's waist and abdomen may not be comparable to those of better stature, but compared with the other four of the five, it is more than enough.Wu Xuan nodded.


1211 It is worth noting 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen's reminder, everyone realized this important point.

The murderer did not randomly select the target and cut off parts of their body after killing the victim.

Before committing the crime, the murderer should have observed each victim and liked the best parts of their body, and then he was the first victim of the king. Zhao Fang's face looked good, so the murderer sawed off her body. head

The arm of the second victim, Wu Min, and the palm of her hand are beautiful, so the murderer sawed off her neck down, chest up, and the areas on her shoulders and arms.

The third victim, Gan Duo’er, had a plump figure and was proud of the Hungarian family, so the murderer sawed off Gan Duo’s proud eyes and Hungarian family.

The fourth victim, Li Shiting, has to move around frequently, move goods, and exercise enough every day to make her waist slimmer. Her waist is the best and sexiest among the five victims.

The murderer killed every victim in order to take away the best and best parts of their body, Ouyang Chuying said lightly: "The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan

Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying and said, "Remember when I was in the factory, in Guan Yan's office, I asked him if Guan Xiaoyuan had ever been in a relationship?

Remember. "Ouyang Chuying hadn't answered yet, but Wu Ying, who was on the side, said one step ahead: "You asked Guan Xiaoyuan if she had ever been in a relationship. Guan Yan said no, and said her daughter was only in high school, so how could it be possible to fall in love.

Um. "Lin Chen nodded and said, "The reason why I Guan Yan, has his daughter ever been in a relationship, is just to know if Guan Xiaoyuan, who is in high school, is a virgin.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, everyone in the conference room nodded slightly, understanding what Lin Chen meant.

In today's society, it's not uncommon for minors to do that kind of thing, not to mention high school, when some girls are in junior high school, there are many unintended pregnancies.

Lin Chendao: "The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, is still a minor. She was in high school in the city. After the murderer killed her, she sawed off her body, the part where her liver goes down and her thigh goes up.

This part includes Guan Xiaoyuan's lower abdomen, lower abdomen, and resistance. Needless to say, you all understand why the Fierce King chose Guan Xiaoyuan, right?

"Understood." A police officer nodded and said, "Because the underage Guan Xiaoyuan is still a virgin, the murderer saw this on her, so he sawed off that part of her body after killing Guan Xiaoyuan.

"That's right." Lin Chen said: "If you want to talk about a woman, what is the most precious thing in her body, for a man, a woman's first time is very fancy, and a woman's first time is also chaste. symbol

The first victim, Zhao Fang, was married and had children. The second victim, Wu Min, was in her twenties and had talked about her boyfriend before. The third victim, Gan Duoer, was 26 years old and had two relationships. Four Harmful Li Shiting, also talked about love

Among the victims of Zhao Fang, Wu Min, Wang Duoer, Li Shiting, and Guan Xiaoyuan, only Guan Xiaoyuan was a virgin, and her first time was still there. are already gone

The first time that Guan Xiaoyuan is still there is the most precious thing in her body, and it is also something that the other four people do not have.

Lin Chen's words caused everyone in the conference room to be slightly silent.

Lin Chen's eyes swept over everyone's body, and said, "Before we saw the body parts according to the murder of the murderer, and felt that the murderer had love to take the body parts that were taken from everyone and put them back together to form a complete person.

"Now, based on this, we can be sure that the murderer didn't just want to take the corpse and put it together into a person, he also collected the best qualities of each person and put together a person he thought was extremely perfect.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that this murderous man who made five murders has a perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder. He is very fond of everything and pursues perfection. "

Perfect OCD? "After hearing this, Ouyang Chuying said: "Then it can be roughly determined that the murderer has perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder and a serious corpse love.

The common fetish is to keep the whole corpse at home and let the body sleep with him every day. "A police officer muttered: "This murderer's necrophilia is a bit strange. The corpse he left by his side, but it is not complete.

"Who cares about this murderer's pursuit of perfection." Wu Tianyu said: "The murderer can't find a person who is perfect for him, so he can only take a piece of body from each person to piece together a perfect person. .

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai frowned and said

The murderer has worked five times, and he can already piece it together into an upper body. The next thing he has to do is to find a pair of legs and feet that he thinks are good-looking and perfect.

Lin Chendao: "The perfect woman the murderer needs still lacks a pair of legs and a pair of feet. If the next target he chooses has good-looking feet, then after attacking the sixth victim, he may not come out to commit the crime again. , or will be silent for a while."

If the sixth target he chooses is just good-looking legs and not good-looking feet, then there will be a tenth victim in this case. "No." Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai patted his chest and said: "Our police have increased police patrols in Qingshi Town. After the common people learned about this case, they also have a heart of precaution. Our Zhengshan County police will not Then let the sixth victim appear.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai said it very seriously. In fact, he doesn't dare not be serious now.

If there is another victim in this case, his deputy director, like the previous director, can be regarded as the end. The leaders of the city will remove him as soon as possible.

Lin Chen glanced at Qiu Mingkai, deputy director, and didn't say anything in his words.

He said: "According to what I just said, it can now be inferred that before the murderer attacked each victim, he knew about the victim, and only after seeing their advantages did he attack them.

The murderer may know these victims, or the murderer can observe the victims and discover their advantages. "It does not rule out the possibility that the murderer and the victim know each other. In addition, there is another point worth noting.

Which point? "Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai asked curiously.

Lin Chen said: "It's that every time the murderer commits a crime, no one finds out.


1212 Very Familiar 【2 More Subscription】

What Lin Chen said is worth noting is that every time the murderous king commits a crime, no one has ever discovered it.

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