That was the scene of the third deceased. I found something wrong later, because it was Thanksgiving on November 11. I went to the scene to look for flowers, and found that there were sanitation workers cleaning.

This is very wrong. Sanitation workers sweeping the floor is normal, but why is it so tight to touch the broom, and I can't look up when I walk by. The clothes of the sanitation workers are very new. I didn't care about it at first. I continued to search the sewers, and then I found the clown face And the man took the head and stabbed at me. "

We had a fight, but he was terrible, and my gun was dismantled, and he was not sure if I had a gun and left. "Lin Chen didn't hide it, he said it all

Li Tian is very powerful. He was not touted. In the detective agency, all the famous people have the ability, but Lin Chen knew that Li Tian could not solve this case.

It's fine if it's a regular case, but after contacting the murderer with a clown mask, Lin Chen realizes how terrifying Zhang Zhang is. On Thanksgiving, the suspect is usually spending the holiday with his lover and parents, and at night he will kill with his head. .

What kind of heart armor is this, and even to what extent he disregards human life, this is the existence that makes everyone unable to bear the horror. The case must be solved. The note wrote the third girl, German has records, and ten are auspicious. numbers, so the suspects must be caught as soon as possible. "Li Tian whispered, looking at the three girls


013 Competition

Lin Chen is smoking, but Lin Chen rarely smokes, because tobacco and alcohol are harmful to detectives to a certain extent.

He was thinking about it, that was the killing in the alley before.

The Germanic descendants are the descendants of the Atlantean Protoss, and they believe that "scholar" is an odd number, so Lin Chen can only satisfy the perverted psychology of the criminal suspect by judging that at least one girl is dead.

Li Tian didn't have the heart to fight, because he read all the case records, and finally knew why this matter was so thorny. "What do you think?" After taking a cigarette, Li Tian broke his own precedent and looked at Lin Chen. smiled wryly

This is not the most difficult case in history, but it is the most terrifying to face a criminal with a beautiful personality.

Did you know that when the murderer killed the third girl at night, he might spend Thanksgiving with his family on November 11 during the day, and then he killed the girl slowly at night," Lin Chen said lightly

In the pupil of the third deceased before, Lin Chen saw the girl's death

15 "We have now monitored a hundred Germanic tattooists in the tattoo shop. According to an investigation, no one has a criminal motive and time proof."

Because of the popularity of the clown-faced man in the Marvel world, many people are dressing up. "Zhang Tiannuan said to the two

The police station has hired a top forensic doctor in Kyoto, and is now investigating the subtle evidence, but the presentation is slow.

"You know, this case reminds me of the past?" Li Tian looked at Lin Chen while smoking a cigarette and said with a wry smile

It was a criminal case in France. I was asked to investigate as a detective. Jaejong was also a serial murder case, but the murderer was more perverted. and die

At that time, there were the world's top detectives from the United States, the United States, and four top detectives from Japan and South Korea to jointly investigate. This was the world's largest mystery, because it involved the religious beliefs of Western European countries, and the people who died were very strange.

First of all, in the chain homicide case, the deceased were old and young, with a total of 87 men and women. This is also the 5th case of chain homicide in the world, and even caused a riot in France. "Li Tian recalled, and then muttered to himself.

The case is very similar to this case. The case is divided into three files. The first file is that in 1982, a black man in the French embassy was suddenly assassinated at the entrance of the embassy. In 1993, the embassy killed three ten-year-old children. There was a serial murder case, in which people died "Until last year's trip to France, the chain murder case of 2000 people, you may not know this case, because it was forcibly suppressed by French officials because this incident has too much influence

Li Tian's face became weird, looking at Lin Chen and couldn't help smiling bitterly: "Do you know who those 87 people are? All of those 8 B people have Germanic language tattoos on their bodies and wear clown masks. The Batman movie was just released last year. , those deceased were put on clown masks by the suspects after they died."

Lin Chen's eyes changed drastically. If according to what Li Tian said last year, the slaughtering situation is related to the French serial murder case, then this case involves an international criminal case, and even the identity of the criminal suspect is unbelievable.

"Is the crime a foreigner?" Zhang Tiannuan, who was listening in, couldn't help frowning.

Li Tian shook his head and continued to recall.

When we went there, it was the 87th dead person in the chain homicide case. Taiwan is no exaggeration to say that four top detectives from four countries went to investigate. This has already deployed all its forces. Later, Japanese and Korean detectives were assassinated and became one of the [-] dead. Detective Kokuni and I escaped the bomb fortunately. "

It's too scary, you can't think of religious fanatics once their minds are sharp to the extreme, when they perfectly manipulate the second personality, they can't tell that they are murderers, but when the second personality is released, it is a naked evil dragon.

Later, through global satellite investigation and top forensic tracking, we found the suspect. It was a ten-year-old French high school student. When we found him, he was having a candlelight dinner with his girlfriend. When he saw us, he smiled faintly and then Detonated the bomb. "According to the investigation, Zou Ju and even the parents of this child don't know why he committed the serial murders. They don't even know how religion found them. The second personality is extremely terrifying." After Li Tian finished speaking, he sighed.

Zhang Tiannuan couldn't help being surprised because this was a terrible change

Among them, the suspect's heart is not so terrible, but he can perfectly manipulate the second personality, and even return to the first personality after killing people, and his performance is the same as usual.

The second personality is an upright executioner. He is proficient in assassination, organ location, and anti-reconnaissance eye recognition, which are all abilities learned after religious contact.

Lin Chen couldn't help but his face changed dramatically. According to Li Tian's analysis, it was difficult to know that he was now very suspicious that there was this one-man demon, even the first personality was living a normal life, and in the evening, the second personality would enjoy the thrill of killing.

He's not going to be crazy, he's not going to break down, and he may be mad at the end, but everyone can't bet

As a foreign population, ten foreigners account for 950% of the [-] people in the country, and the migrant workers account for [-]%. This is completely impossible to investigate.

"How do you think we can break through? We have to find a way." Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly. He had lost his confidence, because the contact a year ago made him know how terrible the criminals are.

I don't think he is a foreigner, I think he is a local. According to my previous fight, he is around 20-25 years old, and his height is 177. His accent is a bit southern, and her second personality is very quick in thinking.

So let's start with tattoo parlors. There are only a few tattoo parlors. Now we have found a total of 89 people, and the ten most unqualified people are screened. These ten local people are tall and fit, and there is still time to commit the crime. I think we can start with these ten. "Lin Chen frowned.

It's the only way, and it's hard to walk, but it's gotta go

In order to break the pressure of the public, the police had to tell the only information. Lin Chen managed to read the team. He was too old to be seen by too many people.

Countless eyes are watching from the position under the buttocks. People don't know how difficult the case is to investigate. They only know that the suspect must be caught as soon as possible.

Lin Chen understands Wen team, this is a good policeman, upright and selfless


014 The wind is blowing

trial room.

Sitting in the interrogation room, Lin Chen listened to Professor Chen talk about the previous investigation

According to the analysis of acquaintances, we found that the three deceased had an ambiguous relationship with a woman. After going out to play together late at night, we then investigated and found two tops in the house they rented. The heavy blood cannot be concealed. "Professor Chen said.

"What does the three deceased suspect Zhang Lanxin have to do with you in the back hill of the electronics factory?" Lin Chen looked at the woman with a solemn tone and frowned.

I killed it, it doesn't matter. "Zhang Lanxin said with an expressionless face.

Squinting, Professor Chen was a little surprised, this is very strange, because this is a woman with a body less than 160, and her body is thin, but at this time, she did not tremble all over, very indifferently, her pupils were looking directly at everyone

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