Before leaving with Tang Ren, Qin Feng stopped to look at Lin Chen and said, "Brother Lin, thank you for the reasoning you analyzed for me just now, which has given me some inspiration.

Lin Chen waved his hand, showing that there is nothing

After seeing this, Taifeng took Tang Ren to the car they rented from the rental car and headed towards Qingshi Town.

Lin Chen and the others sat in the car back, and Deputy Director Qiu Ming said, "Mr. Lin, it's getting late and you have worked hard all day. Let's go back to the guest house in the city to have dinner.

"No need." Lin Chen said, "It's too troublesome to walk back and forth in Qingshi Town, so we'll just eat in Qingshi Town.

Deputy Director Qiu Mingkai was very enthusiastic and wanted to eat with Lin Chen in Qingshi Town, but was rejected by Lin Chen. After that, Qiu Mingkai took the police and returned to Zhengshan County.

Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Pu, members of the special case team, drove back to Qingshi Town.

After a day of running around, Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others were all hungry. After returning to Qingshi Town, they immediately found a restaurant.


1217 Bluestone Street【Subscription】

The restaurant where Lin Chen and the others ate was above Qingshi Second Street in Qingshi Town.

The most prosperous street in Qingshi Town is Qingshi Third Street. Qingshi Third Street is a relatively straight and long street.

Qingshi Second Street is on the edge of Qingshi Third Street. It is a short distance and diagonally opposite to Qingshi Third Street.

On Qingshi Second Street, which is not long, some stores have closed early because there is no one on the street.

In the past, during this period of time, when there were many people on the streets of Qingshi Town, those who worked in factories on the edge of Qingshi Town, workers in nearby mines, and residents of the town would go to work in Qingshi at night. Shopping in town

But since the case of the Midnight Severing Serial Murder Case came out, people in the town have known that there is still a perverted murderer lurking in Qingshi Town, and now at night, there are no pedestrians on the street.

The existence of this perverted murderer has cast a layer of frost on the entire Qingshi Town. As soon as the sky darkens, few people are willing to go out. What if they have bad luck when they go out, and they encounter the perverted murderer?

Lin Chen and the others asked for a private room in this hotel. The round table in the private room is very large. Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and other members of the special case team can sit down without being crowded.


Let's order. "Ouyang Chuying handed the menu to Lin Chen

Lin Chen took the menu, ordered a few dishes, and handed the menu to the other members of the special case team beside him.

After ordering some dishes, the waiter went down

Lin Chen and the others sat in the private room, sighing, after a day of investigation today, here are some thoughts on the case.

A group of people just discussed a few words, when Ouyang Chuying's cell phone rang

There was no noise in the box, everyone stopped talking after hearing Ouyang Chuying's cell phone ringing

Ouyang Chuying took out her mobile phone, which showed the number of another member of the special case team

After seeing the number, Ouyang Chuying said to everyone, "It was Akai's call.

Today, after Lin Chen and the others visited the relatives of the third victim, Wang Duoer, they learned that Gan Duoer's parents, younger brother and sister-in-law did not care about Gan Yuduoer's death.

Wang Duo'er's parents, younger brother and sister-in-law have also coveted Gan Duo'er's deposit and the clothing store for a long time.

Wang Shi, Lin Chen put forward a bold guess, whether Wang Duo'er's death was a copycat crime, the murderer was not the murderer of the midnight sawing serial murder case at all, but Gan Duo'er's parents, younger brother and sister-in-law.

This was a very bold guess. After observation and questioning, Duo'er's younger brother and sister-in-law were fine. The special case team investigated and asked Duo'er's parents in person to see if there was any abnormality in their performance.

Originally, Gan Duo'er's parents were going to Qingshi Town, and the people from the special case team were also waiting for them, but after waiting for a long time, Wang Duo'er's parents called again, and suddenly they couldn't say anything about Qingshi Town.

I didn't say why I didn't come to Qingshi Town. The way I did it was very inexplicable.

Wang Shi, Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying planned the two police officers to go to Duoer's county to find them, and figure out why they suddenly didn't come after they were supposed to come to Qingshi Town.

Akai here is one of the police officers who went

After everyone heard Ou Chuying say Akai's name, they understood that this was Akai and the others after they investigated the situation of Gan Duoer's parents and called back to report it.

While Ouyang Chuying pressed the answer, she also pressed the loudspeaker key.

Akai's voice came from the loudspeaker: "Team leader, we have found Gan Duo'er's parents and asked them why they didn't go to Qingshi Town suddenly.

Say. "Ouyang Chuying said.

That's right, this Akai said it

After separating from Lin Chen, Ouyang Chuying and the others in the afternoon, Akai and another member of the special case team searched for the address of Wang Duoer's parents and family according to the information.

The location where Wang Duoer’s parents lived was not difficult to find. It didn’t take long for Akai and the others to come to the door of Ganduo’s parents (after bfbf knocked on the door, no one came to open the door for Akai and the others, Wang is Akai). They keep knocking on the door

The sound of knocking on the door alarmed the next door neighbors of Gan Duo's parents. The next door neighbors came out of the house and asked Akai what happened to Gan Duo's parents when they knocked on the door.

Under the advice of the neighbor, Akai and the others learned that Wang Duoer's parents had gone to the hospital.

In the hospital, Akai and the others met Gan Duo'er's parents and learned the reason why they didn't go to Qingshi Town.

Originally, the two were going to Qingshi Town, but after getting on the bus, they received a call. Wang Duoer's father's brother had a car accident and was rescued in the hospital.

Wang Shi and they got out of the car halfway through, took a taxi and went to the hospital, instead of going to Qingshi Town.

The reason why I didn't tell Duo's younger brother Qiankang and the others why they didn't go to Qingshi Town was because I was afraid that they would be distracted, and I wanted them to open a shop and run a business.

Akai said: "Team leader, we talked and asked Gan Duo'er's father for almost an hour. In this small observation, apart from seeing that they were not surprised by Duo'er's death, they didn't see anything. In the unusual place, I can be sure that they have nothing to do with Wang Duo'er's death.

Um. "Ouyang Chuying gave a kind word, and guessed that Duo'er was imitated and killed by her parents because they didn't take Gan Duo'er's death seriously.

After getting this news, Ouyang Chuying and the others will not feel disappointed.

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