All the information of the deceased, this is what Zhang Tiannuan specially printed out for Lin Chen before

He fell asleep at [-] o'clock in the evening, and the alarm clock went off the next morning. Lin Chen was a special police officer, not the same time as the criminal police brigade.

Driving to the police brigade, Li Tian was in the police room and then called the police. Next to him was Professor Chen, whose face was ashen. When he saw Lin Chen coming, Professor Chen signaled to listen to the alarm case.

This time, an old man from an urban village called the police. He said that an old lady in his neighbor was abused and beaten by his son and daughter-in-law, and told her to die early and then go to get the death pension.

Take a look at the video. "Professor Chen's face is very difficult." Liu Ershi looked at it. This is a video sent by the policeman, and it was posted on the public WeChat account of the police office.

Open the video, it is a cage for large dogs, it is on the top floor of the rooftop, a ragged, unkempt old lady is sitting in the cage stupidly, Wang Li is holding the steamed buns that have already turned yellow

Then in the video, a young man came over and beat the boss hard, scolding while beating: "Who let you eat! Who let you eat!

At the end of the video, Professor Chen's face was ashen: "According to the description of the police, this old lady was abused by her son and daughter-in-law, and then the neighbor couldn't watch it anymore and secretly gave the old lady food, which was discovered by this young man, and then Violently abuse the elderly. Go to the scene. " Lin Chen disagreed, clenching his fists

There must be a cause and effect of the situation, and it can only be done after it is clear.

On the 16th of the urban village, I saw the policeman in a mobile phone store. This is a six-year-old old man, wearing a white shirt. The weather is hot in the magic capital this season. He is wearing big black pants, wearing slippers and holding a fan. Look When the police came, I hurried over and hurried over. Hello, Mr. Ma, right? You called the police, right? Please describe in detail the video and the abuse of the elderly. "Professor Chen frowned, picked up the case record paper and asked

Hey, make a promise! "Master Ma sighed, and he didn't think the stones on the ground were dirty. Sitting on the ground was talking about the case.

"The attacker is called Zhao Qiang, the second scholar is three years old. The person who was beaten is Zhao Qiang's grandmother. Zhao Qiang's wife is called Sun Yan, and she is also two years old. Because of the property ownership, they hate this old lady very much."

The whole thing went like this. The old man's property was not given to Zhao Qiang. The old man always lived in his niece's house, so the house was given to them. Because Zhao Qiang was not good to the old lady, the old man didn't like it. "

"Zhao Qiang has a grudge, and it's even more beast than his wife. The two cheated the old man into the house according to the plan, pretending to regret treating the old man before, and then acting in a tragic scene didn't work, and then Zhao Qiang was irritable and locked the old man in a cage. , on the rooftop.

I only discovered this recently. The old lady in the cage on the roof has nothing. She is wearing a thin shirt when it rains at night. This video was taken by a camera that I secretly released a few days ago. This video immediately called the police

Uncle Ma said angrily, cursing those two beasts.

Knocking on the door of Zhao Qiang's house came out an ugly woman with heavy makeup and bright appearance. Lin Chen himself is handsome and tall. Even in casual clothes, he is handsome and extraordinary. Uncle Li Tianze looks particularly deep.

Professor Chen is beautiful in appearance, but has a cold temperament, but has a unique temperament.

The woman originally wanted to scold, but seeing that Lin Chen looked good, she took it back, smiled and put her arm on Lin Chen's shoulder

"Sun Yan, right, is your husband Zhao Qiang at home? This is our police certificate. We are going to search, and someone will report that you are suspected of abuse here." Lin Chen was expressionless, disgusted with Wang who pushed Sun Yan away, Then took out the documents and said coldly

The police, right, who told you that I abuse the elderly, my old lady just came home the day before yesterday. "A man came out of the living room, with a tall stature and ashen face, looking at the three or four policemen at the door, a little panicked.

"Search." Lin Chen was too lazy to speak, and said to the special police of the three police brigade behind him.

roof, living room, kitchen

They searched all and came to the rooftop. There was nothing in the cage, only some tattered clothes, and a yellow Alaska, but at this time, the hands were rough, and the body was thin and skinny.

I said no, the old lady went back before, you should leave quickly. "Zhao Qiang sneered and kicked Alaska in the cage" Please report the old man's walking route and time! "Li Tian frowned.

Lin Chen has a bad guess or it has been confirmed

Because inside the cage, in the abused Alaska position, a white-haired old lady looked at Zhao Qiang with a grim look, waving her arms as if she wanted to kill

I took the bus the day before yesterday. Who knows if I have a bad relationship with that old lady? Go check it out for yourself. "Zhao Qiang then perfunctory, his face ashen

"Please cooperate with the police, or you will be brought into the interrogation room as a criminal suspect!" Lin Chen roared, looking at Zhao Qiang with stern eyes

Lin Chen has seen many animals

They're all in human skin

But this beast

Naked and put on a beast liver

Lin Chen has never seen

She left at 299 o'clock the day before yesterday, took the [-] bus, who knows where she went, and should go back to her daughter's house. "Zhao Qiang said with an expressionless face.

What's going on with this video 2.0! "Li Tian couldn't help but take it out and play this video on his tablet.

Before Zhao Qiang abused the elderly, it was a video recorded by Uncle Ma secretly

Damn someone framed me. Now that technology is so advanced, videos can be faked. "Zhao Qiang's face was irony, and his body suddenly trembled.

We found the technical department to complete the investigation and video inspection. This is a complete video without any fusion, and the video content has not been changed, so this is a real shot. "Lin Chen said coldly, trying to defeat the last line of defense in Zhao Qiang's heart.

The so-called metamorphosis is only for the weak

For example, at this time, Zhao Qiang's state of three or four police officers with big arms and waists in front of him is no longer the proud color in the video, and there is deep fear in his pupils...


028 The so-called rebellious

This kind of guy, Lin Chen has seen too many

The so-called Jie is nothing more than a Jie Ao for the weak. When they really face the existence of their own and are not their opponents, their spirits are extremely fearful, and they rely on the so-called willpower to pinch the guards.

I didn't know this video was fake! "

This is fake!

"Someone is trying to frame me, I don't know.

"Look, this is a big dog, this is a dog cage!

At this time, Zhao Qiang waved frantically, pointing to the abused Alaska roar

Take it! "Lin Chen's face was ashen

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