"The motive of the criminal suspect was initially confused, but now it has been fully revealed. The media has tracked and recorded, and now it is known to the public that his purpose has been achieved. According to criminal beliefs, the next step should be to fight on a large scale, and then completely become famous. Yes." Professor Chen said with a pale face and a little cautious.

No one dares to speculate about such a case, and it must not appear in the city, because the impact is too great...


026 Tattoo staff

"Then once the plan is implemented!" Li Tian's face was ashen as he clenched his fists tightly.

No one dares to guess the consequences, because no one can dare to bear such consequences

Then once the plan is implemented, "Li Tian's face is ashen, tight-fist

Consequences, everyone dare not guess because no one dares to take this responsibility

Damn it, this guy can't continue to be happy, Captain Zhang Tiannuan, what's going on with the suspicious person in the tattoo parlor? The team frowned and looked at Zhang Tiannuan.

Zhang Tiannuan's spirit is not as good as before. The original white and tender skin has a few wrinkles due to the hard work day and night, and there are also small dark circles around the corners of the eyes. It is difficult to work in the tattoo shop. This kind of investigation is fine in regular shops, but in some communities in Modu and private clubs, there are many privately built tattoo clubs.

Where to go to investigate tattoo people, this is really very difficult

Personnel investigation, can only be investigated little by little

Do you still remember that Chu Yuan! "Lin Chen was expressionless, and suddenly said coldly.


He is 24 years old and 177 in height. His home address is in the tenth Anju Courtyard, Beifeng Pedestrian Street, Modu City. He is tall and tall and has a thin body. He studied at Flue University in the United States at the age of 18, and returned to the mainland two years later.

He works as a director of a game company in Modu. His parents are healthy. Chu Yuan has been with his girlfriend for two years. According to the description of Chu Yuan's friends and neighbors, this child is generous, generous and kind.

A series of information appeared in Lin Chen's mind. Before that, Team Liu had asked his boss and lined up the top investigators. This is the world's top personnel wearing a beret and the top team in the world.

The Wolf Warrior scout, this is Hua's top talent wearing a beret at the United Nations. It is a level of terrifying personnel, so their strength display is very terrifying, and the anti-reconnaissance and anti-tracking are all at the top level. "Liu team laughed.

In order to successfully arrest the criminal suspect this time, Liu team can be said to have worked hard

Hearing that the wolf was investigating Lin Chen, he was stunned for a moment and admired Team Liu's decision.

Wolf Warrior Investigation, this is the first team of Chinese businessmen in the world to conduct investigations. It is responsible for various investigations around the world, and even penetrates into criminals in the world, and even acts as a spy. It can be said that any Wolf Warrior investigation The personnel in the whole country must be several times ahead of the special soldiers.

"What's the effect of the investigation now?" Li Tian couldn't help but asked impatiently

Chu Yuan, this is the existence that everyone is investigating the closest to the criminal suspect. It is also Zhang Tiannuan who has looked up various materials and has taken too many records from his friends around him.

Chu Yuan, this Chinese-style name, is it you, but why do you do it? After reading your entire profile, you have a happy life, a happy family, and no shortage of money. "Lin Chen frowned.

He has studied criminal psychology in Chinatown in the United States, but the only outlet for criminal psychology is that criminals have a broken heart, or that they have encountered some kind of extreme blow in their childhood.

But all Chu Yuan's information shows that this person is bold and generous, and has a happy family.

According to the logic of normal people's thinking, the three views of a happy family must be quite normal, so Lin Chencai will frown and suspect that we are also extremely suspicious. At that time, we found most of the evidence. First of all, this tattoo shop is a regular large-scale tattoo shop. According to Chu Yuan's friend said that he was always interested in the Germanic language.

"Then we investigated Chu Yuan's overseas background. After that, he worked as a war correspondent abroad for two years, but we searched for records in the past two years, and we did not find his experience as a war correspondent."

Zhang Tiannuan finished the case with the case in his hand, then frowned.

The Metropolitan Police Brigade meeting, this is the ninth meeting on the chain person case, and the situation has reached an uncontrollable level.In Modu, with the intervention of the media and mindless propaganda, Min's horror has reached its limit

Die Guang so far consists of six people, five young girls and a middle-aged man

How about the investigators now. "Lin Chen frowned.

Lin Chen didn't look at the pupil of the male deceased, so he didn't know the third angle of Wang's death.

But the way the criminals did, there was no clue left at the scene

The investigators did not find that the investigators had just gone to investigate when the two deceased died, and the time did not overlap, so it was difficult to guess. "Liu team frowned.

As for the student, the student information on the drink sold to the deceased was retrieved. "Lin Chendao

The student is a sophomore from Modu No. 17 Middle School. His name is Zhao Siyang, and he is [-] years old. This is a campus training activity organized by the school. The water sold by Zhiwang is all provided by the school. We found Zhao Siyang. According to his memory, he was in Tianxing. Shan rested, fell asleep in a daze, and then saw the taxi driver and the woman with the water, these are all recent data investigations

We suspected that after examining Zhao Siyang's body, it was found that eight hours ago, his body contained an ancient tree in Africa. After the liquid produced by this tree was drunk, it would become numb and thin and fall into a deep sleep for a short time.


"Up to now, it is also one of the main components of the global treatment of insomnia.

Zhang Tiannuan took the data sect, got up and slowly narrated to the crowd

Zhao Siyang was resting in Tianxing Mountain and encountered drugs and numbness. In a deep sleep, the drinking bottle was replaced. After waking up, Zhao Siyang habitually sold drinks to the driver and the woman. "The text team briefly reiterated the important process.

There is no crime, age, and behavior in Zhao Sizang without his knowledge. "Zhang Tiannuan waved his hand.

At the end of the meeting, Liu team has proposed arrangements, among which is the handling of Wang Chuyuan

According to Liu team, there is already a team of criminal police officers waiting at any time. Once the investigators find evidence, they can be arrested. Such a person can be shot directly.

What if it wasn't for Chu Yuan! "Walking to the road, Li Tian looked at Lin and frowned.

Guan Gan Chuyuan, Li Tian read all the records of this person from childhood to adulthood, such a mature mentality, normal three views, no family and personal factors, it is unbelievable to want to be such a terrible killer

Personal thinking and second personality, the innate environment is only a light era. We suspect that it was the two years when Chu Yuan disappeared, and what happened to Zhang Zhang. For Gan Liu team, this is the biggest problem and the only thing we can do. place. "Lin Chendao


027 Scum!

Back at home, Lin Chen sat in the study and looked at the case records

The case is all the suspects who have not yet been convicted of crimes, as well as all the personal information of Chu Yuan

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