The co-pilot was a beautiful young woman with a floral blue dress that turned red, lying motionless in the car, an eight-year-old girl in the back seat, who also fainted due to the impact

Lin Chen drove his car to the hospital in a hurry. He had learned emergency rescue at school. He saw that these three people needed emergency blood transfusion assistance, and the foreigner stayed in place and waited for the ambulance.

When he arrived at the front desk of the hospital, Lin Chen didn't speak when he saw a pale man in a green shirt standing in front of the front desk.

"Doctor, my wife and son were in a car accident, please prepare a lot of blood type c and b, my wife has a broken arm and rib, the bone most likely pierced the liver, my daughter has a concussion and a broken thigh, Please prepare equipment quickly, please prepare equipment quickly.

The man in the green shirt turned and left after he finished speaking. Lin Chen saw blood dripping from the man's forehead.

"Sir, you are also injured, so hurry up and bandage it." Lin walked over and pointed at the man's head.

Thank you, I'm fine, I'm going to accompany them quickly, and I'm very grateful if you try your best to deal with them. "After the man in the shirt finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

Within five minutes, the foreigner hurried over with the help of a stretcher. The doctor checked the comatose mother and child and sent them in to grab the classroom. The quick test turned out to be blood types C and B, and the blood was prepared in time for rescue.

"Fortunately, you came early, otherwise the mother and son would be in danger." Seeing the foreigner, he was relieved and looked at Lin Chen and said in English

Lin Chen hadn't asked yet, when the ambulance stretcher came down again. The man was wearing a green shirt and his body was stained with blood. The doctor carrying the stretcher shook his head at the emergency doctor.

Hey, the man was the least injured, but he was stuck in the compartment. When the ambulance came, he gritted his teeth and said to save the mother and son first, and then never woke up again. "The doctor sighed

what!This man has been here before! "The little protector at the counter said with wide eyes and panic.

The foreigner looked suspicious and walked out of the hospital without any depression. Lin Chen was talking about the previous scene.

I came to the hospital ahead of time. The man was wearing a green shirt with blood all over his body. He informed the doctor about the blood type of the mother and the injury and then hurried away. "Lin Chen whispered, looking at the sunflowers in full bloom in the park, speechless.

The foreigner was surprised. He was an atheist, but he couldn't help being shocked when he watched the video.

According to the conversation with the foreigner, the blond foreigner is called Jack, a native of Ying country. He came to the magic capital to shoot a Chinese documentary. Of course, Lin Chen knew at a glance that this was the second generation of rich.

I left my contact information. Jack left first and returned home. Lin took a shower.

Lin Chen has been under a lot of pressure recently, in which he cast the pupil king segment on the corpse

This is a very strange method. The pupil display is to look at the dead, and then cast its terrible king among the dead, and even get the sight of the dead

0.4 But obviously the side effects are also very big, but if the time is too long, Lin Chen will have blood dripping from the corner of his eyes, and even feel dizzy. After washing, he drank some porridge at will, lying on the bed Lin Chen slept loudly, and was woken up by a phone call in the morning Lin Chen, who was carried by Zhang Tian, ​​did not want to

to pick it up, because the call gave him a very ominous foreboding

"Hey Mr. Lin, can you accompany me to my friend's house to have a look. A strange thing happened at my friend's house." Zhang Tiannuan smiled bitterly and said that the police station is now serious about murder, so Zhang Tiannuan knew that it was inappropriate for him to invite

What's the matter, tell me in detail. "Lin Chen frowned and asked.

My friend's ex-wife has been dead for a year, but recently his youngest daughter said that his daughter saw her dead ex-wife lying on her back! "


008 Dead man lying on his back

Coming to the suburbs, this is a group of villas in the North City of the Magic City. Although the price is not as high as that in Lin Chen City, it is also the Haoyu District of the wealthy. Simple style, looks very relaxing

The male host is called Sun Tian in a suit. He is Zhang Tiannuan's classmate. He found a lot of people in this supernatural incident. There is no way out. Hearing that Zhang Tiannuan knew a detective, he begged his grandfather to tell his grandma to invite him.

