Knowing the situation on the other side, Ouyang Chuying said to Akai: "Since there is no problem with Wang Duoer's parents, you can come back and be careful on the road.

Good, good leader.Akai agreed and then hung up the phone.

After the call ended, Ouyang Chuying and the others continued the topic just now and chatted.

After chatting for a long time, the dishes that everyone ordered were brought to the table one after another.

Everyone has worked hard all day, and after the dishes are ready, they are welcome to eat

It took nearly an hour for the meal to end. After leaving the restaurant, it was already more than an hour at night. When it was almost time for the dirt, there were no more people on the streets of Qingshi Town.

Even if there are people, they are all men, or in groups, and can't see a single woman walking on the street.

On Qingshi Third Street, there are also no women walking alone on the street.

Everyone didn't walk much on the street. After arriving at the door of the Huaxiang Hotel, they walked in.

As soon as I entered the Huaxiang Hotel, a girl just came over to Lin Chen.


1218 Why can't [2 more subscriptions]

This girl walking towards Lin Chen is exactly kik

When seeing Kiko coming, Ouyang Chuying's eyes swelled slightly and asked Kiko: Why are you in this hotel? After hearing Ouyang Chuying's words, kko replied, "What's the matter, Officer Ouyang, why can't I~ can you stay in this hotel?

After hearing Kiko's words, Ouyang Chuying said: "I just think that you, a female hacker, often invades various websites and likes to steal other people's user information. You will stay in this hotel with us. Could it be that you have investigated us? The use of the ID card?


Iko heard Ouyang Chuying's words, and hurriedly said: "Ouyang police, this time you are thinking too much, I just happened to meet Qin Feng and Tang Ren on the street, they told me you stayed in this hotel, I just arrived. Opening a room in this hotel is not as troublesome as you think

Ouyang Chuying heard the words and said nothing more.

Iko put his eyes on Lin Chen, and asked Lin Chen, "Looking at how you look, you should have just finished eating, where does it taste good? I just want to go out to eat.

Lin Chen glanced at the clock hanging in the hotel lobby, he said, "It's so late, you still go out to eat?

I just took a bath. Kiko said, "I'm hungry after taking a shower, so naturally I want to eat.

Then you have to go out in Qingshi Town at night. Don't let the murderer catch Ouyang Chuying and remind Kiko, "Thank you Officer Ouyang for the reminder, don't worry, if I can meet the murderer, that's fine. This case can be solved by me, Kiko said with confidence

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying looked at Kiko, Kiko is quite tall, but she is very slender. I don't know how this weak-looking girl is so confident about encountering a murderer.

Not much with Kiko. Immediately, Kiko took small steps and walked out of the flower fragrance hotel.

Lin Chen and the others also took the elevator to the floor where they lived and went into their respective rooms.

The weather is very hot now, and everyone has been running around all day. After entering the room, the first thought is to quickly take a shower, change the clothes on the body, and put on clean clothes, hurry to rest, tomorrow I still don't know how long I will be busy. Lin Chen also took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom. When he turned on the shower to take a bath, he found that no matter how much he turned the switch on the nozzle, no water came out.

The sprinkler is broken? "Lin Chen muttered, and began to check the nozzles and switches.

After checking it again, Lin Chen couldn't see any problems with the nozzle and switch. In desperation, Lin Chen had to use the hotel's landline and dial the number at the front desk.

Hello sir, what service do you need. "The voice of the lady at the front desk came through the receiver.

Lin Chen told the lady at the front desk about the problems she had encountered, and the lady at the front desk hurriedly said, "Okay, sir, we'll come to help you right away.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen put on the clothes and pants he had just taken off.

After waiting in the room for two or three minutes, there was a knock on the door.

Lin Chen immediately stood up and walked towards the door

After arriving at the door, I opened the door and saw a woman appearing at the door of my room

ask for flowers

This woman doesn't look very old. She looks like she is in her thirties. She is very tall and a little fat. At this moment, she is wearing a large professional skirt and standing at the door of Lin Chen's room.


When this woman saw Lin Chen, her eyes narrowed slightly, and at the same time, she politely greeted Lin Chen

The woman's voice was still very nice, and she laughed. Those eyes were slightly swollen, and they were also very good-looking. They belonged to the type of mature young women.

Before Lin Chen could speak, she continued to say to Lin Chen: Excuse me, you called the front desk and said that the shower was not working, right? 0

That's right. "Lin Chen looked behind the woman and thought that the man who came to fix things should be a man, or there would be a man behind the woman.

What Lin Chen didn't expect was that the woman in front of her was the only one who came to fix things. In her hand, she was also carrying a plastic toolbox. I'm the manager of the Huaxiang Hotel, Shi Lan, let me help you see how the shower works. .woman introducing herself

After Lin Chen heard that the other party was the hotel manager, he let her into the room, and shook his head slightly: "Why do you need your hotel manager to do something about your hotel's maintenance?

Hotel manager Shi Guilan smiled, and she said to Lin Chen: "Our hotel staff are only so large in size.

There is only one employee, and it happens that I also know some maintenance, so sometimes something goes wrong in this hotel, and I have to fix it.

After Shi Guilan said this, she put the toolbox in her hand on the ground.


1219 Hotel Manager 【Subscription】

When the hotel manager Shi Guilan put the toolbox on the ground, Lin Chen glanced at her hand hall.

Shi Guilan's palm is very thick and large, and there are still a lot of calluses on the palm. These old people do not work often, and if they use their hands often, they cannot be worn out.

From the old seedlings in Shi Guilan's hands and palms, it can be seen that it is not easy for her to be a hotel manager. If there is a small problem in each room, she must bring a toolbox to repair it.

Comrade Police. "Shi Guilan turned around and walked towards the bathroom. As she walked, she said to Lin Chen, "I heard from the sister at the front desk that you are a special case team from the Devil Sea, "Liu Tu Ling" who came to investigate the midnight sawing corpse chain in Qingshi Town. Murder case, I don't know, has there been any progress in your investigation of this case?

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