So Lin Chen thinks this is weird. Even though Qin Tian found a girlfriend, but Qin Tian has a daughter to take care of, then the dead ex-wife must understand that revenge is impossible, etc.

I want you to help me, only the police can help me, I'll give you money, two million dollars. "Qin Tian's face was pale, and Lin Chen smiled, and there was no hope of withdrawing money.

Turning around and leaving, Zhang Tiannuan followed beside him, Fengtian didn't chase after him, just a look of despair, 357

"Mr. Lin, Qin Tian is my good friend, and he still has a daughter, can you help?" Zhang Tiannuan smiled bitterly, looking at Fengtian and begging

The beautiful police flower begged herself, if the average person would have agreed long ago, Lin Chen just cast a glance, looking at Zhang Tiannuan with strange eyes

What do you think about this matter? "Lin Chen couldn't help but wonder, looked at Zhang Tiannuan and said with a smile

This matter is probably due to Qin Tian's longing. His daughter just saw it wrong. How to explain the photos and the phone calls? It's so strange. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned and said bitterly.

You guessed wrong, wrong from the beginning, Fengtian's daughter is very problematic. "Lin Chen said with an expressionless face.

How is this possible, does his daughter deliberately scare her father? "Zhang Tiannuan shook his head in disbelief, expressing his complete disbelief in these things.

Whoever said there is a problem, but there is a problem, Qin Tian has a problem, he blames himself, Qin Tian has a problem with his girlfriend, a problem with a dead person, even a phone photo, hahahaha

If there are ghosts in this world, they don't have the ability to kill people. The righteous ghosts don't kill people, but they accompany you in silence and let you spend the endless torture of regret.


009 The third girl

In November, the magic capital was snowing heavily. Standing under the eaves to look at the villa, Lin Chen saw the slightest air resistance.

Yin Qi is in Mi, standing on the rooftop of Bieye, a woman in a white dress.

Standing on the rooftop in a white dress, looking at the withered yellow grass below, expressionless, as if all hope had been killed

The woman stood there and suddenly jumped and jumped. On the withered yellow grass, a blood flower bloomed. The blood flower was so beautiful that it made people's eyes blurred. foreign woman

The woman in the red dress is also Qin Tian's current girlfriend

"You are old and have no face.

Can you give God any physical happiness? He has no feelings for you anymore. "

The woman in the red dress was whispering, Qin Tian's ex-wife was expressionless and sluggish


Lin Chen couldn't help sneering, watching the hypnotism being performed

Go, stand on a high-rise building, separate and jump down, do you want youth, you return to your youth when you jump. "The woman in the white dress continued to bewitched.

In the interrogation room, Qin Tian was wearing handcuffs in both hands, looking at Lin Chen with a puzzled expression

When leaving the Taitian Villa Building, Lin Chen had already arranged for the special police to come.

Without looking at Qin Tian, ​​to Lin Chen, this is just a waste.

The woman in the red dress had tears dripping from her eyes and was aggrieved and scared

Hypnotize Taitian's ex-wife and convince her to commit suicide by jumping off the building. You have sacrificed everything for your superior. "Looking at the ridiculous gesture of the woman in the red dress, Lin Chen couldn't help disgusting.

Originally a piece of debris, why pretend to be a pure beauty

After Lin Chen finished speaking, the woman in red immediately looked horrified, seeing that Lin Chen was not speaking.

"Zhang Tiannuan, why are you arresting me?" Tiankanyang Zhang Tiannuan growled

I ask you to answer, if you don't answer your ex-wife may tear your body. "Lin Chen faintly said, at this time, he cast his pupils and instantly played with a blank expression on his face.

"How is your relationship with your ex-wife?" Lin Chen asked

"No, that old woman always suspects me that I am my son-in-law. Although everything is given by them now, it is very bad. That old woman disgusts me." Fengtian said with a blank face.

Zhang Tiannuan widened his eyes and looked at Qin Tian with a look of disgust

"Why did you quarrel last time?" Lin Chen still asked indifferently

"Because I brought Xiaoqian home, I brought her home and then I had a conflict with my ex-wife, but her family is dead, so I'm no longer afraid that my family will blow her up." Sun Tian replied dully.

How did her family die?" Lin Chen frowned.

In a car accident, I spent a million to do it, and I succeeded. The family property is all mine. My ex-wife looks ugly and committed suicide. "Qin Tian said indifferently that although his mind is now under control, what Zhengzheng wants to say is what is in his heart.

why! "Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help but said angrily.

"Come out." Lin Chen said with a smile, inviting the lovely girl out, Lin Chen didn't have a look on his face

You made the phone and the photo, for revenge. "Lin Chen smiled.

In the past, Qin Tian received a call from hell, which was actually written by Nan. There was no call from hell, it was just a technological method.

Even the photos can also be made by the great ps god. Obviously, this method is adopted.

As far as Qin Tian is concerned, it is under the torment in his heart that the goods are so terrifying

"How did you see it?" Qin Tian woke up with a tearful but sad look on his face

"On the sofa at your house, you mentioned that the death of your ex-wife is seldom light, and there is even violence in the pupils. Why is there Wu abuse?" "It's not scary to have family members returning, unless that person is the murderer.

Lin Chen sneered and said, this matter is very easy to find out. Qin Tian's culprit killed his ex-wife's family, and his girlfriend killed and bewitched Qin Tian's ex-wife.

The police autopsy room, went to the autopsy room and looked at the second girl who was murdered. This is a female student. She was covered with bruises and white cloth. Lin Chen's pupils suddenly became strange, watching the girl whisper.

Tell me everything you see. "

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