"You are all so shut up, who would dare to police Lao Tzu to kill your son." The suspect was furious

At this moment, Lin Chen's eyes widened, and he finally saw the criminal suspect.

It was a woman, a woman's voice, a man squatting in the corner, trembling all over, as if he was afraid of something

The woman puts the knife on the child's neck, screaming and struggling

A middle-aged woman with a bad figure but her eyes are completely crazy

The man in the corner got up and suddenly pointed a hammer at the couple

They were tied up, the blood in the whole body was shaking, and the female roared in a low voice with the ultimate roar

You all go to die, go to die. "The woman roared in a low voice, and slowly opened the neck with her upper head. This was a gentle cut, and the wound was bleeding to the extreme in an instant.

This is the most compromised method, bloody, parents trembling all over, eyes with the ultimate horror color

Wang Ji landed and supported Tie Qing, Lin Chen's face was ashen

The extreme dizziness, the sight of the corner of the eye can no longer see the picture.

Trying to stand up straight, Lin Chen only felt the extreme amount of dizziness, and his head was so dizzy that people couldn't help but vomit blood

For half an hour, Lin Chen felt a lot more comfortable, and his head was not so tortured.

This is the ultimate torture, the head is extremely dizzy

Demon City Criminal Police Brigade, Professor Chen is looking at the case description

"The suspect found the shooting scene, and someone delivered a courier to the deceased's house at night." Professor Chen said

It was a camera image taken at [-]:[-]. The courier pushed a large bag and sent it to the deceased's home.

The suspects are sitting here, in the big box, but how did they get out. "Lin Chen couldn't help frowning and said that the courier delivered a large box with a height of one meter five. In the video, Lin Chen saw the picture inside.

"The suspect never left. The suspect left at eight in the morning." Professor Chen's face was ashen, and he was extremely shocked by the suspect.

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, Ma Lao called the police at around six o'clock, and then the security police came first, and then the police brigade of the movie police Hue Modu asked for reinforcements to investigate, and the criminal police brigade arrived at the scene at nine o'clock, but before nine o'clock when two suspects jumped out of the window and found a rope

"The suspect has been photographed, and this is the scene that was photographed." Professor Chen said

One man and one woman, two middle-aged women and middle-aged men

It looks very dark, and it looks like the clothes of working people are very clear in the camera shooting. They wear ordinary clothes, not some famous brands.

"The suspect was very indifferent. After killing people, he left indifferently and then took a taxi to the pedestrian street. As for the contradiction, it is currently under investigation," Professor Chen said.

Lin Chen couldn't help frowning, thinking of the previous picture

It was the sight of the child in the bedroom, and the middle-aged woman then strangled her neck, took out the knife beside the deceased couple, and slowly cut the neck

In an instant, there was a pool of blood on the ground. Lin Chen saw the despair and hatred in the eyes of the deceased. 3.5

Zhang Tiannuan has already gone to the pedestrian street to seal the streets to look for the criminal suspect. The couple in the autopsy hall haven't looked at them yet. Lin Chen can't look at them anymore because his physique is extremely poor now.

Driving home, Li Tian took the car back to the hotel and looked at the late-night bookstore with a seal

We have been there many times, but we have not found that the owner of the bookstore is actually a criminal suspect." Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly, his eyes filled with horror

It's unimaginable, the suspect is right in front of you, but you don't know

"Mr. Ross, the world's top detective master, said that Guan Wang's top criminal king section should not be guessed. You can only rely on your own luck to investigate the evidence, because top criminals have three views, violent tigers, and top-level extremes." Lin Chen looked at the bookstore and whispered


033 The so-called sin

Back home, lying on the bed, Lin Chen slept soundly

Recently, the case has been developing in reverse, and the case is even more complicated by the end of the year.

Sleepless at night, after getting up in the morning and washing, I bought two buns on the pedestrian street. This is the flavor of Lunan. The buns have thin skin and large fillings, and are completely different from the soup dumplings. drink two bowls

Returning to the criminal police brigade of the capital city, Lin Chen frowned a little, Zhang Tiannuan was looking at the case in the morning

What's the matter? I think the batch of cases you turned over are suspicious cases. Is there any problem? "Lin Chen took a few glances and recognized the case, then asked with a frown.

There is something wrong with this case. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

case records

The location is in Anjuyuan, the seventh alley of the village in the city of Modu. In Anjuyuan, someone called the police a few days ago and said that a male body was found in the water storage tank of the community. At that time, Lin Chen and Li Tian were fighting against Chu Yuan. No attention.

The corpse is a male, the age test skeleton is 38-40 years old, and the height is 170. The epidermis of the deceased is swollen and swollen, and the body has an unhealthy 15-year-old luster.

Abnormal death The body will change after death. During the investigation, Zhang Tiannuan found that the deceased had signs of bruises all over his body, and there were new cracks in the bones, and there were signs of being hit hard on the forehead.

This is the proof obtained by the top forensic team after the test. Their strength is very strong, but the specific death was within 7-10 years. Although the death time exceeded the conclusion of the test, it has been in the flowing water storage tank, so the preservation of the body is relatively low. it is good. "Zhang Tiannuan said that the case that Zhang Tiannuan saw was a suspicious case nine years ago, and the case was recorded as the following

At 2008:7 pm on July 14, [-], did the Criminal Police Brigade of Modu receive the root case? The reporter claimed to be Ma Tian. He said that his daughter was bullied by some gangsters at school, and then her daughter committed suicide by jumping off the building.

The case is here, Martin is missing

When the criminal police brigade rushed to Ma Tian's house, Ma had completely disappeared, and then the case was investigated by the serious crime team, but the main person Wang disappeared, so there was no breakthrough, so it was identified as a suspicious case

Now that I see this corpse, according to the ID card floating in the body clothes, it shows that there are also various examinations of the corpse to confirm the height and appearance. It can be completely concluded that the deceased is Martin.

Although the sun body was soaked in snow-white and swollen, the technology of pen and soil still looks very mature in the world. This technology was originally used to excavate ancient tombs, and then those ancient people restored their appearance, and later they were improved and practical by the police station.

The appearance is 96% restored, and the physical comparison still has time to compare Zhang Tiannuan to come to a conclusion, then the body is Ma Yong and Lin Chen frowning. After reading the entire case, he knows the general situation, Li Tian temporarily I went to the capital to investigate the case, only Professor Chen is still cooperating with the investigation

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