Oh oh good. "Taifeng said, "I know, I'll be there soon.

Lin Chen didn't talk to Taifeng too much and hung up the phone.

Accompanied by Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai and others, Lin Chen and the others drove towards the funeral home of Zhengshan Furniture.

After a day's visit and investigation, plus running back and forth and the meeting just now, it's getting late now

By the time the autopsy is over, it will probably be completely dark.

The car Lin Chen and the others were in quickly headed towards the corpse freezer of the Zhengshan County Funeral Home.

When the car was parked in the open space next to the funeral home, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others saw that a black car had been parked in the open space. When the people in the car saw the police car coming, they immediately opened the door. got out of the car

The people who got off the car were naturally Zao Feng and Tang Ren.

After Zaofeng saw Lin Chen, he politely nodded to Lin Chen, and it was considered a greeting.

Tang Ren smiled and said to Lin Chen: "Chen, you have been investigating for a day, have you gained anything?

What have you gained? "Before Lin Chen spoke, Ouyang Chuying, who was beside him, spoke for him.

After Tang Ren heard what Ouyang Chuying said, he smiled and said, "We've been busy all day, and we haven't found anything. It's because we didn't find it, so I came to ask you guys."

Lin Chen said lightly: "Since you haven't found it, let's go in for an autopsy. Maybe, it's not certain what will be found on the corpse." Qin Feng nodded and agreed: "Yes, yes, hurry up and do an autopsy.

Everyone stopped talking here. Under the leadership of a police officer, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, Qin Feng and the others walked into the corpse freezer of the funeral home together.

It's summer now, the weather is hot, even though it's already evening, people are walking around outside, and the hot temperature can make you sweat.

After walking into the corpse freezer, a burst of coolness struck instantly, and many police officers shivered slightly.

ask for flowers

This kind of coolness is not only the coolness of the body, but also the coolness of the spirit. After all, there are many cold corpses lying in the corpse freezer.

The five corpses of the midnight sawing serial murder case have now been placed on several tables in the corpse freezer. Five corpses, five

The body bag, lying quietly on the table

After the group came to the front of the five body bags, the intern forensic doctor who had been waiting here for a long time immediately said to everyone: "The first body counted from the left to the right belongs to the first victim, and the second body is the first body. two victims, and so on

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai nodded, and he said to the intern forensic doctor, "Then follow the order and examine the body of the first victim."0

The trainee forensic doctor nodded and walked over, pulling open the body bag of the first victim, Zhao Fang

At this moment, Lin Chen and the others are wearing masks and rubber gloves

Qin Feng also wanted an autopsy, and he also asked the police officer for a set of oral implants and rubber gloves

After Lin Chen put on the mask, he walked to the side of the first bag.

The body bag has been opened at this moment, and there is a corpse lying quietly inside, a headless female corpse.

The corpse of the first victim, Zhao Fang, has just thawed, and there are still some ice and water stains on the surface of the corpse.

Lin Chen watched the headless corpse slowly walk around her, and came to Zhao Fang, the first victim on the cross-section of the neck wound where the head was sawed off. She was smashed to death by the murderer with a blunt object. Saw her head off with a saw

On the wound section of the neck, you can clearly see the marks left by the saw on the flesh and bones

When Lin Chen observed Zhao Fang's headless corpse, some of the police officers who came along couldn't help turning their heads. The headless body was still very scary.

Qin Feng frowned when he saw Zhao Fang's body after putting on the mouthpiece and gloves. His ability to bear is very good.

The intern forensic doctor on the side explained to Lin Chen and the others: "After receiving the alarm that Zhao Fang's body was found, I was on duty with my master that day, and when I arrived at the scene of the crime, I saw Zhao Fang's headless body. and the coin of one place


1214 That information [2 more for subscription]

The intern forensic doctor briefly explained to Lin Chen and the others that he and his master attended work together on the day of the crime yesterday. After he and his master arrived at the crime scene that day, the coins on the ground were the most noticeable.

Then there's Zhao Fang's headless corpse lying on the ground.

On Zhao Fang's body, a fatal wound was found, that is, the rib of Fang's heart, which was broken by the murderer with a blunt object, causing the rib to pierce the heart, thus killing Zhao Fang.

Use a blunt object to smash the rib into the heart, it will take a lot of impact and destructive force

When the bone pierces Zhao Fang's heart, it will be very painful. I am afraid that only Zhao Fang himself will know.

On Zhao Fang's body, except for the huge neck wound left by the sawed-off head, there are no other parts of the body that have broken the "three soil soil" wounds.

The rib pierced the heart, causing blood to splatter in the body. When the neck was sawed by the murderer with a saw, it must have been blood spurting.

The trainee forensic doctor and his master saw a lot of blood splattered on the ground where the body was found, and determined that this was the first crime scene.

Zhao Fang has only a ruptured neck and some bruises on his body.

After the intern forensic doctor said this to Lin Chen and the others, Lin Chen asked, "The photo of the scene of Zhao Fang's death in the document is the original scene, you haven't moved it before taking pictures, have you?

For evidence collection at the crime scene, generally speaking, do not move anything first. After taking pictures and other on-site evidence collection, the forensic doctor or criminal police will go back and move the body.

But there are also some police officers who don't pay attention when dealing with the crime scene. They touch the corpse and change its original posture before taking pictures.

"No." The intern forensic doctor said: "The scene of the crime can't be tampered with, and without taking pictures, how can we move the body? If such a small mistake is made, it will be scolded by the master.

After Lin Chen heard the words, he would think about the photos of Zhao Fang's crime scene, and he nodded slightly, indicating that he understood.

Tai Feng also carefully inspected Zhao Fang's body and was very honest.

His partner Tang Ren had slipped out the moment he asked the intern forensic doctor to unzip the account bag, and dared not look at it.

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