Half an hour, arrive at Badalingmu, pay and get off

time to go! "Standing beside the car, Lin Chen has clear black and white pupils, looked at the driver and said

Right, time to go. "The driver nodded hurriedly, ready to turn around.

"I said go down!" Lin Chen said in a solemn and cold voice

The driver's face suddenly changed greatly, and he looked at Lin Chen and said in horror.

Who are you?" the driver roared, although his voice was urgent, but not a single drop of sweat dripped from his body.

If you are alive, why do you need to stay when you are dead? "Lin Chen's fingertips have red light, and the sharp-edged person is terrifying.

I can't go, I can't go, my family still needs me to repay the mortgage, and I still need to repay the mortgage. "The driver roared, grabbed the steering wheel and cried bitterly. Yi Lin Chen was indifferent, the red light on his fingertips even more, the driver's figure instantly blurred, from the face and pain to the blank face.

The driver disappeared, disappeared with a burst of darkness

The king's palm has black lines on the earth, at this time one black line has disappeared, and there are six black lines like tattoos.

Find the driver's mobile phone transfer record, turn to the bank card number before the driver's transfer to his family, Lin Chen enters the amount to transfer [-]

Yin Shi identity

Tormented by countless dreams, Lin Chen only knew that he had become a ghost a year ago

In a dream, it's like hell

Quiet yellow spring, long flowers on the other side

On the Skeleton Stone Road, an old man with a sinister look on his face, Shen Dynasty grabbed Lin Chen, roared and roared, his whole body fell, why do you want to come back, why!

This is a terrifying dream. After struggling for a year, Lin Chen obtained the ability of Yin Si.

Eyes are born with two pupils, which carry terrifying spiritual power, which can force ghosts and living people to stay silent and say what they want to say at will.

Fingertip blood, this is the lowest means of the Yin Division, to pierce the life of the deceased, open the door to death, and send the deceased back to the hell world. There is a system, and the same is true in the underworld.

The Division of Yin is in charge of the balance between the two worlds of Yin and Yang. The dead die and do not want to fall into hell. There is an obsession in the heart. Whether it is good or evil, the responsibility of the Division of Yin (Li Haozhao) is to prevent people from going to hell.

The Yin Division is divided into ten grades. The first-class palms are all Shidao black lines. When a ghost goes to hell, a black line disappears. The higher the level of the Yin Division, the more powerful it is.

When it comes to money, Lin Chen is not short of money at all, and if you are a ghost, you are rich.

Taking a taxi to the intersection of the pedestrian street, someone was burning fire paper at the intersection, a fat man in black mink walked past Lin Chen, a black fish skin wallet fell out, the fat man didn't notice, he seemed to be in a hurry, just ran wild

Lin Chen picked up his wallet, there was ten thousand yuan in it

Anyone who crosses ghosts and abandons wealth is ill-gotten wealth, and Lin Chen puts it away directly

Lin Chen is gradually adapting to the dual identities of being a police officer in the world and being a blocker in the underworld.

There was a bookstore on the pedestrian street. Lin Chen walked in. The boss was a young man wearing black sportswear. When he saw the guests coming, he waved his hand casually, indicating that he could look at it casually.


005 A bookstore

I found a copy of Dou Po Cang Qiong and He Came From Hell, and Lin Chen sat on the table and read the book

Came in at [-] o'clock and closed the book and Lin Chen yawned. The book is very good, especially since he came from hell. The protagonist in the tree danced at the fingertips of death, which made Lin Chen very happy.

Ready to go out, three students came in, smiling and looking for books

The boss is about twenty years younger. He looks bald and tall, but his face is a little pale. He is idly leaning on the sofa and meditating.

How much is the boss. "

A little dirt, the three students are going back, looking at the boss and asking

You're welcome, it's enough for one person to pay a dollar," said the bookstore owner with a smile.

After reading the book, seeing the three students still reading, Lin Chen was a little hungry, and immediately smiled.

I'm hungry. I'll leave later. I'll order takeout. "Lin Chen, in this group of students, he saw himself in his youth, and he was so innocent

I called Haidilao, the owner of the bookstore was very polite and spared one, three students and the owner of the bookstore, Lin Chen, sat around the table and ate hot pot.

The students are a little cautious, and it is estimated that they can't let go

After drinking two bottles of beer, I let go of eating and drinking, and after half an hour, I leaned on the chair and moulded my belly.

Let's help the boss clean up. "A 277 student laughed

ok help

The three students cleaned up, then said goodbye and left with a smile

After drinking the wine, Lin Chen suddenly put it down, and he set the dishes to move. Among them, the owner of the bookstore and the bookstore kept drinking and didn't move the dishes at all.

But after the three students devoured it, the Haidilao dish was not opened, and those students' wine glasses were full.

Grabbing the wine glass, Lin Chen took a sip. Like Danshui, there was no road wine fragrance.

Three chopsticks are inserted in the middle of the rice, the table is clean

Lin Chen turned on his mobile phone, and in the news headlines of the Modu Youth Daily, it was the faces of three students.

Ten days ago, three students from the third grade of the No. [-] Middle School of the Magic City went to the suburbs to sketch in the afternoon and encountered a fire in the orphanage. Three of the students risked their lives to save [-] orphans. They rushed in once, and on the eighth time never came out


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