Men and women are in their forties, the house is in chaos, the wardrobe has been sawed open, the floor has been smashed, the old man's bed has been sawed open, and any place where wood can hide things has been opened. , but there is no

"As for the watch, I knew that Dad had at least eight labor and ten watches a few years ago. Now it is worth more than [-] million yuan. If he dies, he will die. Where is he hiding?" The middle-aged man, it should be the old man's son. kicked the table and roared

If you smashed all these things, this old man is really dead, and he can't leave some good things for future generations.

"And all the clothes racks, wardrobes, and kitchen cabinets were smashed!

The old man and the child roared, holding a hammer and looking at the wooden box, it broke open

Can you be quiet! Lin Chen couldn't help it, looked at the three of them and frowned.

Who are you riding on the horse, what happened to the old man who smashed his own things? "A man was holding a hammer and wanted to push it towards Lin Chen.

Taking out the police officer's card, Lin Chen was expressionless, looking at the three chop sueys

Its 400 real people are very strange. If these three people wear masks, their ears become longer, their tails are pricked, and their tails are raised, then they are three wild wolves.

But will the wolf be so furious? Lin Chen is guessing, he doesn't know and doesn't want to know

Lin Chen wanted to sleep peacefully, so he came to stop this farce

Seeing the police officer's certificate, the three of them lost their temper and sneered, "Officer, we didn't break the law, right?

It's just a lot now, and it hasn't disturbed the people yet.

That's right, it's our old man's stuff, we can smash it how we want. "The old man's daughter laughed sarcastically.

You can take the things of the dead, but if you don't give them to you, it's best not to take them," Lin Chen couldn't help sighing, looking at the three people's eyes full of affection

"What are you talking about, the police are amazing, you are a nuisance."

What can't be taken, that old man will die if he dies, why not give it to us, we are his descendants

Lin Chen walked out and didn't speak, and looked outside the door 502, a white-haired old man with dead spots all over his face, he staggered and pointed at the urn of the great-grandmother, with a strange smile in his eyes, and a cold tone of murmuring.

"There! There! Come on


004 Darkness is coming

Standing outside the door, Lin Chen didn't say much.

Because he saw the old man's two sons and the youngest daughter's foreheads were blue with ominous signs. Obviously, in the next few days, they were either disabled or seriously ill and returned to the villa. Lin Chen lay on the blanket and fell asleep. This sleep was very comfortable. meal

For dry breakfast, Lin Chen is very fancy. First, he cooked millet porridge, put sugar, and then made two egg cakes. There is a side dish with tofu skin in the refrigerator at home, and the breakfast is delicious.

After eating and drinking, Lin Chen drove Masala from the garage to the police station

The current Metropolitan Police Brigade, special commissioner, this time it was Zhang Tiannuan who invited Lin Chen to handle a file

Modu Police Station, located at the north end of Gan Pedestrian Street

Mr. Lin, look at this case. "Zhang Tiannuan handed the case record to Lin Chen, and motioned to take a look.

record sheet

Location of the case: the suburbs of Modu, the Tianxingshan Mountains

Case description: Tianxing Mountain is [-] meters high. The rocks are steep and some of the rock surfaces have been petrified and depleted. Rock climbing is more difficult. The University of Finance and Economics. Among them, four people met to go rock climbing. Sany women, one of them a couple, were rock climbing. Three people in the mountain five died, only one escaped, and the other three were all dead and smashed.

The only person alive is Su Chen, [-] years old, a junior at the University of Finance and Economics

Mr. Lin, there are three people who died from rock climbing. There is something wrong with the case. During our investigation, the three of them had a big conflict with Su Chen. "Zhang Tiannuan nodded to Lin Chen and said.

trial room

Inside the interrogation room, sitting on the iron chair was a young man dressed in white sportswear. His face was pale at this time, obviously he had been greatly frightened before.

Sitting opposite Su Chen, Lin Chen's pupils suddenly became strange, the originally dark pupils instantly dilated, and the pupils looked directly at the tight device forcing Su Chen's black pupils. Seeing this terrifying scene, Su Chen suddenly leaned back, but Yu Qian was stunned. Tied up, can't move

"Tell me what the three of them said.

Lin Chenshuang was as black as ink, his black pupils forced

This is Lin Chen's latest method to persecute his mind. You must know that in the face of criminals, they are all vicious people. Only by grasping the opportunity is a fog to defeat the new god.

Su Chen looked sluggish, but said expressionlessly: "The four of us went rock climbing. I was the first to reach the top of the mountain. When I was going down the mountain, I secretly did tricks on their ropes. I cut off six of the original native ropes.

Zhang Tiannuan and a policeman beside him were stunned for a moment, and they hurriedly turned on the tape recorder and pen to record. The detailed plot and modus operandi Su Chen truthfully explained, Su Chen was expressionless and his pupils were pale.

Lin Chen turned around and rubbed his astringent eyes. There were a few drops of blood on the corners of his eyes. He tried to get up. Lin Chen forced himself to wake up. very big

Zhang Tiannuan and another policeman did not see Lin Chen's state because they were recording the statement

Without pupil force, Su Chen reacted instantly, waving his hands and roaring like thunder

At noon, call Ka Linchen to go home

At the crossroads of the pedestrian street, a taxi stopped and asked Lin Chen to get in the car

Masalabo went out for a day, and was asked by a policeman to go on a blind date, so Lin Chen prepared to carry the car home and board a taxi. The taxi driver was a middle-aged man with plain clothes and black clothes. The vest is over a white shirt, and the lower body is gray and white suit pants

Where do the cows go first? "The driver's voice carried a northern dialect and asked politely.

"Bada Lingmu." Lin Chen said

The driver is not very talkative, so when he asked about the destination, he drove out of the city.

Pada Mausoleum, a group of tombs in the northern suburbs of the capital, where the deceased are buried after cremation

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