catch the fanatic


021 Investigation continues

Lin Chen was reminiscing. It was the first time he fought with a criminal suspect, and the four pupils looked at each other, but the opponent was numb for a moment. The bottom line of human hearts, but that criminal suspect only lost weight for a second

What does this represent? It represents the extreme madness of the criminal suspect.

his thinking

his psychology

his definition

They are all hard-to-guess existences, so Lin Chen just couldn't help sighing, and finally came across it~ The straight and scary one

third corpse

The third corpse was in a small deep alley in the urban village, and it was also the only place where Lin Chen fought with the suspect.

I drove to the alley. This is a village in the city. Although people died in this alley, there were still people passing by one after another, and I didn't care about the bad luck.

This is the only place where I fight with criminal suspects, there are some things I want to say, criminal suspects are very scary, I have seen too many criminals, but it is the first time that such a terrible person Touched, because you can't imagine how terrible his skills are. "Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is the only thing Lin Chen is curious about. The criminal suspect has terrible skills, and Lin Chen's skills are very good. Even with his pupils, it is difficult to be so terrible than his skills. Did he come from a mercenary in the State Department? "Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

The four pupils are displayed, Lin Chen smiles bitterly, the dialectics of the dead, the requirements are too high, and this is the case at this time, because it involves too many cause and effect

The dialectics of the dead is very complicated, because it is difficult for ordinary people to leave evidence

The rose was salvaged before, but nothing was found by the dirty sewer.

Help, kill

"Hurry up and call the police, it's dead⊥

There was a sudden roar in the distance, and Lin Chen's face changed greatly, and he hurriedly walked into the crowd with the police certificate.

"What's the matter, what's going on!" Li Tian roared angrily

Comrade police, the family at No. 28, Row [-], District [-], Chengzhong Village, please go and have a look. Some people around couldn't help but panic and said Li Tianlinchen and Professor Chen hurriedly walked towards the said house

No. 28, an ordinary courtyard, there was a small fire in the yard, which has been extinguished at this time

Walking into the living room, Lin Chen's heart sank. A young couple were kneeling and crying.

In front of them was an old man and a three-year-old child, both of whom were dead, choked to death by the thick smoke.

The ambulance came, the doctor shook his head and walked helplessly

dead, dead

Going out the door, house No. 28 was crowded with a bunch of people. At this time, everyone's expressions changed greatly and they talked in low voices.

This is also retribution. You must know that these couples are not good to the elderly, and they also occupy the elderly's minimum living allowance and pension, and even force the elderly to eat pig food, but when they have children, they let the elderly watch.

"Oh, they are all pitiful people. This old man's son and daughter-in-law are no fun. They have lost virtue in this life. I have seen old people picking up garbage to eat before.

Yes, this is all retribution. If you want me to say that the old man is completely desperate, otherwise it is impossible to kill this own grandson.

"My own house is occupied, it is very pitiful

There were sighs and sighs from the surrounding crowd, but no one felt pity

Lin Chen left, he wanted to say something, but remained silent to Wang and the two beasts

Fourth corpse scene

This is the latest corpse. It is at the corner of the Magic Capital Playground, an inconspicuous little corner.

This corner is to place some spare equipment, the ground is covered with grass, and few people come

At this time, there were still bloodstains that had dried up on the ground, which seemed terrible and made people feel terrified

This is the last one. Professor Chen, let me describe the process of committing the crime. "Lin Chen frowned.

In the perspective of the pupil of the deceased, Lin Chen described the death process in great detail.

"Your thinking is very strange, and your experience is terrible." Professor Chen praised Lin Chen.

On-site identification itself requires a great ability to identify, among which the requirements for dryness are extremely high.

Dead Man's Dialectics

Four full re-detections and a rag

Back at the police station, Team Liu is still there

The death notice has been given above, the case must be solved within ten days, and the team in charge of Liu will go down.

Lin Chen didn't say anything. He knew it was impossible. The above didn't understand the case, but they were under a lot of pressure. That was the terrible public pressure.

ask for flowers

Because of this kind of chain murder case in the magic capital, it has a very terrifying influence in Longdu.

"Everyone, there are still five days, Captain Zhang Tiannuan and the forensic doctor to Wang, please tell us about your achievements." Liu team sighed.

Corpse detection, four corpses We have conducted the world's top corpse detection, which is the world's top detection. The dynamic picture of the corpse twisting and struggling in death, as well as the ground friction marks of the criminal suspect are all displayed, and finally the mouth of the first deceased was found. Finally, he whispered to Chen Tian. "

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