Zhou Yan nodded earnestly and said, "Yes, this case has put too much pressure on us. Our police really used [-] points of effort to investigate. The second deceased was all normal before his death. People who are in conflict do not have time to commit crimes."

"What about the tools for committing crimes? Did you find any tools for committing crimes?" Zhang Tian'an asked.

"After the first smiling body appeared, our police searched the entire male and female dormitory buildings and found a knife, but the knife edge did not match the wound on the deceased's body, and after testing, there was no human blood on the knife. ."

"In the factory, there is another place where there are knives, which is the staff canteen. We took all the knives in the staff canteen kitchen for inspection and found no human blood, and the canteen staff can prove that after get off work, they will not Take the knife away."

"As for other places, I searched inside and outside the factory, but I didn't find any tools for committing crimes."

Lin Chen touched his chin and said, "Judging from the wounds on the bodies of the three deceased, the murderer used the same knife. If the murderer is a worker in the factory, then this knife is most likely nearby."

Zhou Yan spread out her hands and said, "I've searched all over, but I really can't find it. I think the murderer may not be someone from the factory."

Lin Chen pondered for a few seconds, then slowly stood up and said to Zhou Yan, "Which workshop did the first deceased work in?"

"Workshop No. 06." Zhou Yan said.

Lin Chen heard the words, nodded, and walked towards another factory building.

Looking at the back of Lin Chen's departure, Zhou Yan asked Zhang Tianan, "Tianni, can this Lin Chen really solve this case?"

"This case is very difficult. Anyway, I haven't found anything so far. As for whether he can solve this case...I think...he may have some clues now." Zhang Tianan said.

Lin Chen walked into a factory by himself, and came to the No. 06 workshop where the first deceased worked.


PS: This case is very brain-burning, and the writing is relatively slow. I hope brothers understand, thank you.

Recommend a new book by an old author, title: "The Strongest Land Lord of Tomb Raiders", link: http://b.faloo.com/f/438226.html

A very good book, everyone should read it. .


108 Select the team leader 【Subscription】

More than a month has passed since the death of the first deceased.

When Lin Chen came to the workshop where the first deceased worked before he died, he saw six people working hard in the workshop.

Lin Chen, who was standing at the door of the small workshop, quickly attracted the attention of the six workers in the workshop.

"Who are you?" A worker looked Lin Chen up and down, he was very unfamiliar with Lin Chen and had never seen this person before.

Lin Chen said: "Oh, I'm a new policeman, I'm here to ask you a few questions."

After hearing that Lin Chen was a policeman, the six workers looked a little listless, and the other worker was busy assembling parts and said, "Didn't your police ask a lot of questions before? What else do you want to ask?"

Lin Chen walked closer to the workshop, first glanced at the workshop, and then asked them a few questions about the deceased.

While asking a question, Lin Chen looked at them with his eyes 17. After asking a lot of questions, Lin Chen suddenly said, "Do you think the murderer is the one who lost more than 4000 yuan to the deceased? Happy, and then the Wu Dong who deliberately killed the deceased?"

As soon as Lin Chen said these words, the six people in the workshop were stunned. They hesitated, not knowing whether they should express their opinions or not.

"Just say it, it doesn't matter." Lin Chen smiled.

An old lady wiped her hand on the rag beside her and said, "After Li Defeng died, we think the murderer is Wu Dong who lost the money, but your police say he has no evidence of his alibi, so what can you do?"

"What kind of alibi? In my opinion, it must be someone in Wu Dong's dormitory who gave him false evidence." Another aunt said.

After che opened the chat box on this matter, the rest of the people said their opinions.

Lin Chen stayed in workshop 06 for a while before leaving the workshop.

"The people in this workshop...seem to be fine, different from what I deduced..."

After Lin Chen walked out of the workshop, he paced slowly, thinking in his heart.

Immediately, Lin Chen returned to the workshop where the third deceased, Jiang Yongcheng, worked.

When 11 workers in the workshop saw Lin Chen coming, one of them said, "Comrade police, do you have anything else to ask?"

Lin Chen smiled and said, "I'm not a policeman, but my relative is a policeman. I came to have a look with me. When the policeman asked you something just now, didn't you see that I didn't speak?"

A few workers hummed, and when he asked the question just now, Lin Chen didn't say a word, like a guy who came to see the fun.

The three people who were reprimanded by the deceased two days ago were the dark-skinned woman in her thirties, the young man with glasses, who was not tall and had a fair appearance, and the one who was rather strong. Truly a man with sharp eyes.

The dark-skinned woman glanced at Lin Chen, then lowered her head and continued to work.

The young man with glasses kept his head down, did not speak, and did his own work silently.

The thief-eyed man looked at Lin Chen with a smile, and asked, "Friend, could your relative be the Captain He just now?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "My relative is just an ordinary criminal police officer. It would be great if it was Captain He. Captain He is the captain of the criminal police."

"Looking at your accent, it doesn't look like Liuhe County?" asked a female worker. The female worker was not very old, in her early twenties, with a normal appearance and a lot of acne on her face.

"Well, I came to Liuhe County to play. My relative is a criminal policeman. He was supposed to take me around today, but such a scary case happened. I was curious and came over to have a look." Lin Chen said with a smile.

When the young female worker saw Lin Chenchong laughing at herself, she was a little embarrassed, and her face turned slightly red.

Lin Chen started chatting with the 11 people in the workshop, talking about the tourist attractions and urban culture in Liuhe County, and the county government, for the sake of political achievements, regardless of the environment, attracting investment from polluting enterprises into Liuhe County.

When talking about this, everyone relaxed, and everyone would put in a few words and say a few words.

The suspect, the dark-skinned woman in her thirties said: "Now those who are officials, how can they care about the lives of us people, the rivers in our county used to be so clear, look at now, many rivers are polluted , People who come to play from other places, look at the river, and shake their heads."

"Hey, if I go to be an official, I will definitely manage the county in an orderly manner." The man who was also suspicious said.

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