Mr. Qin Tian, ​​right, please describe in detail what you want to express and everything. "Lin Chen frowned and asked.

Lin Chen has seen a lot of situations like this, it's just that the child misses the mother's blood, or it overlaps on a certain occasion, and then the brain has hallucinations.

"Hello Mr. Lin, I'm a businessman who opened a jewelry store in Modu. A year ago, my ex-wife died in a car accident and my business began to decline rapidly, and the loss of popularity was terrible."

"Six months ago, my daughter often looked behind me and laughed. At first I thought it was nothing, but then my daughter actually called me Mom and I now have a girlfriend. 15 You also know that children need to be taken care of.

"But my girlfriend's child is very reserved, she's never called a kiss like that, but now it's getting more and more wrong. Later, when I asked her, the child said that her dead mother was lying on my back. At first, I was very afraid and said that the child should not talk nonsense. Ba Dao, but the child took the picture. Tian took out the computer and opened the picture

In the picture, Taitian is cooking in pajamas, the kitchen is cut with fruit, the pajamas are sky blue, but behind the sky blue pajamas is a red dress with a strange makeup, this is dead man makeup, a woman is lying on the On his back, his pupils were white, and he stared straight at the screen. Fengtian couldn't help but panic when he saw it again. His body was trembling, and his pupils were full of panic.

Lin Chen frowned and didn't say a word, then continued to ask, "Then what?

Qin Tian gritted his teeth, took a sip of water, and said calmly, "Then I found a Taoist priest, but it didn't work, I found a Taoist priest, but it didn't work, and the monk asked for a protective amulet to no avail, so I went to see a psychiatrist. , They told me that I was missing a disease, but I didn't miss it. At this time, Qin Tian's face was pale, and Lin Chen found out when he came in. Qin Tian's face was blue and his lips were purple. It was obvious that he was suffering from extreme fright

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing bitterly, he really didn't miss it, even if the person closest to you suddenly appeared after a period of time, you would still be terrified

This is a human instinct, not everyone believes that their loved ones will not harm them

"There's one more thing, this thing makes me completely stunned." Qin Tian held his head in pain and looked at Lin Chen with a wry smile.

That is the phone. At two o'clock in the middle of the night, every Saturday at two o'clock, they will call me directly. "Zatian's face was pale, and when he said this, he couldn't help being horrified, and there was not a trace of blood on his face.

This incident was very frightening, and it was completely impossible for Gantian to face. Taitian's child named Feng sat on the sofa and listened to his father honestly.

It's just a phone call, nothing to be afraid of. "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help frowning suspiciously.

Zhang Tiannuan can naturally see that the natural old classmates are a little nervous now, and their thoughts are all terrifying to the limit. This is a strange existence.

When the spirit reaches the extreme, then it will be extremely frightened, because any small thing will make him afraid

Lin Chen naturally knew that this was the famous first thought in psychology

The phone is not scary, but that number belonged to my dead ex-wife. One night I had the guts to call it. The voice inside was terrifying. Do you know what it was? Totally crazy existence.The sound was so terrifying to the limit that it even made people unable to help but despair. You can't imagine how terrifying the sound would be once it broke out, like the whining of hell. "Qin Tian trembled all over.

Take out your mobile phone, there is a time when you have a spirit of courage

When it was played, it was a woman's scream, accompanied by the sound of scratching the ground, and even the sound of the iron sheet rubbing violently. These sounds were merged and amplified, and it was so frightening that people couldn't help but pierce the eardrum.

"How do you want us to help you? This is a supernatural incident. We are the police." Lin Chen frowned.

Lin Chen has this ability, but it's not under his own jurisdiction, and this matter is only described by Qin Tian's party. It is mainly divided into abnormal death and normal death.

Among them, the dead people who die abnormally are terrible. If they die, even if they scream at the wronged soul, they will not be reconciled.

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