What guesses to explain? "Taifeng stared at Lin Chen, expecting Lin Chen to continue.

Lin Chen said lightly: "Because he killed four people in a row before, he was never seen by anyone, found by anyone, and was not caught by the police. His confidence comes from Zhao Fang, Wu Min, Wang Duoer, Li Shiting was built on the bodies of these victims.

With four successful crimes, he is very confident in his observation, judgment, and crime Wang Fa. Therefore, when he killed the fifth victim, Guan Xiaotong, he dared to stay in that dirt-shaped alley for so long.

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Tai Feng lowered his head slightly and fell into contemplation.

"Confidence built up from every deceased" Ouyang Chuying muttered after hearing Lin Chen's words

Wu Tianyu and Wu looked at each other, neither of them said a word.

Yes, the confidence built from every dead person. "

Lin Chen repeated this sentence, and light swept over Ouyang Chuying and the others, and then said, "Actually, you can find out if you just pay attention to the locations where the five victims were killed and when they were killed.

The second victim, Zhao Fang, was killed at more than two in the morning. The scene of the crime where she was dismembered was in a small wood on the edge of Qingshi Town.

The second victim, Wu Min, was killed between [-]:[-] and [-]:[-] in the morning. The place where she was dismembered was by one of the many small rivers in Qingshi Town.

The third victim, Gan Duoer, was killed at 867 o'clock in the evening, and the place where her body was sawed was at [-] o'clock behind a residential building. The fourth victim, Li Shiting, was killed at [-] o'clock in the evening. Many, the location of the murder was on the way home. When the murderer sawed Li Shiting's body, he didn't pay attention to Li Shiting's motorcycle that was parked on the side of the road and easily attracted the attention of passers-by. "

The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, was killed after [-] o'clock in the evening. The location of the murder was almost in the center of the town. The place where the body was sawed was in the not remote earth-shaped alley that we discussed just now.

When Lin Chen was talking about this, everyone in the corpse freezer didn't speak, and all looked at him.

After a slight pause, Lin Chen continued: "Let's talk about the time when each victim was killed, from more than two o'clock in the morning for the first victim, to more than twelve o'clock to one o'clock for the second victim, to the third Twelve o'clock for the first victim, and then to eleven o'clock for the fourth and fifth victims, the murderer's time for committing the crime is gradually advancing."

"You know, the longer the crime is committed at two or three o'clock in the morning, three or four in the morning, the fewer pedestrians there are on the street, and the lower the possibility of being bumped into."

"But the murderer, every time he kills a person, he will advance the time of the next crime, why?

"Because of self-confidence?" Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and said something


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Lin Chen glanced at Ouyang Chuying who was talking, he nodded slightly, and said, "Yes, because of self-confidence.

Every time the murderer succeeds in committing a crime, he gains a little more confidence in himself. Originally, at the time of [-], [-], [-], or [-] in the morning, when he came out to commit the crime, it was the most concealed time, but he didn't. The time of committing the crime will be earlier than the time of the crime, and after hearing Lin Chen's words, many people in the sun body freezer nodded slightly.

Judging from the time each victim was killed, Lin Chen's analysis is indeed correct.

After Qin Feng glanced at Lin Chen, he was also slightly silent, and he did not speak in a hurry for a while.

Lin Chen's eyes swept across the crowd and continued. From the time of committing crimes in advance, it can be seen that the murderer's confidence in himself can be more reflected from the location where the murderer sawed the body.

The first victim Zhao Fang, the place where she was sawed by the murderer was in the grove on the edge of Qingshi Town. Although I did not go to the scene of that grove, judging from the photos provided in the information, the grove Whether it is the location or the obstruction, it is very hidden.This shows that when the murderer committed the crime for the first time, his heart was still on point, and he took the victim Zhao Ruo into a safe grove, covered by branches and weeds, and passers-by would not find it at all.

The second victim, Wu Min, was sawed by a river on the edge of Qingshi Town. The location by the river was not as hidden as a grove.

The third victim, Duo'er, was more confident than when the murderer killed Wu Min. He was at the back of a residential building, leaning against the wall of that residential building, and sawing Gan Duo'er. corpse.

The fourth victim, Li Shiting, was killed on the way home. When he was sawing Li Shiting's body, although he took Li Shiting into the grove by the roadside, he did not take care of the motorcycle that Li Shiting parked on the road. , and there are no weeds and branches in the grove. As long as someone passes by and sees a motorcycle, they can glance left and right, and they can see him.

The fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan, not to mention the place where she was killed, was directly in the prosperous area of ​​Qingshi Town, where the corpse was sawed, and it was also in an earth-shaped alley that was not remote. "

After saying Zong's words, Lin Chen's voice paused slightly, and said, "According to the murderer's changing time of crime and the location he chose to commit the crime, I came to the conclusion that every time the murderer committed a crime, it gave him more confidence. , the next time he chooses the time and place to commit the crime, he should be more reckless

Mr. Lin's analysis is very reasonable. "Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai has been listening to Lin Chen's analysis. At this time, he nodded and said something. When he said this, Qiu Mingkai was also thinking in his heart, why did Lin Chen act in front of Qin Feng, a detective who has nothing to do with the police. Speaking out, didn't this provide him with some clues?

Although Lin Chen is also a detective, this time he came to Zhengshan with the magic special case team to investigate the midnight sawing serial murder case, and he came here as a consultant of the special case team.

Lin Chen, the consultant of the special case team, solved the case, the police are not ashamed

But if the case is solved by detectives who have nothing to do with the police, it will be very different.

Tang Ren, who was afraid of seeing the corpse go out because of the autopsy, walked in when he heard Lin Chen's initial reasoning.

After listening to Lin Chen's words, he couldn't help but say, "Lin Chen, Lao Qin never thought of what you said.

Tai Feng glanced at Tang Ren and looked at Lin Chen, and said, "Brother Lin, I really didn't notice the details you mentioned, your observations are much more detailed than mine.

Lin Chen waved his hand, saying that this is nothing

After discussing why he was so confident about the murderer and dared to saw the corpse in a secluded alley for so long, Lin Chen's attention returned to Guan Xiaoyuan's corpse.

Judging from the cut section of Guan Xiaoyuan's upper body wound, through the huge waist wound, it is immediately seen that there are lumps of liver and intestines in the waist.

After thawing, the livers and intestines were also hung with some fine water droplets

After doing some inspections on the body, Qin Feng stepped aside. He didn't say anything, but his behavior already indicated that he had completed the autopsy.

Lin Chen nodded to the intern forensic doctor next to him, and also said that the autopsy was completed and the body could be returned.

Immediately, the trainee forensic doctor pulled up the household bag and began to work with others.

Mr. Lin, is it alright? "Deputy Director Qiu Mingwei looked at Lin Chen and asked

Um. Lin Chen nodded, and said to Ming Kai, "You can go back now."

The five corpses have already been seen, and naturally there is no need to stay here.

Immediately, everyone walked out of the body freezer and walked towards the place where they parked before.

On the way to the parking spot, Qin Feng took two quick steps towards Lin Chen, and he asked, "Brother Lin, are you staying in Qingshi Town? Well." Lin Chen replied, "A family in Qingshi Town. Inside the hotel

Which hotel?Xiao Tang and I are also going to live in Qingshi Town to investigate the case. We want to live in the same hotel as you, Brother Lin.Taifeng told Lin Chen that the Huaxiang Hotel was on Qingshi Third Street. "Lin Chen replied indifferently.

OK "Qin Feng smiled and said: "After a while, Xiao Tang and I will go to Huaxiang Hotel to open two rooms.

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