go well

Not send

The bookstore owner is sitting at the door smoking a cigarette. He seems to have a bad appetite and has a dead feeling.

Why not eat. "Lin Chen asked

The owner of the bookstore pointed to the street. At night, the lights of the taxis on the side of the road flickered, and the lights of the shop banners also flickered. The whole city sent three children home. The first ten, it was time to go home. "The bookstore owner laughed.

Five hundred yuan was slapped on the table, and Lin Chen took a taxi home

When he got up in the morning, Lin Chen habitually touched his pocket and found a hundred-yuan bill from his back pocket.

The cyan coin, the king is clean, there is no trace of being folded

Put it in my pocket and go to the rooftop, took three wine glasses and filled it with Moutai wine

walk well

At nine o'clock in the police brigade, before entering the office, Lin Chen saw three men dressed in plain clothes, staggering, walking into the police station, and said angrily, "We reported the case to the police station, and someone took our money. , we're going to call the police

The three of you are arguing with each other. They wear simple clothes, and they do this supplementary work with raw jeans. It seems that their family background should not be good. Everyone in the police station has some sympathy, and they are also filled with righteous indignation.

This time, Lin Chen came to record the case, and Zhang Tiannuan, a flower of the police station, came to hear the case.

The case is very simple, there is no murder and arson, and there is no cheating

These three people come from a mountainous area, one kilometer away from Modu. Their village is called Fengmen Village. Because this village is in a mountainous area, it is difficult to travel, and every family is poor.

Originally, children in these villages had no money to go to school, but a few years ago, an old man donated to the whole village, and every month he gave the children money to help them go to college.

After listening to the description of the case, Lin Chen and Zhang Tiannuan had a condensed expression on their faces. This is a good thing, but why did this group of people go to the police? Knowing that (bfbe) is funded and donated, these adults are not under so much pressure, and their children have been funded to go to college, so why do these people call the police

Why did you call the police about this? It's a good thing. "Zhang Tiannuan asked curiously.

The leading middle-aged man, wearing yellow rubber shoes and an old-fashioned suit, immediately frowned.

Now that the old man is dead, it doesn't matter if he is dead, who will donate to us? "

Yeah, you know he's dead when he's dead, but what about our money?

Yes, didn't he have an inheritance when he died? Your police station can come forward and give us part of it. "

You must know that the old man said that our children will be financed by him.

The three quarreled, with aggression in their eyes.

Lin Chen tore the white paper that recorded the case to shreds, Zhang Tiannuan clenched her fists, if it wasn't for the police uniform she was wearing, she would have done it. You can mediate from it, but you have to remember one sentence, it is best not to touch the money of the dead to you, it is yours, and it does not belong to the king and you do not occupy it. "Lin Chen said with an expressionless face.

The three left, walked out of the police station and still scolded on the road, with a look of dissatisfaction and anger.

When they got to the intersection, their Audi car was parked in the garage of the shopping mall, and they were about to go to the garage. Suddenly, a Land Rover across the road failed, and the owner accelerated and slammed into the garage door.

In an instant, the three of them were directly knocked over a dozen meters, fell to the ground with crunching bones, and then remained motionless, bleeding all over their bodies.

The Land Rover driver got out of the car, this is a young fat man, he was not surprised when he saw the dead man, he clutched his chest and called his friend: "Damn, I killed him, but it's okay just haha, I have full insurance. ."

The traffic police dealt with the dead person. At this time, Zhang Tiannuan received a call from the police in the Criminal Police Brigade.

"Ding bell, bell hafnium

I'm the Magic City Police Brigade. "The police captain Zhang Tiannuan immediately picked up the phone and answered.

This morning at z o'clock, I was walking on the outskirts of Modu City. In the wasteland on the north side of the road leading to the telecommunications company, I found a woman with her lower body naked. Come to the scene quickly. "The reporter was a man, and the voice hurriedly said.

After receiving the call from the police, Zhang Tiannuan immediately notified the first team of the Criminal Police Brigade, and Lin Chen also went to the police car.

The Metropolitan Telecom Building is in the suburbs, and the Criminal Police Brigade is in the center of the city, so it took half an hour to reach the place.

In the suburban wasteland, Lin Chen looked around. There were no cameras around, and a middle-aged man in jeans with his eyes walked over beside the road.

I am the reporter, and the body is in the wasteland. Today, I went for a morning run to urinate and found it. I didn’t dare to see that it was a female reporter. The middle-aged man was quite frightened and said…


006 Serial Murder

In November in the capital, it was already a bitter winter, and the severe cold in the morning drowned out the morning light, and the weather looked extraordinarily cold.

The site is located in the suburb of Ganmodu, behind the Telecom Building. There is a piece of wasteland. It is deserted and the Telecom Building has been moved away, so there is no one at all.

The scene was filled with hundreds of onlookers, "Tianshui, you died so hard! That beast killed you!"

"Tell me about the information." Lin Chen looked at the police and said

After investigation, the deceased Sun Tianshui, the only daughter of the family, 20 years old this year, has been working as a petrol worker in the sales department of the suburban gas station company for two years. He ran away from home to go to work at 24 pm on the [-]th, and now he found the head in the wasteland!

The corpse was a man with a north foot, lying on the ground in the open wasteland.The two lower limbs were separated, and the upper limbs were stretched inward. The body was wearing a purple-red coat, and the lower body was naked with blood stains. The deceased was stabbed in the chest.

The forensic doctor looked at it and found that there were complete sperm and worms on the lower body of the body. It was obviously killed by pregnancy. The culprit should be a young man. Judging from the traces of friction on the ground, he was about [-] meters tall. "Zhang Tiannuan told Ye Chen the corpse information.

"There is also a note in the corpse pocket, which should be written by the suspect, and it says "the first dead!" Zhang Tiannuan's face was ashen, and he took out the note and showed it to Lin Chen.

Ordinary white paper with eight large characters on it, the font is crooked, the writing is very unfair, and a smiley face is drawn on the note.brute! "Team Liu was furious, clenching his fists and wanting someone

Forensic doctors are looking for clues about criminal suspects in the process of detecting dead bodies and victims.

Yugan here is the suburbs, no cameras, no records

The most terrifying of them is that the murderer is very experienced. Except for the existence of spermatozoa on the lower body of the corpse, there are no fingerprints on the body, which means that the murderer wears a kind of isolation glove.

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