The tattoo shop investigation is currently under investigation. The tattoo shop has no registration information, so the investigation is very difficult. Now only ten people have been investigated, and the progress is slow. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.


Lin Chen was stunned because he was waiting for the forensic investigation

The first deceased is very good, not only the deceased whispers after the death, this is defined according to the thinking of death, and it is still in the test phase of the king in the world

Chen Tian, ​​arranged to go to the police area of ​​Modu, and then investigated the case of the man aged 1 to [-] years old, and then the case of the man who was [-]zz in height finally made progress, Liu team clapped the table and laughed.

The magic capital, the top city, has a large number of foreigners, and there are countless people with the same name. Even the name Chen Tian is very open.

After inspection, there are [-] people named Chen Tian, ​​this is the number of people who have been screened

One hundred and thirty-two people are investigating one by one, committing crimes in time, and there is still time to find you when the crime is committed," Liu team spoke, and the entire police brigade moved.

Lin Chen is very tired and came to the late night bookstore after get off work

The boss poured a cup of Pu'er, some bowed his head and wanted to sigh

Stuck? "The boss frowned.

right. "Lin Chen answered truthfully with a wry smile.

Do you know why ghosts rarely harm people? Those wild history records that ghosts rarely harm people, because only people can harm people.

There are ghosts who can actually help, but it takes a lot of resentment. "The owner of the bookstore stopped talking, sighed and went back to the house to rest.

is it worth it

Take advantage of the ghost's anger

come find the criminal

Lin Chen doesn't know, but he wants to try, time is running out, at least Team Liu can't leave yet


022 Scouting

After drinking tea and leaving the bookstore, I put three hundred dollars on the table

Coming to this bookstore, Lin Chen always felt much more at ease, so he frequented it.

It's for ghosts, but for people

The next morning, standing on the rooftop and drinking coffee

In order to keep his head clear recently, Lin Chen specially imported a machine from Oro, so he wakes up with a cup of espresso every morning

I drove to Modu Criminal Police Brigade and now the body has been sent to Wancheng Mortuary Hospital

Criminal Police Brigade, Conference Room

Team Liu doesn't care about solving the case in ten days. If he had worked hard before, but now he just wants to catch the murderer

"Introduction, Professor Chen." Looking at Professor Chen, a well-known criminal psychologist, Team Liu nodded.

ten zero

"First of all, criminal psychology pays attention to: first, the research object is complex and heterogeneous; second, the research is more affected by personal factors; third, the uncertainty of the research object, the contingency and uniqueness are greater

The suspects in this case can first be identified as Alantis religious fanatics, that is to say, they are the ultimate believers, they believe in everything, just like the ancient dark religions can dedicate themselves to everything

The second suspect is very likely to be local, but he has a record of studying abroad. Please do not question the dark religion. There have been many times in history.

Now I suspect that the criminal suspect has joined the mercenary abroad. This is because some underground organizations abroad can sign up to join, and some special characters will be so terrifying that the criminal suspects will be so terrifying. Top Killing Skills.After Professor Chen finished speaking, everyone thought a lot more clearly. First of all, they at least knew what kind of opponent they were facing. Whether he was a vicious or perverted person, these are not terrible, only the unknown is the most terrible.

Mr. Lin Chen, where do you think we should enter the king?" Team Wen smiled and nodded to Lin Chen

Tattoo parlor!I have a guess that the tattoo artist uses fine tattooing equipment to tattoo, so it is normal to have red marks within a dozen hours, but it is not normal because when I was fighting with the suspect, I remember his chest There is a small pattern that seems to be flat and just tattooed

"So this suspect is still getting tattoos, trying to perfect the Germanic language on his body. I can't guarantee the rest, and according to Professor Chen, this is a maniac for religious beliefs.

"It's very simple, inquire about suspicious persons, then investigate whether they have an overseas study background, and then look for persons with similar height and age, and pass the crime investigation time." Lin Chen said lightly.

No one has rejected it, because so far, this method is the closest to reality and the most effective method

"If we slander religion in some ways, we will be mad at us!" Li Tian stood up and frowned.

Team Liu was silent, a little silent

"No, the crazy religious believers are too scary. There are countless bombing incidents abroad. I think we are still looking for us to slander their beliefs according to the original records, but we can't find their whereabouts. Once they are furious, the consequences will be the consequences." Lin Chen didn't say much, everyone obviously knew the terrible consequences

dong dong!

The door of the conference room was knocked on, and the female police officer at the front desk looked anxious and came over and said eagerly.

In a shopping mall, three mental patients escaped from a mental hospital, and now they have taken hostages in the shopping mall, and three of them have been slashed. " said the policewoman.

Call the police! "The sixth team roared.

Tianshan shopping mall, this is the largest shopping mall in the north of Modu City, with a total of scholar floors. At this time, the entrance of a cafeteria on the tenth floor has been blocked by a table board.

A middle-aged man in an Arabian robe, with dull eyes holding a machete and muttering something to himself from time to time, Wu Zhi's eyes are full of madness, seeing if everyone wants to hack people

"Don't come here, I'm a Siberian wolf, get out of my way." The middle-aged man roared, brandishing his machete.

Surrounded by the staff of the mental hospital, they couldn't help but turn pale when they saw this scene, because they have to pay a lot of responsibility for this.What's going on here, why do these mentally ill people hurt people. "Walking to the staff of the mental hospital, Liu team frowned and asked that it was last night. Three mental patients escaped from the hospital over the wall. The three of them were mentally disordered and their will collapsed. I have no idea why Zhiwang harmed people. According to them. It's impossible to harm people." The director of the mental hospital couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The middle-aged man roared, and suddenly took off his shirt, and Lin Chen's face was stunned with shock.

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