As soon as the man said this, the rest of the people began to sneer at him.

Saying that he can't even be a team leader in a workshop, so don't think about being an official, he won't have that life.

Hearing the sarcasm of the crowd, the man with sharp eyes and sharp eyes said unhappily: "Who said that I can't even be the team leader of the workshop, and now that the team leader is dead, don't I have a chance to be elected team leader?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the workshop looked at him badly.

The deceased's good friend scolded: "Grass, what the hell did you say? Say it again?"

"I said the wrong thing, I said the wrong thing, I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." The man with 187 eyes also realized that there was something wrong with his words, so he slapped his mouth lightly again and again. , indicating that he knew he was wrong.

Everyone reprimanded him a few words, but he did not dare to refute.

Lin Chen touched his nose, his eyes immediately fell on the young man wearing glasses, and he asked with a smile, "handsome guy, why don't you talk, are you local?"

The young man with glasses heard Lin Chen calling him, he raised his head, habitually pushed the pair of myopia glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said in a low voice, "No, I'm from out of town."

"Where are you from out of town? It looks like you are about the same age as me." Lin Chen continued to ask.

"Minggu County." The young man wearing glasses seemed to be a little taciturn, and his answer was also very concise.

"Minggu County?" Lin Chen said, "I haven't been to this county yet. Is there anything interesting in your county?"

"No." The young man wearing glasses said.

"Oh, boy, don't talk to him. This boy is more introverted and doesn't like to talk. The kind who can't make a fart with three poles." An aunt said.

As soon as she said this, the others laughed lightly, and the young man with glasses also looked embarrassed and laughed together. .


109 Suspect Wu Dong【Subscribe】

After staying in this workshop for a long time, Lin Chen looked away from the dark-skinned woman, and said, "Okay, I'll go somewhere else, your factory is big, so I won't disturb you."

The aunt said, "Young man, don't go, keep talking, you are very funny."

Lin Chen left with a smile. After turning around and walking out of the workshop, the smile on his face quickly converged.

Turning his head slightly and glancing at the door of this small workshop, Lin Chen's eyes narrowed.

After standing there for a few seconds, Lin Chen walked towards the other workshops of the factory.

Just a few steps out, Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan walked in from outside the factory building.

After seeing Lin Chen, Zhang Tian'an exhaled and said, "I can't find you anywhere, so you are in the factory building."

"Looking for me?" Lin Chen asked, "What are you looking for me for?"

Xia Miaoyan said: "Look, master, have you found anything, master, haven't we been to this factory before? What are you doing here again?"

Lin Chen shook his head, didn't explain, and said, "You two, don't follow me."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Tianyu asked.

Lin Chen's response was succinct: "You are in the way."

As Lin Chen said that, he walked to the other workshops, leaving the two women staring at the 723 spot.

"Sister Tianan, the master said we are in the way..." Xia Miaoyan looked at Lin Chen's back and muttered.

A look of helplessness appeared on Zhang Tian's face, and he said, "Then let's not follow him. Seeing what he looks like, we have found some clues."

"I think so too." Xia Miaoyan nodded, and the two women walked to the door of the factory building and did not follow Lin Chen, who was walking around in various workshops.

Soon, the factory's noon bell rang. After the bell rang, many workers walked out of the workshop, talking and walking towards the staff canteen.

When the worker walked past Zhang Tiannian and Xia Miaoyan at the door of the factory building, both women heard their discussions. The worker only saw that the topic of discussion was the third smiling corpse found in the male dormitory this morning. .

At this time, Lin Chen followed the crowd of workers walking out and walked out towards the door of the factory building.

After seeing Lin Chen, the second daughter did not ask Lin Chen anything, but just followed behind Lin Chen.

"Where are you going now?" Zhang Tian'an asked Lin Chen.

"I'm hungry, go to the staff canteen to eat." Lin Chen said.

The staff canteen is a contract system, not a factory employee. As long as you pay, you can still eat in it.

Zhang Tian'an noticed that Lin Chen's eyes were looking at the group of people in front of him. She should be paying attention to someone. She followed Lin Chen's eyes, but could not pinpoint which one Lin Chen was staring at. Worker.

After arriving at the staff canteen, they started to line up to buy food. Lin Chen walked to the front of the first line, Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan followed behind Lin Chen.

The two beautiful girls are very conspicuous in this factory, and many people cast curious and hopeful glances at the two girls.

Some male workers are thinking, either of these two girls can become a factory flower if they come to the factory.

When it was almost time for Lin Chen to buy food, Lin Chen glanced at the line on the left, at the worker who was making the meal, and at the cafeteria aunt.

When it was Lin Chen's turn to eat, the canteen aunt in the glass window looked Lin Chen up and down, and felt that Lin Chen didn't look like a factory worker, and asked Lin Chen what dishes he wanted.

Lin Chen randomly ordered a few dishes, then took the rice plate, walked to a table by the window and sat down (bhcd).

Lin Chen was eating with a spoon, and Zhang Tian'an and Xia Miaoyan also made the meal and sat down beside him.

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tian'an and said, "After dinner, ask Zhou Yan to call Wu Dong, the suspect in the first smiling corpse case."

"Okay." Zhang Tiannan nodded, indicating that he understood.

The three ate in silence, while Zhang Tianai sorted out the suspects in the three cases in his heart.

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