In the lounge next to the mortuary, Ma Lao looked depressed at this time, watching the two and crying.

After leaving for a while, I went shopping for a while, and when I came back, I found traces of the mortuary door being opened. After entering, I found that the body was missing.

Ma Lao poured two cups of tea for Zhang Tiannuan and Lin Chen. Zhang Tiannuan wanted to drink water. A text message came from his cell phone.

don't drink water

Zhang Tiannuan was inexplicable, the text message was sent by Lin Chen, and he was very convinced of Tuchen's ability, so he pretended to raise the cup and took a sip


Did not get any valid stealing information, the two left

Hospital entrance

Zhang Tiannuanhu questioned: "Why can't you drink water, Lin Chen, you shouldn't doubt the guard.

"Notify the Criminal Police Brigade." Lin Chen said

Found what? "Zhang Tiannuan looked anxious.

The guard's teeth are fluorescent, and the powder is fluorescent powder that is harmless to the human body, but it will stay on the substance it comes in contact with," Lin Chen said quietly.

That's right, before the corpse was smeared with fluorescent powder, this is a case-solving record that Lin Chen saw in his previous life. Among them, Baozong and this one are very similar to the dry body. Why did Lin Chen not want to know?

Since a nightmare in a dream, Lin Chen has found that his pupils can see different things

This world is far from this calm in the dark corner, who knows if there will be silent creatures watching you!

Back home, Lin Chen's phone rang

"Mr. Lin, I caught it. The murderer is indeed a guard. We also went to test the two glasses of water. The sudden death was [-]%, mixed with toxins, and the old guy said that he could see what we found, so he wanted to fix it. On the phone, Zhang Tiannuan was very excited, but he was still afraid when talking about tea.

Lin Chen's pupils were strange, remembering the scene in the mortuary, ten corpses were howling at the gate of the guard's lounge, their flesh peeled off and blood was dripping.


002 Scum please wait to die

Guan Wang's good and evil cannot be judged

Lin Chen likes to bask in the sun in the morning and lie lazily on the leather chair to take a nap. This is his moment of peace.

Until the bell rang, Zhang Tiannuan carried it

Under the repeated pleas of the captain of the criminal police brigade, Lin Chen concluded a contract of cooperation with the criminal police brigade. Of course, Lin Chen is free at will, and only goes out to the police station if there are cases that cannot be handled by the police station.

In other words, this is the finale character

Li Tiannuan's police car is waiting for Lin Chen to come down at the entrance of the villa

When I got in the car, there was an accident. A mother and daughter in a residential building in Shenghua Community in the west of the city died at home. Captain Liu and the others have already gone. "Driving the car, Zhang Tiannuan briefly told Lin Chen about the case.

Because this incident was bigger than it was, so Zhang Tiannuan asked Lin Chen to come out

In Shenghua Community, a mother and daughter in a residential building died at home, and the caller was the neighbor of the deceased "August [-]"

Arriving at Shenghua Community and getting off the car, the police have already pulled up the cordon and more than one policeman is investigating the scene

What about the forensic doctor? Is the forensic doctor here? "Among the police, an old captain of the white-haired detective roared angrily.

The scene was horrific. Everything in the living room of the deceased was knocked over. On the sofa, two female corpses were lying on the sofa, their naked bodies were torn apart.

The white-haired old policeman is Captain Liu of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Seeing this cruel picture, eyes blood red and fists clenched

Team Liu, I have studied forensic autopsy before. Come on. "Lin Chen's face was ugly, and he patted Team Liu on the shoulder.

Two girls, this is a mother-daughter relationship

The two female corpses died within eight hours. The breath of life was killed by the breath of the room. That is to say, the lower body of the strangled lower body was torn apart, and there were signs of being violated. There were fingerprints and semen left by the murderer on the sofa. "Lin Chen's voice was cold, and the veins in his neck were exposed. The forensic doctor came and was carrying a work month box. This was a middle-aged fat man, and he nodded kindly when he saw Lin Chen's autopsy.

"Do you know that the dead can speak?" Lin Chen seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be silent

The forensic doctor did not speak, and frowned, thinking that Lin Chen was referring to the crime scene and the body of the deceased. This was indeed demonstrated in the forensic class. The deceased could not speak, but by analyzing the crime scene, he knew what the deceased experienced.

Just like Lin Chen in a dream, Lin Chen's blackened pupils were instantly pitch black, his eyes were as black as ink, looking at the corpse and unwilling to close his pupils, he said in a nightmare: "Tell me, what happened.

The angle of view was pitch black, and there was a quarrel. In an instant, Lin Chen felt that someone was strangling his neck, and then someone was yelling, and the quarrel could not be stopped.

"Is this bitch on the horse dead!

"Who told you to be so ruthless, I said that you can just give some money to play!

Then it was pitch black, Lin Chen stood up a little dazed, leaning on the sofa and watching the progress of the case

Zhang Tiannuan's eyes were blood red, biting his lower lip and clenching his fists

Check the surveillance video of the community, check the intersection monitoring, check the records of the people, and find these two bastards for me! "Liu team is angry, his pupils are blood red

The forensic doctor was looking for fingerprints to get the murderer's information. The two bodies on the sofa have been brought back to the criminal police brigade. The people present and even the later forensic doctor were extremely sad and angry.

The murderer's methods were extremely cruel. The deceased's facial expressions were distorted and his mouth was blocked. He was obviously tortured to death. In the end, Mr. Lin was strangled to death. What do you think of this case? "Zhang Tiannuan asked Lin Chen.

Do you believe that the dead have something to say? "Lin Chen smiled lightly, looking at the bloodstain


Who knows

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