My sister came back from the United States and came to see me, and then stayed at home for two days. On the third day, she wanted to go back to Modu. Then I packed her luggage and let her go to the airport. Then I don't know. "Su Xiaoxiao replied.

"How is your relationship with your sister?" Lin Chen asked suddenly with a frown

Well, although I cut ties with my parents, I kept in touch with my sister. "Su Xiaoxiaodao, wipe his eyes

"What about your man and your sister?" Li Tian asked, squinting his eyes

Very good, my sister is very good-natured, so our whole family likes her. My man knows that Shanshan has disappeared. Now it's hard to drink and live. What is the situation with the police officer? "Su Xiaoxiao cried bitterly.

Wancheng Police Brigade, several criminal policemen couldn't help but sighed when they saw this scene. They didn't feel that Su Xiaoxiao was out of the door.

Su Chen, the captain of Wancheng Police Brigade, smiled and said, "The officer sees that this matter has nothing to do with Su Xiaoxiao. Let's investigate the surveillance video nearby. You know, dead people can't speak, but they will leave evidence." Lin Chen's eyes were weird. , thought of at the door of Su Xiaoxiao's house

A young woman stood at the door, her whole body was slashed by a knife, her blood was dripping, her flesh was turned over, and she just looked at Su Xiaoxiao's house


012 Dead man speaks

Su Chen, the captain of the Wancheng Police Brigade, frowned. He was a serious person, and he hated the most when someone involved criminal cases with ghosts and ghosts.

This is Su Chen's idea, but Lin Chen's identity is too good, so he just frowned and thought that Lin Chen was just a metaphor, "What do you think?" Li Tian looked at Lin Chen, and then suddenly asked

"What about you!" Lin Chen asked back

First, Su Xiaoxiao behaved wrongly. As the elder sister of the missing person, her physical expression was frightened, and she even avoided her pupils, which was a sign of lying. "

Second, she said that the sisters are deeply indifferent, but she said that her husband's eyes were dodging again because of his sadness. "One more thing, their children went to the hospital. According to the investigation of the Wanyu Criminal Police Brigade, their son Xiping was greatly frightened and sent to the hospital's child psychiatry department for treatment.

Why is she so frightened by coincidence? Another point is that the pupils can be dodged, and the king's fingers can also tremble, but as an insider, she should be a sad person. When she is sad, she is not afraid of anything, because it is the same as the wall anger. To the extreme, what if the police are around? "Li Tian reasoned with a smile.

After reasoning, the captain of the police department couldn't help nodding, looking at Li Tian with an expression of admiration.

It's your turn? "Li Tian patted Lin Chenqiang.

"Do you know the dead person? The dead person left evidence. The evidence was in the toilet. The child was frightened and saw a scene that shouldn't be seen. After I read the case and returned to China, Susansan took a large amount of cash, almost one million. Then I was going to do business and went to live at my sister's house for two days." "Zhigan Su Xiaoxiao's husband is a gambler. According to the investigation, he owed [-] yuan before, but he paid it back a few days ago. I bought a new book under my name and landed at [-]

So what do you say! "Looking at Li Tian, ​​Lin Chen smiled lightly.

Su Chen couldn't help but balled his tongue, and admired Gan Linchen extremely.

They ignored these subtle investigations, or he was the character in the play, and did not think that the murderer might be a close relative of the deceased

According to their thinking, the murderer should die when he encounters criminals in the society, so no one wants to think that Lin Chen is looking at Li Tian at Su Xiaoxiao's house. This guy is very powerful, and he is very good at reasoning about this matter. Find the source completely

This case is not that simple. When the police really broke it, no one thought that the deceased's sister would be the murderer. No one thought of it, but they thought they had encountered criminals.

Li Tian looked at Lin Chen, surprise flashed in his eyes

He has dealt with most of the suspicious cases, and his thinking on this kind of case has never been the same, so he is famous among detectives.But he didn't expect that Lin Chen's performance was so good that he couldn't help but be amazed

Li Tian frowned and began to pay attention to the serial killing of clowns in the dry magic capital

Because Lin Chen's strength is outstanding, but in the face of the clown mask murder case, the progress is still so slow

Su Xiaoxiao and her husband were arrested. Inside the interrogation room, their child was lying on a sick birthday, talking about blood, a lot of blood.

Su Chen's interrogation, after a day and a night of interrogation, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't stop talking.

It was her husband who joined her to kill Susansan, because Susansan carried a lot of cash. After they found out, in order to pay off the debt, they killed Susansan in the toilet and put the body in the backpack. Little carried a backpack and went to the major suburbs to cover up

But when their youngest son saw this scene, he was frightened and had a nervous breakdown.

After the case was resolved, Susansan's parents were in pain, and pointed at Su's little finger and trembling

What a vicious heart

As a sister, she actually kills her sister-in-law for money and her husband

human nature

most unpredictable

because you don't know

how terrible he is

Back in the magic capital, Li Tian began to investigate the murder of the clown face.

Case description

Location of the case: Suburbs, wasteland, alleys in urban villages, all of which are places without cameras and crowded with people

Case description: Code-named Clown Mask Murder Case, the murderer is [-] meters tall, has a burly body, has a Germanic language tattoo on his chest, wears a clown mask and is good at murderous fighting skills, and is very familiar with manipulating human organs

The deceased were all female, and the victims were all raped and killed by criminal suspects. According to the latest investigation, the deceased had not been infringed on the obstruction during his lifetime. The intact sperm in the vagina was injected later.

The fingerprints at the scene are dense, but they are all suspicious points that the criminal suspects deliberately left behind

The deceased were all stabbed to the heart by the upper head, and most of them were due to rupture of the internal organs and massive bleeding. The life of the deceased and the suspect did not know each other. This is all the information of the case, including the description of the family background of the deceased's image.

Li Tian couldn't help frowning after reading it, and finally knew why this case was a suspicious case.

The criminal suspect's mental quality is terrifying and extreme, and the person who is dead only knows a little image of the criminal suspect

Walking to the autopsy hall, Lin Chen stood on the autopsy table and looked at the three dead, his pupils blackened and his fists clenched tightly.

"You fought the murderer, can you tell me in detail." Li Tian asked Lin Chen a cup of coffee

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