The serial murder case, in which four young women were killed, has caused huge panic in Modu

Li Tian sat in the conference room with a wry smile, completely in high spirits before the road was gone

You must know that when Li Tian came to the capital to deal with criminal cases before, Li Tian had a proud attitude, but now he is smiling bitterly, which can be ranked in the world.

Zhang Tiannuan took the team to investigate the tattoo parlor, but the progress was very slow, because there are many private tattoo parlors in Mo, and there is no record of the tattoo staff among the tattoo parlors.

That is to say, without any registration, it is very difficult to find someone, and there are many private tattoo parlors in Modu.

So at this time, everyone's face is blue and the case is progressing too slowly

I have now found the time when two people committed crimes, and the height and body overseas experience are completely consistent with the three, but "Zhang Tiannuan smiled wryly, and hesitated to speak.

What's the matter, say. "Lin Chen frowned.

Zhang Tiannuan, the police flower of the police station, but this girl is not a flower, but a rose with thorns. She has a cold personality, is decisive in killing things and handles major cases with ease. It can be said that it is very good.


024 Will it be him?

"Then let me introduce this person." Zhang Tianzhu cleared his throat and said

He is 24 years old, 177 years old, and his home address is at No. 18 Anju Courtyard in Modufeng Pedestrian Street. He is medium in appearance and thin in build. He studied at Flue University at the age of [-], and went to Iraq at the age of [-] to work as a battlefield officer. Reporter, and then returned to the mainland two years later.

His name is Chu Yuan. He is the director of a game company in Dudu. His parents are healthy. Chu Yuan has been with his girlfriend for two years. According to the descriptions of people around Chu Yuan, this child is generous, generous and kind.

In 14, he was chased by a Santana. Chu Yuan was driving a Ferrari 355. Of course, he needed to pay more than [-] yuan. But Chu Yuan saw that the owner of the Santana had no money and didn't want it. He just asked him to pay attention in the future.

There is also this person who has sponsored two children, his annual income is [-] million, and the family is harmonious.

The time of committing the crime, the time when the four deceased committed the crime, the time of the first two deceased committing the crime cannot be determined, but the last two committing the crime, the company staff said that Chu Yuan drove out to play.

"His car is a red Ferrari 355, which is very conspicuous according to the investigation, but after Chu Yuan smashed it, he just went home and did not find the fourth deceased in the rest of the records. He was walking to the snack street to play, and there was no camera at that time.

There is another point that is suspicious, that is, Chu Yuan and the third deceased, namely the alley in the village in the city, and the fourth deceased in the playground, both of which are within two kilometers away from each other.

Zhang Tiannuan took the case and then explained all the information

Everyone frowned, thinking about the record of the case, what the chapter belongs to the king

Professor Chen is bowing his head and pondering. He is a top criminal psychologist specially invited by the Liu team from the country of Yig. He is famous in the world. Of course, in the previous cases, he also fully understood Professor Chen's ability.

Mr. Lin Chen, what do you think it should be? "Liu team frowned.

For Lin Chen, the team has upright trust, because all kinds of cases have confirmed Lin Chen's strength, and Li Tian also admired Lin Chen's thinking and reasoning.

First, go to arrest Chu Yuan and bring him to justice, then strictly interrogate him and search through various records to see if he can find the clues, and second, observe secretly, but this possibility is very small. Reconnaissance is terrifying

Even he may return to normal during this period of time, I still have no evidence, because the person who can perfectly manipulate the personality, his self-thinking processing is a very straight and terrible character

The third is temptation. This kind of person is very concerned about Wang’s religious beliefs. They use top special forces to insult his beliefs in disguise, and then make them show their legs, because all of these prove that the criminal suspects have reached the point of madness towards Wang Alantis. , based on his thinking display is an incredible existence

After Lin Chen slowly explained his point of view, Li Fuyitian nodded. So far, what Lin Chen said is considered to include all the methods of everyone.

The first is no, because there is no evidence, and the family conditions and parental status of this person are very influential. The police station cannot put on the hat of injustice. "

The second trace, this one is very difficult, because the four corpses have already been told to us, the suspect's scene control, and the anti-reconnaissance are all

Top mercenary level

The third and sixth teams are silent and thinking

The third method is very dangerous, because the person trying to lure is likely to die, but this method is also the most direct. Once successful, the matter will be completely solved.

I'd love to know what this guy has done in Iraq all these years, is he really a simple war correspondent? These are just records. "Lin Chen couldn't help sneering.

How's the shirt survey going? "Looking at the forensic team, Lin Chen asked

It was a broken shirt that was found dialectically in the first corpse. It was sent back to the forensic team by Lin Chen before to investigate the DNA of the criminal suspect.

We are matching the Chinese population dna record table, and it is difficult to query now, because this is only the shirt, there is no blood in it, and only some epidermis left on the skin can be used to query the dba.The captain of the forensic team nodded to Lin Chen, then smiled bitterly.

Okay, let's break up the meeting and get a party tomorrow morning. Team Liu waved his hand, signaling everyone to rest early.

Because of the serial murder case, the police department of the police station and even the policemen in various districts have not slept peacefully, because it involves too many things.

Driving to his villa, Lin Chen didn't think about the case. He's been too tired these past few days.

He fell into a deep sleep, the sun shone on his face the next day, opening Wang Ji and Lin Chen's face was hard to see

This is the news reported by the media, and it is reflected in the Liu team.

Serial killings have always been the psychological panic of the people in the capital. Now, few people go to the suburbs at night, and the number of police officers is also much more.

beep beep. "

Wang Ji rang and answered the phone. It was from Zhang Tiannuan.

dead! "

Put on clothes in a hurry, hang up Zhang Tiannuan's phone, ask for the location, Lin Chen hurried to drive

At ten o'clock in the morning, Tianxing Mountain in the west of the magic capital city.

It was a taxi, in which there was a man and a woman, and then leaning on the seat, there was a large bloodstain on the chest for the forensic report. "Lin Chen frowned.

The deceased male was 30 years old, a taxi driver, died Cheng, his heart was punctured by a sharp object, and his internal organs were bleeding heavily. The deceased female was 29 years old, a student at the University of Finance and Economics. She wanted to go to Tianxing Mountain to climb the mountain this morning. find alarm

The female body of the deceased was injected with semen at a later stage. The two deceased Zhao Qian (Zhao) showed no signs of struggle on their bodies. They did not fight with the gangsters.

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