First, look for nearby road monitoring, people who meet the body standard and have suspicious appearances, second, go to find people who have conflicts in the life of the deceased. Third, explore the scene to find criminal suspects based on semen. "Lin Chen was eager to continue, and Liu team nodded in admiration.

Looking at the eight characters on the note, Lin Chen had a hunch that his opponent was coming

However, this opponent is maddened and simply ignores the cruelty of ordinary people's life methods.

Even Lin Chen suspects that this is a mercenary origin. In Southeast Asia, it is the place where the most Asian mercenaries are produced, and their methods are extremely cruel.

The note says the first dead person, what does this represent, a challenge to the police! "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning, looking at the note and thinking deeply.

Returning to the meeting room of the police station, the police who went to investigate the relationship between the deceased received news that there was a young boy pursuing the deceased before his death, but the deceased already had a boyfriend. thousands of miles away

I investigated the surveillance video nearby, and I have all the information. Although there are pedestrians, there are several bus stops around, among them, all the people coming and going are from nearby factories, and they are very similar in height.

According to the semen investigation, the suspect is not listed in the register, or the semen may be injected later, and the suspect has no evidence at all. "The forensic doctor frowned.

"What's the motive of the criminal suspect!" Zhang Tiannuan frowned. There was such a big criminal case in Modu, and the Ugly Police Brigade was eager to solve the case under the pressure of the public.

"It's the age of technology, but we are as if we were clueless in this case in the Wutu era. There is still a little bit of the deceased who resisted, but according to the traces of the wasteland, the murderer is terrifying. Wang Duan's skills are on par with professionals." Lin Chen analyzed

Came to the forensic autopsy Jin Jin, lying on the autopsy table is the woman, with bruises all over her body and blood stains on her lower body.

The forensic doctor was recording the case, and walked to the corpse, Lin Chen's pupils instantly became strange, looking at the corpse and whispering

"Tell me who it is?

The picture changed, Lin Chen entered the sight of the deceased, it was very blurry, it should be evening, suddenly a man grabbed his neck and pulled into the wasteland and grass. The man beat the woman to resist the pain and howl, but his jaw was twisted and he couldn't speak. talk

"Hey hey hey first woman, I'll let you die in pleasure

ask for flowers

"Don't worry, I will slowly pierce your heart, listen to the sound of the heart gradually opening, that sound is so wonderful, right, the devil is a god-solving detective, then he knows, it's me who kills fast or him Solve the case quickly."

"Hey hey hey hey...

The voice stopped abruptly, and there was an extreme stinging pain in the chest, and the stinging pain spread gradually, but the woman did not open her eyes until she died.

Holding the chair, Lin Chen's face was pale, without a trace of blood, and clenched his fists tightly

Mr. Lin is all right.Zhang Tiannuan came over, saw Lin Chentai's pale face, and hurriedly supported him

Zhang Tiannuan drove Lin Chen home first in the police car. Although Zhang Tiannuan insisted on going to the hospital again and again, Lin Chen just wanted to go back to the rooftop to find out who was the king.

Back home, quiet and quiet, the nanny has left after get off work, the house is clean and spotless

Lin Chen likes a clean environment because it allows him to think seriously about problems

The scene of the tomb reappeared again, and the deceased smiled grimly and said that he was going to compete with the detective who solved the case.

First of all, this is a waving hand, about the age of three years old, the accent is very standard Mandarin, and no dialect can be heard at all.The fingerprints cannot be checked, the semen is injected later, and the surrounding cameras are not captured at all, and the case has entered a deadlock.

Before going back to the house to sleep, Zhang Tiannuan called and Lin had an ominous premonition, because the note indicated that the first woman to feed Mr. Lin was sorry for bothering you. In the suburbs, someone called the police and found a woman's body again. , The female corpse was ten years old and went to sketch on the grass in the park. The corpse, like the previous corpse, was also naked, and the pocket was stuffed with a piece of paper that said "the first woman!"

Zhang Tiannuan's tone was very anxious, with uncontrollable anger in his tone.

This god-killing executioner, the two corpses in the two days were young and beautiful girls, both of which were the most cruel pregnancy murders, and there was no evidence at the scene.

I'll go there right away, right in the suburban Tianshan Park, for half an hour. "Lin Chen's voice was cold, and his pupils became strange.


007 Smiley Murder

Suburban, Tianshan Park

This is a 4a-level scenic spot near the suburban wilderness, which is divided into wild animals and stone seas. The girl died in the back mountain wasteland and came to the scene. The police have already pulled up the cordon, and Liu team and Zhang Tiannuan are discussing with the forensic doctor. The process of killing the deceased

Lin Chen rushed over, his face was very bad, he used his pupil ability in the autopsy hall of the police station before, so that now Lin Chen's face is pale and his lips are purple.

Arriving at the scene, this is a female student, wearing a blue floral dress, lying on the ground in the shape of a cross, the deceased's lower body is naked, and the sweater is stained red with blood on the back

Describe the case! "Lin Chen, a forensic doctor, frowned.

The age of the deceased was terrestrial, and the process of death was only ten hours. It is said that the deceased came to the park in the morning to sketch and encountered gangsters. The wound was pierced by a sharp object in the chest, and the viscera was dried up. The deceased died. The vagina of the deceased had intact sperm exist in

The corpse was killed in the same way as the one in the suburban telecommunications building, and the pocket note is here. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned and handed Lin Chen an ordinary white note.

This is the very common white note with the words [-] girls on it with a smiley face drawn on it

Criminal police brigade, Liu team held an emergency meeting

The serial murder case caused a huge noise in the magic capital, and a group of people were disputing this matter.

This case is now left in the minds of the people, and we can't find any clues at all, which means that we have entered a deadlock. Next, please Zhang Tiannuan tell us all the information we have. "At this moment, Team Liu covered his forehead, feeling a little dizzy.

Because the case is too complicated, the suspects are looking for remote places without cameras. The suspects use cunning psychology, and the fingerprints and semen are not left behind.

For the police, this is a challenge

This is a challenge to the police, as evidenced by the criminals leaving a note

First of all, the suspect has a tyrannical tendency. This is a person who is likely to have studied martial arts. The suspect is extremely calm, and the fingerprints and semen of the criminal suspect are forged in the autopsy examination! "Zhang Tiannuan said

I clocked in to get off work and drove home in a Maserati Lin Chen. Recently, I used too much pupil power, so that Lin Chen is in a bad mood. There is an overpass at the intersection of East Pedestrian Street. The car suddenly rushed out of the guardrail, fell from the overpass more than ten meters, and shattered the glass before and after it fell to the ground.

man. "Lin Chen's face changed greatly, and he hurried to pull the car door.

There was a foreigner on the side of the road who looked stupid with his eyes on, Lin Chen pulled him to kick the car door

Lin Chen was dialing 120 and kicked open the car door fiercely. There were three people inside. The main driver was a man with blood all over his face. Although the safety gas had erupted, the accident was too severe.

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