"Are you waiting for a beautiful police flower girl, and a scout wearing a shell hat, they won't come, not in a short time." Chu Yuan chuckled lightly

Lin Chen looked towards the backstage of the bookstore, that goddamn thought it was a type of boss that had already run away

How did you treat them. "Lin Chen's eyes are blue, ready to move.

A movie theater is on fire, and they organize employees to watch movies. What do you think? "Chu Yuan said with an expressionless face.

"You guy, you're just perverted." Lin Chen scolded angrily

thoughtful, terrifying

All the way back to the cut is well thought out, and the skill is so terrible

"What are you doing, is it worth it?" Lin Chen relaxed for a moment. He knew that this guy didn't want to touch the king now, so he simply sat down and asked Yang Chuyuan

You kill those girls and inject semen into them. Girls look very similar, what are you doing? "Lin Chen frowned and smiled bitterly.

"They're a lot like my ex-wife My ex-wife betrayed me, so damn they, you know, how much I love my ex-wife, I'd give her everything, and she's getting fed up, she's starting to abandon me.

Instead of killing her, I made her a living specimen so that I could stay with me forever. "Chu Yuan looked crazy, at this time he finally showed his true colors, this is all his thinking, crazy to the limit

Lin Chen said nothing, how similar this plot is to the movie Batman Joker, it's almost like

So how did you find the girl's profile? "Lin Chen asked

In the police station before, this is one of Lin Chen's most curious questions

I am a computer hacker. "Chu Yuan smiled.

"Detective of the world's top fighters, your blood must be interesting. I have killed too many detectives, but there is no one like you.

The power of God, ha ha ha ha ha from hell," Chu Yuan said madly

Opening the door of the bookstore, Chu Yuan slowly left the pistol in his hand and threw it on the ground.

He didn't make a move, Lin Chen frowned extremely

Just as he picked up the phone and wanted to call the police, Lin Chen suddenly felt a heavy blow on the back of the bag, and then passed out.

When I woke up again, I opened my eyes and looked at the blue sky of the hospital

Zhang Tiannuan and the team were all beside the hospital bed. Li Tian was in the hospital bed next to him, and he didn't wake up for a while.

The owner of the bookstore and Chu Yuan escaped. It was already over a night when we got the news and saved you. The plane tickets they bought in advance are now in a certain country in Iceland. We have already paid them, but there is little hope.

Chu Yuan is not a Chinese national, neither is the bookstore owner, they are all nationalities of war-torn countries, so it can be said that it is a bit troublesome. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

Is the cinema okay? "Lin Chen frowned.

According to what Chu Yuan said, he had arranged for people to set fire to the cinema before, and the police team had packed the venue at that time.

It was fine. At that time, only two police officers were burnt and slightly injured. Later, Professor Chen felt that something was wrong, and then Li Tian's call was never answered, and then he realized that it was not good. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

At the end of the incident, the two criminals who have run to the corner of the world are hard to find


031 The Lament of a Woman

I have reported to the United Nations Interpol and they are now top of the global criminal rankings

"We have already united with the police of other countries overseas. Now it's better to wait for the opportunity." Team Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

The case has come to this point, at least there has been a lot of progress

Zhizheng let Team Liu breathe a sigh of relief because Lin Chen and Li Tian were not hurt. First of all, Lin Chen's identity is important, and he is a well-known existence in the world's detective rankings.

Zhigan Li Tian is also behind the power and its impressive existence, and the identity and symbol of the above background

Lin Chen smiled bitterly, he naturally knew the hearts of Chu Yuan and the innkeeper, they obviously knew the consequences.

The raging police will make it hard for them to move, so these two guys are very neat and don't do it

After lying in the hospital for three days, Lin Chen was just beaten, while Wang Litian was kicked.

After being discharged from the hospital, he returned to the Modu Criminal Police Brigade.

Professor Chen has not left, because the case is not over yet. Seeing Lin Chen coming, he waved Yuan Yi to watch the new case.

Location of the case: Donglihua Community, Magic City, 405, [-]nd row, [-]rd district

Case description: A family of three was brutally killed. The person who called the police was the neighbor of the deceased. The next morning, he asked the corridor with blood, and then he left for inspection in the morning. He found that the door of the deceased's house was closed, and the family of three lay in a pool of blood with their internal organs hollowed out. Death is hideous, as if he was tortured to the extreme before his death

The suspicious points of the case: the first suspect did not hear the call of the deceased in the middle of the night, the second suspect did not hear the sound of fierce fighting, the third deceased's family of three was gutted, and the fourth community camera did not capture the suspicious person

The massacre of the family, this is the largest case in the city recently. In the ranking of cases, the society is vicious.

It has caused huge social repercussions in the magic capital, and there is a big order from above to strictly investigate the massacre of the family

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning at the massacre of the family

Describe the case in detail.Lin Chen looked at Zhang Tiannuan and motioned her to preach

Professor Chen is speculating about criminal psychology and she is investigating the social connections of the deceased

December Shi, Xiaoxue The deceased died at three in the morning. The deceased male was thirty-eight years old and worked for a company. The deceased female was three years old and opened a small coffee shop on foot. The deceased child was ten years old and was studying at Nandu Sunshine Primary School. First grade

The caller was the neighbor of the deceased. He called the police at [-]:[-] in the morning. The caller was a male teacher, aged [-] and [-] years old. He liked to get up at [-]:[-] for morning exercises. It turned out that it was snowing outside. After half an hour, he was ready to go out. Smelled a strong smell of blood, and then opened the door to find the neighbor's door was open, and the house was full of blood

The three of the deceased suffered the same degree of fatal injuries. The aorta in the neck was cut open, followed by hemorrhaging to death, and then the criminal said that the deceased's abdomen was hollowed out and the internal organs disappeared.

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