After everyone heard the words, a police officer nodded and said: "Yes, this murderer committed the crime five times, although he committed the crime at night, but each time he did not have any witnesses, nor did he hear any strange movement. , I am very confident in the location of the work.

Deputy Director Ming Kai said: "Well, this murderer is very familiar with the whole Qingshi Town.

Lin Chenguang swept over the talking police officer and Deputy Chief Qiu Mingkai, and said, "Yes, the first victim Zhao Fang, the place where she was killed and sawed was the second victim Wu Min in Qingshi Town, The place where she was killed was also in Bluestone.

The third victim, Gan Duo’er, was killed by the river on the edge of Qingshi Town.”

The fourth victim, Li Shiting, was killed on her way home

The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was killed in the most prosperous place near the public toilet across Kty Road

The murder site where the murderer killed the five victims, four were all in the town and one Li Shiting was in the countryside. These five crime sites were very dangerous during the time-consuming process of sawing the corpse. 180

If someone passes by, they will see it at a glance

Lin Chen paused for a while, and continued: "In the past few years since Qingshi Town developed, the town's residential population has greatly increased. In such a densely populated town, the murderer is really full of self-confidence.

I speculate that the murderer is very likely to be a native of Qingshi Town. He grew up in Qingshi Town. very familiar

It is precisely because of his familiarity that he is so confident that every time he commits a crime, he stays in a risky place for such a long time. "Even if the murderer is not a native of Qingshi Town, he also stayed in Qingshi Town for a long time. His job, or other reasons, made him very familiar with Qingshi Town and the villages around it.

Lin Chen looked at everyone and said, "So my profile of the murderer's crime is that the murderer is between 30 and 45 years old, a native of Qingshi Town, Zhengshan County, and knows everything about Qingshi Town.

The murderer has a perfect type of obsessive-compulsive disorder (bfai) and may have been stimulated in some way. For women, there is a perverted desire, and he desperately wants to get a woman. At the same time, he hopes that the woman who is innocent can be the most perfect

"The murderer may know the victim, or he can observe each victim. His strength is definitely not small, and his height is at least 170. From the fatal wounds and saw scars on the victim's body, the murderer is still a left-handed, dominant hand. for left and right.

The corpse-loving deer is perfect obsessive-compulsive disorder, and can keep the pieces sawed off from different victims. This murderer is very likely to be a strange person.

In the conference room, Lin Chen's inferences about the murderer of the case echoed one by one. After hearing Lin Chen's criminal profile of Wang's murderer, Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai and others kept nodding their heads and wrote down some key points.

Mr. Lin. "A police officer from Zhengshan County, after hearing what Lin Chen said, looked at Lin Chen and said, "Since the murderer may know every victim, we have to learn from every victim again." Did the people around the victim start?

Lin Chen stretched out a finger, swayed it from side to side, and said, "This murderer may know every victim, or be able to observe it.

For every victim, it is not easy to find this person among the five victims.

"At least, according to the current information, there is no interaction between the relatives and friends of the five victims." However, among the five victims, there is still a breakthrough that can be investigated first. of.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, the curiosity of many police officers was piqued.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai asked, "Mr. Lin, who are you referring to?

Lin Chen glanced at Qiu Mingkai and said, "It's Guan Xiaoyuan, the first victim.

Lin Chendao: "Guan Xiaoyuan lives in the city all the year round, and rarely comes back. Even if she does, she usually stays in the house in Gucheng and only occasionally lives in Qingshi Town. It can be said that Guan Xiaoyuan, a high school student, and the fierce king. , there should be no intersection before, and the murderer will not know her

"After she returned to Qingshi Town this time, she was killed. This shows that after Guan Xiaoyuan came back this time, she encountered the murderer, met and talked to the murderer, or something else, which made the murderer see the advantages of her body, and thus Follow her, look for opportunities, and punish her. "So, you immediately go find Guan Xiaoyuan's parents, relatives, and friends, and ask them in detail where they have been since Guan Xiaoyuan returned to Zhengshan County this time, especially Qingshi Town. , ask and record every place and every road she has been to in Qingshi Town.

