What do you think about the investigation by the officers? If what you said is true, and the suspect murdered on Thanksgiving in the past, then his concealment would be impossible to trace. "Go on." Li Tian took a cigarette and couldn't help it. smiled wryly

There are so many things involved in this matter that it is very difficult to even investigate

"Do you know the third soil theory? It involves the fundamentals of detective science, that is, the ten major evidences, and then combined with the scene traces, 3df simulates the criminal suspect's murder process. During the simulation, the criminal suspect's psychological state will also be displayed along with it.

This is the world's top class of kings, and that's all there is to it. "Lin Chen said with a wry smile.

The theory of Deth originated from Father Brown, the world's top detective. He has his records in the world detective science. He proposed it, but it has not been announced to the world.

"Please say" Li Tian is very curious, although he is the world's top detective, but it is often rare among detectives, because top detectives

They all have big monsters, so they have no friends in the same profession.

The theory of Deshi, which is divided into the murder before the death, the criminal method of the crime machine, the dialectics of the dead, and the 3D simulation of the death scene. "In fact, the most important thing is the dialectics of the dead, which is a very difficult method, but Father Brown still recorded this method. If the dead were ordinary people, there would be people struggling and despairing among the dead, but very few of them would struggle. Leaving residual evidence, so we are looking for the residual evidence, even the mud ten drawings of the deceased, biting the murderous king leaving blood in a certain location or even tearing the suspect's body." Lin Chen finished, his face changed greatly.

Ignored, since the beginning, this thing has been completely ignored

Because there was no progress at all in the previous investigation, no one knew about the dialectics of the deceased. Even the evidence collected by the forensic doctor was ignored during the investigation of the death scene, because no one thought that the deceased would be left in the process of death. Evidence Lin Chen believes that although most of them are ordinary people, each person's death process is different, so once there is a dialectical of the deceased, then the real progress of the case will be

The deceased's dialectical, after the trial of this old man, let's go to the scene again, "Li Tian's eyes were wide and he couldn't help saying excitedly.

The theory of soil is no stranger to him, but the key is the gradual ordering. Father Brown is the world's top detective. In his youth, he had a strange thinking and often used the opposite direction to solve cases.

Therefore, many suspicious cases in the United States have been solved, so this Lin Chencai will suddenly think of it.

Lin Chen can only bless, the deceased are four, and the four pupils have all seen Lin Chen, so he is guessing which deceased is upright and stayed behind to dialecticalize the deceased.

After he figured it out, he walked into the interrogation room. Zhao Baoshan, the grandfather of the missing girl, was pale.

The old man is still the old man, when you sit upright in the interrogation chair and look at the police badge and the rough law enforcement of the interrogating police around for decades, it will make you collapse

This is not what your so-called perseverance can stop, this is the collapse of the police's psychological defense line

Zhao Baoshan's face was pale, but he didn't say a word.

Li Tian smiled. Professor Chen said that the old man had a problem before.

Professor Chen, whose real name is Chen You, is [-] years old and is the ten representative of the Chinese Psychology Doctorate. He was shocked by the speech at the Global Psychologist Conference. Among them, he is proficient in criminal psychology.

Any idea how I would fit into criminology? "Professor Chen looked at Yang Lin Chen and said with a chuckle, Xiping is very interested in Lin Chen.

how? "Lin Chen frowned, he was thinking about (promise) the dialectics of the dead, and asked casually

I integrate into the criminal suspect, regard myself as a criminal suspect, and then simulate killing the victim in my head, then integrate into the family environment education and three views of the criminal suspect, and then feel the motive for the murder. "Professor Chen smiled.

Lin Chen is ashen, yes he has always forgotten

No one is integrated into this perverted criminal suspect, because everyone is just acting as a second personality, but no one directly understands the suspect's motives

The first personality and the second personality do exist, but Zhizhengkong is still a criminal suspect. What is he thinking about killing people, not just for the so-called novelty

Even Lin Chen couldn't help sneering, the note left for the police was ridiculous, because the font was very similar to that written by elementary school students, this one is very simple, draw a smiling face, and then write the first girl

Criminals give elementary school students a little money, and no one will refuse.


020 The Seventh Theory

Integrating into the criminal suspect's psychology means that there is no first or second personality, because the criminal suspect perfectly integrates the criminal psychology, his definition of thinking, and his behavior as a person. "

He is not a lunatic, nor a pervert, but a purpose-motivated murderer

Dialectics of the Dead, Criminal Minds

Lin feels a lot more comfortable because at least it makes sense to investigate.

trial room

Zhao Baoshan suddenly burst into tears. In this situation, several police officers looked directly at him. Zhao Baoshan's mental breakdown could only be done by crying to cover up his heart.

Comrade police, what are you trying to do? My old man has never broken the law in his life. "Zhao Baoshan wiped his tears and cried, "No one said you broke the law." Lin Chen frowned and asked back.

In the face of this old guy, Lin Chen has encountered too many, so there is no pressure to face him

Zhao Baoshan was choked, and after a while, he said cautiously, "Then why did the police comrade arrest me?"

"I didn't catch you!" Lin Chen became impatient, frowning and squinting at Zhao Baoshan

There are eagles in the grasslands, and people in the prisons

No matter how terrifying and powerful people are, there will always be a bottom line in their hearts 037

When his nervousness is about to collapse, the adrenal glands secrete rapidly and panic

This is the initial state of a person. Lin Chen is the eagle, no matter whether you are an old man or a teenager. Sitting in the interrogation room and watching the police, no one speaks and is depressed.

What's the matter with the police officer?" Zhao Baoshan started to stutter a little when he spoke.

He's scared, his heart is racing, it's like you're going to a fight and being surrounded by dozens of people watching you.Please describe in detail the process of your granddaughter's disappearance, and that's it. "Lin Chen suddenly looked at Zhao Baoshan in a soft voice and said with a smile.

Hey, my granddaughter, fell in love on the Internet, and then went out to meet netizens. At that time, I didn't let him go out. As a result, the child was disobedient and insisted on going out, and then disappeared.

I sent out leaflets on my arms and legs to look for it for a month. Later, I was afraid that the gangsters would treat my granddaughter badly, so I did not dare to call the police.

Zhao Baoshan is very indifferent, his tone is quick and expressionless.

Lin Chen guessed that these words had made countless falsehoods in the old man's mind.

First of all, people have emotions. When family members are mentioned after they disappear, there is a sad look in their eyes. This is a well-known emotion of dry people. (bfaa)

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