Wang Shi, the longer he grabbed, the farther he grabbed, and when he was caught just after one o'clock in the morning, a flash of lightning suddenly appeared in the sky, and a dull thunder exploded.

With a bang, this dull thunder shocked the man who was catching the loach in the rice field.

After the muffled thunder sounded, heavy rain fell quickly in the sky.

Before this man went out, it didn't rain, and he didn't bring an umbrella or raincoat. It suddenly rained in the sky, and he was caught off guard. He hurriedly brought something and returned to the original road.

Although he was soaked in the rain, the man still showed a satisfied smile after seeing the full harvest in the bucket, but it was soon, the man couldn't smile anymore.

When he was close to Qingshi Town, if the flashlight in his hand accidentally shone on the river not far away when there was a river, there was a white figure.

The man immediately pointed the flashlight over there again and he saw that it was a man with an oil-paper umbrella in his hand and wearing white clothes, facing him in the past.

You can't see very clearly from a long distance, but it seems that this person with an oil-paper umbrella has no feet.

In the middle of the night, who would walk here alone in the darkness on the river?


001 Mortuary case

[I've been very busy recently, and I don't have time to write the main text. This is a story I wrote before. Everyone, please watch it first. When I have time, the main text will be updated to end the serial murder case of sawing dead in the middle of the night.

Time: November 2019, 11, the weather is light snow

Case: missing body

Location: First People's Hospital of Modu

Case description: Modu No. [-] People's Hospital, formerly known as the Mo No. [-] Military Region Hospital, was officially a people's hospital thirty years ago, and the mortuary was built in the early [-]s.

Morgue corpse theft, this is the latest mystery of the police department

The mortuary of the Modu People's Hospital has been missing since [-].

Originally, this matter did not belong to the criminal police brigade, because the police can handle it.

But the body that disappeared recently was a wealthy businessman with a good identity, so Zhang Tianai, the captain of the Criminal Police Brigade, took over this file on the rooftop of Villa No. 168 of the Tianzeyuan Villa Group.

Zhang Tiannuan, the captain of the serious crime team, told the case with the support case. Most of them are homeless people and people who have passed away. This time I can only ask you

The eyes are the doors and windows of the soul, but when Zhang Tiannuan faces Lin Chen, his pupils feel like his whole body is stripped naked.

Let's go and see. "Lin Chen chuckled

The black Maserati drove out of the garage, Zhang Tiannuan became more and more curious about Wang Linchen

Good value, keen to do the case

It takes about [-] minutes to get to the People's Hospital. At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, it is a big city, but the traffic jam is not serious on Monday.

Arrived at the hospital in three minutes, Zhang Tiannuan took out the police officer's certificate, a male nurse ten, and entered the elevator with the two of them.

Taking the elevator to the third underground floor, the male guard was a little scared with his eyes on, and his throat kept swallowing saliva.

Lin Chen patted the male protector on the shoulder and told him to go back first

The mortuary is on the third basement floor. The walls are painted with gray paint. Go out of the elevator to a wide hall. At the entrance of the mortuary, an old man is smoking a cigarette and listening to a radio.

Kunqu Opera is played on the radio, and white light bulbs are hung on the ceiling, and the interior of the house is very clear.

The old man is Ma Lao, in his fifties, wearing an old-fashioned Japanese suit, Ma Lao is the guard who guards the mortuary, and has been guarding the soil here for many years.

The police officer came, and another body went missing the day before yesterday. I went out to buy something, and this happened when I came back. "Ma Lao's face is full of folds, looking at Zhang Tiannuan in a police uniform, and said cautiously.

Entering the mortuary, the walls of the mortuary are snow-white, and there are three-layer corpse racks inside. This is a withdrawable corpse warehouse. The bodies of the mortuary are covered with white cloth.

The lights in the house are weak, and the silence is depressing

Come help me, this is a sensory powder substance that can sense the location and smear all this powder on the body. "Lin Chen took out a packet of powder, this is silver powder

Now the technology is very advanced, powder tracking is also a precedent in the world

After applying all the powder, the light is much lighter when applied, unless you look closely at the exterior of the corpse

When he left, Ma Lao sat at the door of the mortuary. There was a hut at the door. This was the place where Zhao Lao rested.

Driving back, as for Zhang Tiannuan, he returned to the police station, lying on the roof of the villa and watching the moonlight in the drowsy, drowsy, Lin Chen heard the phone call

Lin Chen's sports car had long been parked on the side of the road, Zhang Tiannuan was looking at the case and saw Lin Chen getting into the car to tell the sudden case

People's Hospital mortuary has disappeared again, let's go

The disappearance of the corpse in the mortuary is actually not a big or small matter, because it only involves the disappearance of the corpse, and there is no case of living being injured. After Lin Chen investigated again and again, he found that the hospital did not let anyone lead the way and went in directly.

The space on the third underground floor is still so dark, even if the lights are bright, the gas and hydrogen are still extremely depressed every day.

Ma Lao was sitting in the lounge drinking tea, when he saw the two of them, he casually said hello

Walking into the mortuary, one of the Taiping corpse warehouses was carried away, and only the white cloth was placed in a mess. "Tell me about the situation." Lin Chen frowned, looking at the surrounding voices a little

"First of all, over the years, the missing corpses were all within ten days of death. All the dead corpses were teenagers, and the corpses were all intact, and there was no car accident suicide. The body was stolen," Zhang Tiannuan said.

I saw other bodies, the powder on them was still there, took a few pictures, and then took fingerprints from the crime scene

Why do you always provoke death! "Lin Chen sighed, his pupils were weird

Don't let the dead rest in peace, because the dead have tempers too

The police have investigated before, but the murderer is very cunning, and there are no fingerprints left at the scene

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