Why did you do such a heinous thing when you were only two years old. "Looking at the criminal suspect's personal data sheet, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and said, this woman is only twenty years old, and she looks beautiful.

Rape! "The woman was expressionless and spoke slowly.

Lin Chen said nothing, some silent criminal suspects have confessed, admitting the fact that they killed the deceased, and the whole process of exiting the interrogation room does not need to be guessed.

The three deceased raped Zhang Lanxin, and then Zhang Lanxin was forced to rape again. The desperate Zhang Lanxin chose to kill him first, and then tempted the three to go to the back mountain one by one, and then killed him in confusion.

Lin Chen was a little silent, as if he was asking questions about the electronic girls in the back mountain. Those people called it a death sentence. It was indeed a death sentence. Some people who killed people were not necessarily called criminals. It was just a kind of thinking.

Zhang Tiannuan ran back and forth in Anjuyuan when she was investigating Martin. Nine years ago, she had already found three attackers.

Not everyone is watching from the sidelines, some people take this matter to heart, and describe the death process in tears when Martin's younger brother is crying, and the death of the whole family is extremely sad and angry.

At eight o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chen clocked in and got off work.

Looking at the dark night sky, Lin Chen always has a feeling that the man is back

That is the perverted murderer from before, that is, Chu Yuan

Lin Chen is very familiar with Gan Chuyuan. This guy is the murderer he has faced all the time, even in the global suspicious cases. He returned to the villa, sat on the big soft chair in the study, and looked at the case of the mentally ill. record

Du No. 1990 Mental Hospital This is the back of the No. [-] Hospital of Modu. It was built in [-], and then it is the largest neurological patient in Du. The number of neurological patients is divided into five areas, and each area has [-], which is nearly one. neurological patient

The No. [-] Neurological Hospital of the Magic Capital is located in the northern suburbs of the city, close to the northern part of Tianxing Mountain. There are few people here, and most of them are overpasses and highways. Since three years ago, the literature team gave Lin Chen a record of a total of thirteen people. The neurotic chose to hijack the cash truck. They behaved extremely strangely, wielding machetes and slashing the cash truck, and were then shot and killed by the special police.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Lin Chen put down the case and rested. The case has been suffering for a long time, so during this time, it was very unnatural for Lin Chen to rest. At nine o'clock, Lin Chen got up and went to the police brigade.

What are Zhang Tiannuan and the deceased brother Martin explaining? In the end, they have been looking for evidence for prosecution

what's going on now

Lin Chen asked

Now that Professor Chen has completed the electronics factory case, he has now joined Lin Chen's temporary team

The Sixth Team had also suspected Chu Yuan before, because the chances of Chu Yuan's shot are very high regardless of the various records, so Team Liu arranged for Lin Chen and Professor Chen to play.

For Gan Chuyuan, this perverted murderer, Liu team knew that ordinary police officers could not deal with it, because Chu Yuan's strength in the past was the level of the world's top special forces.

Nine years ago, we posted that the video was shot by the community camera. Although it was deleted at that time, the security captain was not Fatty Sun at that time. He was a middle-aged man named Liu Lao. Now Liu Wushi is more than [-] years old, and he handed it over to shoot. video," Zhang Tiannuan laughed.

This is a major development in the case, and even now the development is very fast

All these bastards will be punished by law. "Martian's younger brother's eyes are red and swollen, and he went to see his brother's grave before.

It is simply unimaginable, a family of five, five solitary graves, this was the time when the police paid to help with the burial

For so many years, no one has come to worship the venerable, and the resentful souls inside are extremely sad and angry

Hand can be caught. "Professor Chen couldn't help but be excited.

He followed this case from beginning to end. Naturally, he knew about the scumbags, the scumbags sponsored by a building.

, n Why do you want to arrest, but detain directly? Most of the people involved in this matter, but they think the so-called law is not good, how can such a god-killing thing escape?

At that time, all the scum had to be arrested. Now they are adults, and the minimum is from the beginning of the year, because all five members of the family died. The second is the owners who participated in the beating. They were charged with intentional injury, beating, and bullying.

Nearly [-] people, all of them have to go in and stay for at least ten. The appeal is that all five members of a family died. The death of five people is enough to cause a huge heated discussion in the media. "Lin Chen said with a sneer.

Nine years ago, the group of scumbags not only did not know their own, but beat the victim's father, causing him to jump off the building and commit suicide. Martin's younger brother has already prosecuted. At noon, four people from the Criminal Police Brigade, and the police in their vehicles surrounded Anjuyuan in Chengzhong Village. The district has Zhao’s)

All the owners were arrested, and the media was also exposing this matter, causing huge controversy in the society

In the afternoon, Lin Chen drove to the Third Neurological Hospital of the Magic Capital for investigation.

When I came to the hospital, I got the police ID, and the dean received everyone in the office

This time, it was Lin Chen and Professor Chen who brought two vulgar criminal police officers. This is because Team Liu took the criminal police to protect him just in case.

Since Lin Chen and Li Tian were attacked before, Liu has been protecting these top talents.

Lin Chen couldn't help laughing bitterly, his skills can be said to be very good, if he hadn't encountered that kind of perverted murderer, wait for my murderer to be arrested.

The director of the mental hospital is a forty-year-old man who wears a white coat. Looking at Lin Chen, he smiled wryly and said since the incident of the neurotic patient attacking the money transporter, this hospital has been subject to a lot of controversy and quarrel in the society.


015 Go, go, go

When he woke up again, Lin Chen looked around, the white walls, the six-piece white quilt, and someone next to the table got warm water and took a sip. Lin Chen felt that his head was still confused.

The door was opened, and Li Tian walked in, looking at Lin Chen's eyes softened a lot, not the aggressive scene before

Li Tianti slipped the fruits and supplements by the window, looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile: "You did what I always wanted to do, don't explain why those two people are crazy, I'm a detective and I know they won't have the guts to do this. things, but I don't know anything

By the way, the two scumbags were sent to the hospital and they have been rescued now. Zhao Di is the criminal suspect who was raped without expectation. His butt and chrysanthemum were smashed. To tear the mouth can be said that the pain is simply hopeless.

"That scumbag old woman had hundreds of small holes in her face, and the little protector cried. Now all the drinking water is left out of her face, and her lips are dry. She wants to die. The torture she will suffer in the future will not be at all. Worse than that guy.

Li Tian said Zong, watching Yang Lin Chen bowed, and then saluted the military

Thank you for letting me see the human side. The child was picked up. Some reporters wanted to investigate and were detained by Team Liu. This guy is very good. He knew this and laughed. Those who said the police station beat the criminal suspect All 420 people were caught by him

"Thank you for fulfilling my childhood wish."

Li Tian smiled and bowed to Lin Chen.

"I'm going to be discharged from the hospital." Lin Chen said lightly

Being helped out of the hospital, Lin Chen still felt that his head was heavy, but Lin Chen felt very refreshed. Let reporters investigate

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