After Zhang Tiannuan finished speaking, this is the call to the police that he received this morning, so the record of the case is not detailed.

"There is a question, according to the suspicious points of the crime, the fingerprints of the deceased, blood, traces of fighting, and the surrounding cameras, are there no records? Lin Chen frowned.

The criminal police brigade in the capital city is the top criminal police brigade in the country. Its strength and speed of dispatching police are the world's leading, and most of them are high-end talents.

Therefore, the on-site survey of the deceased and the forensic identification are all technological means of their cash.

Lihua Community, I read the case records that this is a residential community, and the security personnel and property personnel are all top-level and equipped with police force. There are security personnel in such a property, and there are even a lot of night shift patrols. How could there be no records? "Li Tian frowned after reading the case.

Lihua community, this is a top-level community configuration, and the housing price is also very high in the community group, so the property configuration and security personnel here are very perfect

However, we investigated the community and the movable villas in the community, and no criminal suspects were found in the investigation. The property configuration of Lihua Community is indeed very complete. The night shift is full of people patrolling the community, and the street lights are on and cameras are on. All shots are taken. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a wry smile.

It is very difficult to solve the case recently. Interpol is looking for the whereabouts of Chu Yuan and the owner of the bookstore. This is something that can be caught very soon. Go to the deceased's house to have a look, as well as all the detailed information and what you think are suspicious. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning.

ask for flowers

The top-level community, Lihua Community, is a central area that can be compared with the price of your own villas. The properties here are not like some old communities.

Because most of the people living inside are of high identities, but Lin Chen is curious why any records were taken, and the community camera is a 360-degree movable top camera, which also has hot spot scanning, such as when a creature with heat walks by

Then the camera will track the shooting, which is the world's top camera shooting level. No matter the park or the grass path, the 360-degree camera is completely surrounded by panoramic views, and the shooting area is very wide.

It is completely impossible to destroy the camera, because the camera has an automatic alarm function. Once the exterior is attacked or the line is cut short, the temporary alarm device will automatically alarm.


The police car came to Lihua Community in less than half an hour

The house of the deceased has been sealed, no one dares to watch the fun, this is a massacre, no one dares to touch it

The caller is Ma Lao, teacher

He lived in the house opposite the deceased, and it was he who called the police and a column that didn't damage the scene.

The bloodstains are still in the room, the red bloodstains have solidified on the yellow wooden floor, the walls are covered with smears of blood, only the living room has obvious bloodstains, as for the bedroom, kitchen, and toilet, there is no sign of bloodstains

Ma Lao's face was pale at this time, although he called the police, but this still made him extremely terrified

Who would have thought that in the quiet late night, Zou Ju, opposite him, was silently destroyed.

Hello Ma Lao, don’t worry that we will catch the murderous king soon, and now we need you to cooperate with us.” Li Tianhe smiled and said, “Excuse me, did you hear any noises at 11:[-] in the middle of the night and [-]:[-] in the morning last night? . "Lin Chen asked

"No, I sleep relatively lightly, and I feel less when I get older, but at eight or nine o'clock I heard a few quarrels coming from the opposite side, but I didn't pay any attention to them." Ma Lao sat on the sofa and recalled with a pale face.

Lin Chen frowned, the deceased was controlled in the early morning, and then there was no sound


032 The Massacre

accurate time. "Lin Chen asked

At half past nine, I heard two quarrels at that time, as if to say why you and him, and you are blessing me.

"Only these two sentences, I didn't hear any changes late at night and early in the morning," Ma Lao said with a wry smile.

why are you with him

you are in me

Lin Chen frowned and deduced logically that this was the tone of an acquaintance. First of all, whether it was an acquaintance or not. At least the perpetrator knew the deceased.

First of all, according to these two sentences, the deceased had an argument with the criminal at [-]:[-] p.m. Lin Chen was curious about how big a contradiction caused the criminal suspect to take action

Before, Li Tian and Chu Yuan took the criminal police officers to the property company to investigate, and retrieved all the videos in the community. "Twelve Zero" was then adjusted to the time slot to hurry up and look for suspicious persons.

What if someone from the owner of a building in this community did something?" Li Tian frowned.

This question can indeed be considered, but it was quickly rejected by Lin Chen

First of all, the property company explained the relationship between the owner and the deceased in the community, and there was no conflict with the owner of the building, that is, there was no reason to be the king.

The deceased's nickname was Shanzi. He was a hospitable person. Friends often came to his house for dinner and drinking. Shanzi had a good temper. He was a big business man, and his family was good. I don't know why this happened. "Ma Lao frowned.

Back to the magic capital to open the police brigade, the dead dialectical

In the autopsy hall, the three deadly wounds of the three corpses were all drawn from the aorta of the neck, and then bleeded to death. Then the internal organs were hollowed out. The death process was terrible. The corpses were carried to the autopsy table, and the forensic doctor frowned

The blood of the corpse coagulated and suffered a lot of torture during the process of death. This is a very cruel torture. When the deceased was tortured before his death, he struggled all over, and the blood dried out in a state of extreme flow.

And according to the location of the deceased's wound, the perpetrator gradually cut the deceased's throat with a knife, which was slowly slashed and tortured to death. "The forensic doctor frowned, with a look of horror in his eyes.

As a forensic doctor, he has seen too many horrific corpses, but this is the first time he has seen

Because the torture of the corpse was so appalling that the deceased was apparently restrained by a fall before his death.

Walking to the deceased young child, Lin Chen frowned at the pale corpse

Looking at the corpse, Lin Chen frowned and came out strangely

In an instant, the picture was displayed to the extreme. It was a bedroom in the living room and Lin Chen heard a quarrel.

"How many years, how long do you have to delay."

"I tell you, I'm about to collapse, you better give me a signal."

"Don't force me."

There was a roar from the living room, and then Lin Chen saw the child being kicked up, and then put a knife on his neck

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