Germanic language, that is the Germanic language that was painted, with a strange three-eyed Buddha statue on the back, this is a later painting, not a tattoo.

For the King Germanic language, it is the language most connected to the gods in the historical records. This is the record of Western unofficial history.

"The middle-aged Germanic language records that in the ninth secret land, the origin god of God will lead everything."

Lin Chen looked at the Germanic language and read. He started to study this language before. This is a very unpopular language in the records. Because the Germanic language of Guan Wang involves many things, the records of this language are very important. unpopular

Is this related to the criminal suspect? "Religious fanatic?" Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

Psychopaths, this is the person with the most uncertain thinking, because their thinking is also the most bizarre existence

That's why Lin Chen is extremely curious. Why would these mental patients willingly get tattoos of Germanic language on their bodies? This is the most bizarre thing because they are short-tempered and confused. Confused guy is totally useless

"You are also thinking about it, right, so am I. This question makes people curious, why do such things happen? Most scientists have studied mental illness, and most of the peripheral nerves have collapsed, which means they are not afraid. Or the emotion of fear, you can tempt them with their thoughts

For example, a neurotic thinks that he is an immortal, so he can be tempted by his immortality. "Professor Chen nodded at Lin Chen. Lin Chen smiled bitterly. He guessed all the records, including records about mentally ill patients. He almost knew why this group of mentally ill patients did this kind of thing.

Using the depths of the mind, all the temptations of their fantasies,


023 Seducer

At this time, the scene was very difficult to control. The sixth team arranged the sniper king, but it was completely unable to shoot because of the narrow line of sight.

This was controlled from the beginning. The suspect asked three neurotic patients to take hostages, and then chose the location. The sight angles of these locations were all chosen. Now it's really interesting. I didn't expect this to happen. "Li Tian couldn't help roaring in a low voice.

Among the top detectives in cases around the world, Li Tian has seen too many suspicious cases.

At this time, Li Tian's face was ashen because he was completely unable to deal with this kind of case.

Get off we are God's apostles, we're calling spirits, hahahaha. "The middle-aged man was wielding a machete, roaring stupidly with the ultimate killing intent in his eyes, and there was that endless madness in it.

Damn, just shoot. "Lin Chen's face was ashen

No, there is a mental patient on the outside, and there are hostages in the restaurant, and there are two mental patients inside, so when the shot is fired, the consequences are unbelievable. "Liu team Wang frowned and gritted his teeth deeply.

In the face of this situation, it is useless to send someone to shout, because their thinking completely filters the shout, and they have no IQ

Lin Chen laughed, since that perverted religious fanatic wants to play, let's play

Lin Chen lay on the ground, crawled forward, and suddenly looked at the mental patient who was wielding a machete

In an instant, the pupils were strange, and the mental patient became sluggish, holding the machete tightly, roaring and grinning, and then walked towards the dining hill.

kill kill kill! "The middle-aged man roared and slashed at the other two neurotic patients with a machete.

As soon as the team waved, the special police rushed up with an explosion-proof shield, all of them with solemn expressions.

When entering, Lin Chen looked at

The SWAT was completely sluggish, and the ten hostages were completely frightened

The three neurotics were slashing and raising each other, and the three neurotics fought each other.

The SWAT did not dare to control, the three of them slashed around with machetes, their bodies dripping with blood, and they looked extremely terrifying.

Should neuropathy be protected?

Lin Chen sneered and raised his pistol

"Bang bang bang!

Three gunshots and three neurotic patients fell to the ground, with three bullet holes in their foreheads.

Looking at Lin Chen, Team Liu nodded.

If someone else shoots, Team Liu will definitely be angry, because in the face of this kind of neurological patient, he can't shoot unless he has no choice but to shoot.

But Lin Chen is different. He has a prominent status on it, so he has no problem shooting at all.

The doctor came, ten of the hostages were rescued, they were only cut a few times, the rest were fine

"How did they get controlled, and what means did the suspects have." Li Tian couldn't help frowning.

He has studied mental patients before, most of them are spleen and irritable, and they are extremely insane. Among them, their thinking is confused, and they can only be coaxed as children. As for other methods, they are completely terrible. This is the method of the king in the medical records. Therefore, once you show a terrible thinking, but it is always confusing, and the thinking is full of too many uncertain factors.

This method is not realistic, because it is difficult to control one mental patient, and it is still three people. Li Tian couldn't help but question the location of the scene, the methods of the three neurotics, and the way they took hostages. Among them, the records in the Germanic language were completely in line with the perverted religious fanatic criminal. Obviously, these three nerves The patient was bewitched by passing." Lin Chen said with a wry smile.Originally, this case was extremely bizarre. The neurotic murdered. This was an unbelievable existence for everyone, but it happened.

Lin Chen shot, he cares about the protection law for the mentally ill, even if some people are scolding on the Internet

At this time of crisis, let alone a neurotic, even if a pregnant woman taking revenge on society takes hostages, Lin Chen must shoot. The hostages who have been cut and wounded, it can be said that the incident has a great impact

Two hostages were slashed, and the remaining five were only frightened. "Doctors report injuries

Team Liu couldn't help laughing bitterly, the case is so big now, it can be said that he is abdicating now, because the development of the situation is so terrible

"Tell me, how did the criminal suspect control the three neurological patients?" Liu team frowned and said that he is also very curious about this issue. This is the most incredible evidence.

Take control of three neurotic patients, then have them carry out the case without error, and then go to take hostages

"Hypnosis has a drug hypnosis in the ancient West, which is very harmful to the nerves, and the hypnotic effect is very terrible. He will have a rest system in the subconscious of the hypnotized person.

It can even be said that he will tell the crime process in the victim's head, and then the victim will follow this process after waking up, but this drug hypnosis has been lost, and the main ingredient of the eye drug is an African herb. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

These materials are some ancient African records that he had seen in Chinatown before, among which there is this hypnotic method in the drug records.police station

Modu Serial Murder Case, Modu Mental Patient Murder Case

The two cases have been involved for 230 consecutive years. The media is already probing the case, and even according to the progress of the case, it can no longer be concealed.

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