After Lin Chen heard Shi Guilan's question, he said indifferently: "We have only been here for a day, and the progress of the investigation is not that fast, and there is no progress for the time being.

For this case, it is impossible to make no progress. Lin Chen will not talk to outsiders New, just prevaricate at will.

Oh. "Shi Guilan sighed and said, "I hope you can catch the murderer sooner. Now the people of Qingshi Town don't dare to go out at night. I'm a little scared when I go back later at night.

Shi Guilan said that she had walked into the bathroom and checked the shower that Wang couldn't get out of.

Her inspection movements were a bit chaotic, messing around here and there, and for a while, she didn't figure out the reason why the shower was not watering.

Lin Chen was thinking of something, and when he was about to ask Shi Guilan, the door of the room that was hidden was suddenly pushed open.

It was none other than Ouyang Chuying who pushed open the door of Lin Chen's room.

After pushing open Lin Chen's door, Ouyang Chuying was stunned to find that there was another person in Lin Chen's room, still a woman, standing in Lin Chen's bathroom.

After Ouyang Chuying was slightly surprised, she pointed at Shi Guilan in the bathroom and asked Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, who is she?

"Manager of the hotel, the shower in my room is broken. I notified the front desk, and she came over to help me take a look." Lin Chen replied. "Ouyang Chuying let out a coffee and said she knew.

After she finished, she asked again: "Is it repaired soon? If it is not so fast, it is the same if you go to my room to wash first.

If it was someone else, Ouyang Chuying wouldn't say such a thing. Although it's only a hotel room, it's a different feeling to let someone of the opposite sex wash in her room.

"No need." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "It should be fixed soon.

Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying were talking, and the hotel manager Shi Guilan turned to look at Ouyang Chuying and greeted Ouyang Chuying politely.

When Ouyang Chuying saw that Lin Chen didn't go to her room to wash, she didn't say more. When she was about to go back to her room, she heard Lin Chen say to Shi Guilan, "Manager Shi, there is something I want to ask you."

Ouyang Chuying, who was going to leave, stopped immediately after hearing what Lin Chen said. She was a little curious, what Lin Chen wanted to ask Shi Guilan

Shi Guilan, who was repairing the shower, turned her head and looked over after hearing what Lin Chen said, and said, "Comrade police, if you have anything, just ask Lin Chen: "When we were eating at a restaurant in town today, I heard someone at the next table talking about some supernatural events that happened in Qingshi Town. One of the supernatural events is called the broken flower umbrella in the rainy night. I wonder if you understand this supernatural event of the broken flower umbrella in the rainy night?Ouyang Chuying, who was on the side, immediately reacted after hearing Lin Chen's words.

Yes, I was in the hotel with a group of people today, and I heard the conversation of the people at the next table, and learned about the supernatural incident of the Hanye Broken Flower Umbrella from their mouths.

At that time, Ouyang Chuying asked Wu Tianyu to go to the wall to ask about the supernatural incident of the broken flower umbrella in the rainy night. However, because of a phone call from the fifth victim, Guan Xiaoyuan's father, Guan Yan, she did not ask, but hurry up. Go to Guan Yan

Now that Lin Chen asked, it also reminded Ouyang Chuying of this incident.

For a small town, a supernatural event that happened in the town should be known to many people

After Shi Guilan heard Lin Chen's words, she said, "A broken flower umbrella in a rainy night? This supernatural event seems to have happened in our town on 0.2 last year. "

Lin Chen looked at Shi Guilan, the manager, and said to her, "Then let's talk about what happened to the broken flower umbrella this rainy night."

OK "Shi Guilan smiled, and then told Lin Chen and Ouyin Chuying about the supernatural incident that happened in Qingshi Town, the broken flower umbrella in the rainy night.

This miraculous event happened in March last year.

In March last year, a small-scale collapse occurred at a mine near Qingshi Town. After the collapse, the local government immediately organized a rescue team and went to the mine.


1220 The things dug out [2 more for subscription]

The mine where the collapse occurred is located north of Qingshi Town, Zhengshan County.

After the rich mineral resources were discovered on that mountain, they were legally mined under the permission of the government.

The mine has been mined for more than two years. In the past two years, there has not been a single problem. It is also because it rained for a month in March last year, and the rain increased before the collapse occurred.

The rescue team organized by the government started from the foot of the mountain, stepped on the muddy mountain road, and after a difficult mountain road, arrived at the side of the collapsed mine

The person in charge of the mine stood at the entrance of the mine and walked around anxiously. When he saw the rescue team coming, he immediately ran up to explain the situation. Walking into the mine, the rescue operation was launched, and the person in charge of the mine stayed outside, keeping a distance from the mine where Wang collapsed.

The rescue team was guided by a miner along the tunnel of the mine to the site of the collapse

At this location, all the supports have been broken, and the soil and sand at the top of the mine have all tilted down, blocking the way to the mine.

The rescue team immediately took action and used various tools to dig up the collapsed sand. While digging, they shouted to the inside, hoping that the people in the mine could hear it.

With the progress of the excavation, the rescue team did not dig up the collapsed soil. No matter how much they shouted, there was no response from the inside. There were two speculations at that time. One was that the miners who stayed in the mine had collapsed. The soil and gravel are submerged, buried below, and there is no sound

Another possibility is that the collapsed area is relatively large, and the soil is buried deeper, so the miners in the depths can't hear the rescue team. From the afternoon, they have been busy in the mine until the evening, at [-] o'clock in the evening. When the clock is ticking, it rains heavily in the sky again.

The heavy rain that night was very terrifying, it was just pouring rain

The rescue team that launched the rescue in the mine began to find that in other places in the mine, some soil, sand and gravel fell, and a lot of them fell, and it seemed that there was a danger of another collapse at any time.

Although saving people is very important, the safety of the rescue team members cannot but be taken seriously

After the decision of the superior leader, Wang asked the rescue team to withdraw from the mine first, and moved to the residence next to the mine to wait for the rain to lighten and the mine to be safe before continuing the rescue work.

The rescue team withdrew from the mine. They all lived in the temporary residence next to the mine. The rescue team had been busy all day waiting for the rain to stop. Once they sat down in the residence, they all fell asleep. Too sleepy.

By three o'clock in the morning, the rain had stopped, and some people went to the mine to check. The support of the mine was temporarily safe, and it should not collapse again.

Wang Shi, the people from the rescue team are working again

They dug the collapsed soil hard, passed it one by one, and passed the excavated mud to the outside of the mine.

After digging for more than an hour, a member of the rescue team suddenly found an obstacle when he was shoveling mud with a shovel.

He carefully took out the obstacle in the soil, and at a glance, he found that it was actually an old-fashioned oil-paper umbrella.In a mine, digging and digging out an old and tattered oil fiber umbrella. This scene looks a little weird. In some supernatural rumors, there are also many people who close the oil paper umbrella.

Judging from the appearance and paper of the oil-paper umbrella, it must be a little old. I don't know why it appeared in the mud pile of this landslide.

The rescue team at that time just wanted to get the people inside out, and didn't care about the oil-paper umbrella.

The oil-paper umbrella was passed from the rescue team member to the person next to him, and this person passed it on to the next person, and it was passed from person to person. Where did the oil-paper umbrella go in the end, I don’t know.

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