A few minutes later, Lin Chen straightened up and said to Tai Feng, "Have you read it yet?"

Tai Feng nodded and said, "It's over."

Hearing this, Lin Chen zipped up the zipper of Zhao Fang's body bag, and walked towards the second body

The second body belonged to Wu Min. After the zipper was opened, the first thing Lin Chen saw was Wu Min's plain-looking face with his eyes closed. Wu Min's appearance was the most common among the five victims. span

But the skin on her body and her arms and hands are straight and nice

As the zipper slowly pulled down, Lin Chen saw that there was a missing piece between Wu Min's head and body

The head is on the top, there is an empty space in the middle, and then there is the chest

After all the zippers were opened, Lin Chen looked at Wu Min's corpse and asked the young intern forensic doctor, "It was you and your master who worked hard when you received the call to find Wu Min's body.

That's right. "The intern forensic doctor nodded: "We have only a few forensic doctors in Zhengshan County, so this time it was still me and my master who met.Immediately, the trainee forensic doctor talked about the situation when he arrived at the scene of the crime.

He and his master raised a forensic toolbox, and after arriving at the scene, they began to examine Wu Min's body.

First, based on the remaining temperature of the corpse, the time of Wu Min's death was detected, and then the wounds and scars on Wu Min were checked and the coins scattered on the ground. Many of them were hiding on the bloody forehead wound. The trainee forensic doctor and the master, Take down the coins that are close to the flesh and blood wounds one by one

Based on the sawn-off wound on Wu Min's body, it was determined what tooth pitch the blade used by the fierce king. After a series of on-site investigations, it was not found on Wu Min's body, and any suspicious fingerprints were found, and no suspicious fingerprints were found at the scene. footprints

Lin Chen observed the corpse of the second victim Wu Min for a while, and then asked the intern forensic doctor the same question: "The photos of Wu Min's corpse at the scene of the crime in the data were also taken for evidence without being moved. ?

The intern forensic doctor said: "Mr. Lin, the death photos of the five victims at the scene were all untouched and taken for evidence. You can rest assured about this.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Haopu and the others heard the words, they did not know what Lin Chen had asked this question many times.


Immediately afterwards, the body bag of the third victim, Gan Duoer, was pulled open.

Gan Duo'er's decent-looking face appeared in Lin Chen's sight

Wang Duo'er has a plump figure, and the part that was sawed off on her body is the size of her proud Moon Hungarian part.

A corpse, the position of the Moon Hungarian Department was empty, and some internal organs flowed out from the chest cavity and landed in the body bag

At this time, Lin Chen stretched out his hand to Wu Tianyu and said, "Give me that information.

When Wu Tianyu heard the words, he immediately handed the information that recorded each victim's information, the circumstances of the murder, and the photos of the murder scene to Lin Chen. Lin Chen took the information handed by Wu Tianyu, and opened the third victim, Gan Duo. On the page of my son, I looked at the information in my hand, and looked at the cold corpse in front of me, without saying a word.

After the observation of Wang Duo'er's body was completed, Lin Chen opened the body bag of the fourth victim, Li Shiting.

Li Shiting works in the wine wholesale department. Because she often runs business, she often goes to deliver goods with the male employees in the wine wholesale department.

Her skin is darker than the other four victims

But not the ugly black, but a healthy wheatish complexion

Li Shiting's head, Wang's and Hungarian's are still there, the missing 5.7 is the waist part

The murderer took a fancy to her slender waist, so he was cruel to her, killed her, sawed off her slender waist, and then took it away.

Lin Chen opened the document in his hand together, looked at the photos of the crime scene in the document, and looked at Li Shiting's body, his eyes narrowed, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the huge corpse freezer, there was only the sound of pulling the zipper of the body bag and Lin Chen looking at the document in his hand. After a while, King Lin Chen opened the last victim. People, Guan Xiaoyuan's body bag

The zipper was opened, and Guan Xiaoyuan's immature face appeared in everyone's sight. She was a young girl with a good family condition. She had a good future and lived a prosperous and comfortable life, but she was targeted by the murderer.


1215 Guess Explanation 【Subscription】

Guan Xiaoyuan's face is still very immature. At first glance, it looks like a child who is hiding under the protection of his parents and has not stepped into society.

She lay quietly in the body bag, her hair was long, her head was deformed, her body was cold, and the expression on her tender face had been distorted by the deformation of the bones.

The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was killed at the beginning of the eighth.

The murderer smashed her skull with a blunt instrument, sawing off her belly button down and her big eyes up

Guan Xiaoyuan's lower body, a pair of legs without skin and flesh connected together, a pair of solitary, toes sloping to both sides

The intern forensic doctor saw Lin Chen open Guan Xiaoyuan's body bag, and he said: "The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, after we received the duty, I followed my master and worked with the criminal police team of the county public security bureau. Together, they drove from the county town to the scene where the body was found.

"After arriving at the scene, a large number of scattered coins and blood were found at the scene. The victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was lying behind a green trash can, her body was missing the area of ​​her buttocks and lower abdomen.

15. According to the wounds and scars on Guan Xiaoyuan’s body, the murderer used a saw blade with a tooth pitch of 2 mm to cut her corpse. According to the sharpness of the saw blade and the tooth pitch, my master calculated that the murderer would cut off the victim Guan Xiaoyuan. It takes at least five minutes for the lower abdomen and buttocks to be sawed off.

After Lin Chen heard these words from the trainee forensic doctor, he nodded slightly and said, "That is to say, in that not-so-distant alley, after the murderer killed Guan Xiaoyuan, he squatted on the ground and used a saw to cut Guan Xiaoyuan. The body was sawed for at least fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes of sawing the ruler, plus cleaning up the sawed corpse and spilling the coins, the murderer needs at least twenty minutes to complete these actions.

Yes. "The intern forensic doctor said: "Twenty minutes is a conservative estimate of the time, and it is also the minimum time that the fierce king needs to spend.

After hearing the conversation between Lin Chen and the intern forensic doctor, Qin Feng, who was on the side, said slowly: "In a not remote alley, the murderer dared to stay for such a long time, and he was not afraid that someone would pass by that alley."

"This kind of confidence is King Yuan's confidence in the crime scene. Is there a possibility that the murderer is a resident living in the alley? After everyone heard Qin Feng's inference, no one agreed or refuted it.

Midnight Saw Day Serial Murder Case, Five Victims, Wuquan Location Of the five crime locations, Guan Yuan's crime location is the least remote. The murderer dared to do it in the public toilet and put Guan Xiaoyuan there. It is not impossible to say that the murderer is the resident in the alley

"Your speculation can be investigated again." Lin Chen said to Taifeng: "However, the possibility that the fierce king is the resident in the alley is relatively small. The previous police officers have visited all the people in that alley. Residents, all registered and investigated, and no suspicious people were found. Second, from a psychological point of view, a perverted murderer who commits a crime will generally not regard the [-] meters near the residence as the scene of the crime.

Qin Feng looked at Lin Chen, frowned and said, "However, this hand is too confident about the safety of the crime scene. He wants to saw off Guan Xiaoyuan's body, collect the body parts and scattered coins, and leave after processing the scene. , a conservative estimate of twenty minutes, generally takes twenty-five minutes

Zhong, what kind of confidence does he have to dare to do this?

After Lin Chen heard Qin Feng's words, the corners of his mouth rose slightly and said, "What kind of confidence do you have? If you want to struggle with this, I can give you an explanation of my guesses.

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