in the blood

two people standing there

Bruised all over, neck ripped off with rotten flesh

Roaring and pinching eyeballs

With a ferocious twist on his face, he pointed to the south.

Zhang Tiannuan felt a little cold and couldn't help but shrank his shoulders

"The deceased was a mother and daughter. The father of the child had a car accident a few years ago. The deceased was kind and helpful in the community, and often helped the neighbors. There was no enemy. I can only say that the murderer was jealous, and the money in the room was not robbed. I always hope to catch it. These beasts stabbed them!" The text team said coldly and fiercely

Team Liu was gathering and found the clue of the murderous king. "Looking at the phone, Zhang Tiannuan pulled Lin Chen up and went to the conference room.

The gas in the conference room is cold, and everyone's face is solemn

The three murderers were located and photographed by community cameras and roadside cameras. "Team Liu adjusted the projection screen tomb, and there were three people on the screen.

This was taken at the entrance of the community. The picture is clear. Two of them are wearing black sportswear, one of them is wearing a red coat, the two have yellow hair, and the other has red hair.

"The murderer has been investigated by us, and it is very similar to the previous car robbery. Their data we investigated is from [-]. The family

The conditions are excellent, and there is no motive for murder, so these bastards are just for the pursuit of excitement. The address is the second building in the west of the city. This is a construction site that is still under construction. Not a single animal can be spared.

He patted the table abruptly, and everyone got up and got into the car and set off, sirens blaring, and drove towards the construction site of the second building in the west of the city.

Thirty special police officers, of which the Criminal Police Brigade is responsible for finding and backtracking criminals

Very relaxed, in an unfurnished small room on the fifth floor of the building, three criminals were restrained by special police

They were escorted to the Detention Center of the Criminal Police Brigade. The three were detained in three iron houses, and they were making statements at this time.

Semen fingerprint analysis, like these three people, all of them have the time and place. "Zhang Tianyue took the case and Lin Chen applied for interrogation qualifications, sitting on the red-haired pair of criminals, looking at the red-haired man, wearing a red coat, aged ten, dropped out of junior high school before finishing, and his family background is excellent.

What is the motivation. "Lin Chen said coldly with no expression on his face.

Officer, we were wrong. It was Hua Zi who said it. He said that this was very exciting, but we didn't know that the two women played without playing, and they pushed to death at 4.8. We were wrong and we lost money. "The red hair was terrified, her eyes widened and she burst into tears.

The pupils are strange, the black pupils show, and Lin Chen's voice is cold and repeated: "Tell me about the process of committing the crime."

Hongmao looked sluggish, but said expressionlessly: "The three of us discussed doing something exciting and then went to the school's home. She doesn't have a father, and her mother is very good, so we discussed to strengthen them. , and then give me some money."

"Who knew that when Hua Zi was playing too much, he was strangled to death by the neck. We were afraid and hurried away when the school girl was still angry, but was strangled by me with a rope."

Hong Mao talked about committing the crime in detail. The techniques, process, and plot were all bloody. The three police officers in the interrogation room had blood-red eyes and clenched their fists.


003 The dead are also angry

After speaking, the red hair was even more frightened and cried for mercy.

Lin Chen was in recollection, his pupils entered the sight of the deceased, it was being strangled by the neck, unable to breathe, tortured and hoarse. The feeling of breathing is being strangled by the rope that goes into the neck frequently

The deceased were not resisting, they lost their pleasure, grinned and raped and killed the mother and daughter

Lin Chen's eyes were dripping blood, the black light flashed in his eyes, and then went out again in an instant

The other two criminals in the interrogation room all explained that the three of them were car robbery before, and now they are combined with intentional homicide

The interrogation room, three people were locked on three iron chairs

Two of them were ten years old, one was twenty years old, and the ten-year-old was not protected by the law. They could only enter the labor camp and then be sentenced to ten years in prison. At twenty, they were sentenced to death indefinitely. Animals are immortal! "Zhang Tiannuan gritted his teeth.

Suddenly, the three people who were originally in the labor camp suddenly roared in unison. Among them, the red-haired king's arm was directly broken from the handcuffs, and he was roaring and biting at the necks of the other two.

The red-handed attack was too fast, and he directly bit off a large piece of meat from the necks and chins of the two of them, and then swallowed with blood in their eyes, and wanted to bite when there was a roar, but the special police used an explosion-proof fork to restrain them.

The injured two went to the hospital, of which Lin Chen asked to go with Zhang Tiannuan

"The two people's neck and throat bones were bitten off, which is impossible to do. The throat was bitten and cracked. In the future, they can only drink noodle soup, and it is useless to give anesthesia injections for this tearing pain, so they can only hold back and swallow their meals. That wit pain." The doctor said

Afternoon, off work

Zhang Tiannuan was walking on the street, drenched in light snow and refreshing

"Mr. Lin, these three beasts are also retribution. That red hair cut his stomach open in the afternoon and then bled to death. The remaining two minors spent their whole lives in pain. I asked the doctor, and their throats were wounded. Torn apart, eating is as uncomfortable as eating steel." Zhang Tiannuan sighed, at this time Zhang Tiannuan thought it was the red hair that felt guilty, and it was the sudden violence.

Maybe, I'm going home, you go back early. "Lin Chen laughed, and drove the Maserati through the pedestrian street towards the villas to the back of the villas. That is Tianlong Community, which is a high-end Modu community. The house price has now been fired to [-] square meters.

Lying on a chair on the rooftop, before I stretched out my waist, there was a quarrel in the community

The voice was getting louder and louder, Lin Chen was a little impatient, got up and went to Tianlong Community to have a look

Walking to the gate of Tianlong Community, I took out the police officer's card. This was previously issued by Liu team. It is a special police officer's certificate.

Entering the second building, in the park downstairs, several old ladies exercising are discussing

"502 The owner of the house died. He was an [-]-year-old man. I heard that he had an emergency. If he didn't come, he left the doctor's order and died.

Then what are their families arguing about? It's okay for these children to bury the old man in a beautiful way, and it's better if the property is divided into half. "Someone asked curiously

When he died at the age of [-], he also knew the destiny. These descendants should know that it was a happy death, but they were quarreling and quarrelling. The old man Niu Ping was calm and lonely in his later years, but he became hot after death.

Hmph, how can it be that simple, these sons and daughters are all unfilial old people living here alone, they have worked hard all their lives to buy and settle their sons and daughters, but in the end, they looked for a nanny to take care of them in their later years.

It's better now, the old man is dead, but I heard that they are looking for the old man's inheritance. This old man bought a lot of antique watches before his life, but they are all brand-name labor and soil officials. "An old lady was sitting in the crowd talking about things, and then looked at the 502 building with contempt There is no legacy left at all, and now these people are going crazy." The old lady was extremely contemptuous and took a sip on the ground.

Lin Chen walked towards the building of 502. There was no elevator. He slowly walked up to the fifth floor. He stood at the door and the door was wide open. Inside, two men and a woman were rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

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