Lin Chen frowned at the neighbor's gossip

"Hello, we are the Criminal Police Brigade. This time, a woman's body was found in the pool of Tianshan Community. The body was highly decomposed, but after someone familiar with it identified the body as your granddaughter, please tell me about the incident half a year ago." Zhang Tiannuan He stood up, watched the old man report the completed case, and then asked with a frown

At this time, at the door of House 205, a large group of people had already gathered, and none of the residents of this building looked good.

Who can have a good look, because the corpse was found from the drinking pool and soaked at the bottom of the pool for half a year, or else someone passed by the property before and reacted to the strange taste of the water. It's always been corpse water

This kind of thing makes the whole building's residents look ugly, each one's face is pale, looking at the old man with no old face, it seems that his relationship is normal in this building

"Six months ago, the child disappeared. At that time, it seemed that he was in love with a netizen, and then I insisted on going to her. I beat her to stop her from going. In the end, the child sneaked away in the dark, and then I went to look for her. , I searched for a month and sent out a lot of flyers but couldn't find it." The old man was wearing white pajamas and wiped his tears with his sleeves.

Why not call the police. "Li Tian frowned.

The old man took out the flyer before, and it was indeed a record of looking for the child. Among them, the height, clothes, and pictures were written on the phone. Thank you.

But Lin Chen's only curiosity was why he didn't call the police. He went to see netizens and then disappeared mysteriously. Obviously, he suffered an accident or was kidnapped.

But this old man is very strange. If there are more than one, he will send out leaflets to look for it. If it is judged that the relationship between the granddaughter and the grandfather is not good, the parents of the child should also call the police.

The child's parents died early and suffered a car accident in the early years. After the death, the child's grandfather received a pension of [-] million yuan on his behalf. Because the child was too young, he had a guarantor to collect it on his behalf. "A neighbor at the door said

What is the relationship between the child and his grandfather? "Lin Chen frowned and asked.

The relationship is normal, because her grandfather is very stingy and does not take good care of this child. "

Yes, I used to beat children a lot in the past.

Neighbors have seconded the road around

Lin Chen nodded, he almost knew the case

If the corpse has been at the bottom of the drinking pool, no one will ever know the secret

Of course, this building is always drinking tap water, drinking water soaked by corpses

Hey, I searched for the child for a month but couldn't find it, and finally I didn't call the police. I was afraid that the bad guys would know to bully the child. "The old man cried helplessly for a very poor excuse." Lin Chen said that the neighbors around him frowned.

no one is a fool

I'm afraid of gangsters so I don't call the police


"Take away 100, let's go to the interrogation room to record the case." The police need to record the statement and investigate

Hello, you are residents of this building. I would like to ask if the old man and his niece have any rumors. "Lin Chen asked with a frown when he walked into the crowd of people watching the fun.

"Everyone said that this old man didn't study well, took the death pension of the child's parents, and then often bought expensive clothes and bags for his niece-in-law. They all said that he had a glimpse."

Yes, this woman is not a good woman. Sometimes she comes in the evening and leaves in the morning during the day. "

At this time, the neighbors around you said every word, and looked at the old man with contempt.

The property management company in this community has been smashed. After drinking corpse water for half a year, the residents were completely furious, and the property did not make any noise.what are you going to do. "Seeing the police force to take him away, the old man panicked.

Take you to cooperate with the investigation. "Li Tian said with an expressionless face.

take you where you should go”

Lin Chen's face was cold, and then he said coldly

Where should Renqing go, hell or prison.

Lin Chen looked at the kitchen, there was a bloody child standing there, wearing a red sweater, his whole body seemed to be chopped up by a knife and then spliced ​​together, with scars and flesh lines.

The girl pointed at the old man, her eyes were dripping with blood, her whole body shrugged and turned into a pile of rotten meat in an instant.


019 Endless Sins

The missing person's name is Zhao Baoshan, [-] years old. His niece-in-law is called Sun Xiuli, Santu Shisui, who came to visit in the morning.

The police assisted the Interpol Brigade to temporarily detain the two of them in the Wancheng Branch, and they were interrogated by Lin Chen, Li Tian, ​​and Professor Chen together.

The top forensic team from the imperial capital is examining the corpse. They try to detect the evidence left by the suspect through the body. Because this is the only breakthrough point, the rest of the breakthrough points cannot be found.

Physical testing, the forensic medical team of the Magic City Police Brigade has conducted testing before, but there is no progress in the fingerprint testing and the vaginal sperm detection of the deceased.

The suspect's thinking is a truly vicious thinking. Four of the deceased's lower bodies are complete and their essence is injected later.

Lin Chen checked it, that is to say, according to the crime process, the criminal suspect first removed the victim's chin, and then prevented it from making a sound, and then covered the neck, holding a sharp weapon and piercing the heart accurately, the deceased's heart pierced and died.

Then the suspect took out the semen and injected it into the semen investigation, which were all European and American semen types

Zhao Baoshan was sent to the interrogation room. Standing at the door of the interrogation room, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, looking at Li Tian curiously.

In Omi countries, you can donate semen, and then you can get a part of the reward, so many young people go back to donate semen, so is it possible that the suspect stole the semen. "Lin Chen frowned.

This speculation is not ridiculous, even confirmed

First of all, Asians and Europeans and Americans have different body structures, and the semen components are also different, so just look at the complete sperm and you can find them

I'll go check it out," Li Tian said solemnly

Li Tian has a wide network of contacts. Among them, his circle of friends are all detectives, and he has a large circle of friends in the world, so this investigation is what Lin Chen needs Li Tian.

What Professor Chen said before is very reasonable, investigate the global semen bank, whether it has been stolen or lost

On the one hand, it is the evidence left by the top forensic doctor in examining the four women, and on the other hand, it is the investigation of the tattoo parlor staff.

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