Ouyang Chuying said: "When we asked Guan Yan before, he seemed to have a little bit about where Guan Yuan had been after returning to Zhengshan Gear.

"What he said was not specific. On the night of Guan Xiaoyuan's murder, he was still doing that kind of thing with the female supervisor in Gong Erli. Do you think he would know the details of his daughter's whereabouts? Lin Chen asked Ouyang in return. A first sentence

It is. "Ouyang Chuying said: "From the aspects of Guan Xiaoyuan's mother, relatives and friends, we can indeed know the detailed whereabouts of Guan Xiaoyuan after returning to Zhengshan County and Qingshi Town. "

it is good. "Deputy Director Qiu Kai patted the table lightly. The direction of the investigation pointed out by Lin Chen's remarks has made him feel clear.

Qiu Mingkai said: "Then we will now divide it into several investigation directions. One investigation direction is to screen the residents of Qingshi Town according to Mr. Lin's criminal profile of the murderer. People from nearby villages will be screened.” Another direction of investigation is to investigate all the whereabouts of Guan Xiaoyuan, who she has seen, and where she has been in those days after she returned to Zhengshan County.

Qiu Mingkai summed up what Lin Chen said. According to the way of the task, the police officers under his command did it.

After speaking, Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Mr. Lin, do you have anything else to add?

Lin Chen shook his head and said no, and the relevant police officers immediately got up and left the conference room to investigate.


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According to Lin Chen's criminal profile and Qiu Mingkai's instructions, the police officers were divided into several teams of busy husbands.

Qiu Mingkai looked at the police officers who left the conference room and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the analysis you just said gave us a lot of clues. I believe that with you and the special case team here, this case will definitely be resolved in the shortest time possible. cracked inside

Lin Chen didn't care about Qiu Mingkai's words, he turned his head to look at Qiu Mingkai, and asked him, "How are the thawed corpses in this case? After Qiu Mingkai heard Lin Chen's words, he quickly said, "I'll call Phone to ask. "

After Qiu Mingkai finished speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone, found a number, and dialed it~

After saying a few words, Qiu Mingkai put down the mobile phone in his hand, looked at Lin Chen lightly, and said to Lin Chen, "Mr. Lin, the five bodies of the five victims are almost thawed, now go to the body ice warehouse, you can start autopsy

Lin Chen nodded and said, "Okay, before it gets dark, go to the corpse freezer for examination.

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he stood up and walked towards the outside.

Qiu Mingkai hesitated for a while, but still followed behind Lin Chen

On the way downstairs, Lin Chen remembered one thing, that is, Qin Feng asked himself before, that is, when he asked him to go to the autopsy, he informed him that he would go with him

Lin Chen took out his mobile phone to find the number left by Feng and was about to dial it.

Wu Xuan walked side by side with Lin Chen. After seeing that Lin Chen arrived at Zaofeng's number, Wu Pu said, "Brother Lin, you are going to the autopsy, and you want to ask Shang Zaofeng to go with you?

Is there anything you can't do? "Lin Chen asked Wu Yingdao back.

Wu said: "Our special case team is now in a somewhat competitive relationship with those detectives. To see who can find the murderer to solve the case first, you want to take Qin Feng with you for an autopsy, don't you mean to help them indirectly?

Lin Chen smiled slightly when he heard Wu Xuan's words, and said, "It's nothing, the detailed reports of the five corpses have been reported, and they all have them. Taking them for an autopsy can only be said to be data sharing, and if they join forces to request an autopsy, they will be right. The mountain police will also agree with them." After Lin Chen finished speaking, he pressed the dial button.

Zafeng's call was quickly connected, and Zafeng's voice came from the receiver: "Hello, Brother Lin."

We're going to the funeral home's body freezer now for an autopsy.Lin Chen said to Qin Feng

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