In 2008, Martin called the police. At that time, he was willing to call the police that his daughter was bullied by several boys in the students. Then his daughter jumped off the building, and then Martin disappeared, right? "Lin Chen frowned.

The policeman disappeared mysteriously after calling the police, only to be found after nine years

This is obviously a bad murder case. According to the test icon on the body of the deceased Martin, it can be seen that the spine is fractured, the calf is fractured, and the bones in the whole body are large and soiled.

Professor Chen and I went to Anjuyuan to have a look, and gave me the information of the police. "Lin Chen took the police information, called Professor Chen, who had just come from the hotel, and walked to Anjuyuan, a former urban village.

On the way, Professor Chen was looking through the case. He is a top criminal psychologist and has unique insights into criminal psychology. The caller is called Fatty Sun. I don’t know if his parents hate this child so much. His name is Fatty Sun. He is [-] years old. He is the captain of the security team in charge of the property company of Anjuyuan Community. Then one day, he felt that there was a problem with the water quality, so he went to the water storage tank to check and found that there were corpses floating in it, and then called the police. . "

Lin Chen Road told Professor Chen the case information, and he was filtering it very quickly in his heart. The sixth team sent a message earlier that the owner of the bookstore abroad had been arrested and brought to justice, and only Chu Yuan was still running away.

The serial perverted murder case can come to an end, Lin Chen feels a lot more relaxed, and the position of the sixth team is preserved

"You said that the deceased was actually found in the cistern," Professor Chen frowned and asked.

Yes, the deceased Martin, the body is in the storage pool," Lin Chen responded

That is to say, the residents of this building are drinking this kind of water, and the water soaked in the corpse "Professor Chen's face was ashen, a little pale, and Lin Chen couldn't help but start to feel nauseated, knowing what Professor Chen was referring to.

Professor Chen is saying that all these developments, and even the dead bodies are in the storage pool, then all the owners of this community, including community personnel, are drinking this kind of water.

Because the policeman is willing because there are often owners who come close to the water and say that the water quality has a stench, and the security captain went to see the results after complaining too much. This kind of thing happened

First of all, the storage pool is running water, but due to its long history, it is very difficult to check it, or else the owners have a lot of complaints, and the property management company is still indifferent.

Come to Anju Garden, get off Lin Chen and Professor Chen and walk to the property company 603

I saw the policeman. This is a small conference room of the property management company. The policeman, Fatty Sun, is as his name suggests. He looks fat and tall, but he is still half a head worse than Lin Chen.

Fatty Sun frowned tightly at this time, his face pale

Officer, I'm not feeling well right now, can I cooperate in a few days? "Fatty Sun said with a wry smile.

I'm sorry I can't now, because this case involves a suspicious case a few years ago, so it must be investigated quickly. "Lin Chen frowned and shook his head. I've been vomiting every day. I vomit when I drink water. This small owner has smashed the property management company ten times because the water they drink is all corpse water soaked in corpses.

"But my property company is also wronged. After all, this kind of thing is not what we want." Fatty Sun smiled wryly, then frowned and waved his hands helplessly.

Don't talk shit, talk about things." Lin Chen frowned, this fat fat man is too embarrassed to say that as the security captain of the property company, if there were more complaints from residents, they would not care about this matter at all.

Now that something happened, I know I'm afraid, but it's too late

The thing is that the day before yesterday, more than a dozen owners jointly complained, saying that their children drank tap water and then had a fever and red rash all over the body. The hospital test said that there was a problem with the water quality.


034 Die to All!

"Water quality testing came later. They went to test the water and found some bugs in the water quality, and the high temperature might not kill our security team, so they went to investigate the water storage pond. To say that this pond was built in 1998, at that time It was the Chinese who participated in the construction, so there are two floors below the sewer.

"Because it's running water, the water is clear, but when the owner followed us, we found a body inside." Comrade police officer, I told the truth and that's what happened. There's no fraud at all." Fatty Sun said with a wry smile. Paled face

Guan Ganqi's face was pale, and Lin Chen naturally didn't need to guess because none of the owners who came to this community had a good-looking face.

Ye Ye, these people know that the water they have been drinking is corpse water, it is simply Ye Ye to the extreme.

"Show us the storage tank." Lin Chen said

Get off the two black railways, and then come to the storage tank.

Professor Chen surveyed the scene. The deceased committed suicide in the water.

Lin Chen was very curious, how much grievance did the deceased have to die in the water storage tank with endless grief and anger, but the owners were disgusted, their pupils turned black instantly, Lin Chen frowned and looked horrified

It was a tragic scene. A middle-aged man, one by one, walked to the pool with blood all over his body. His face was bruised and blood dripped, watching the pool whispering something.

A bunch of scum, all of you are going to die.

God damn bastard, even if I die, I will be buried in the tap water you drink. "

"Let you die in desperation for the rest of your life,

The middle-aged man grinned, then jumped into the pool with a big laugh

Lin Chen's heart was extremely cold, because he saw that the man didn't have any reaction, his pupils didn't have any struggle, this is a person who has desperately wanted to die.

Let's go. "Holding on the wall, Lin Chen felt a little dizzy

Come to the property company and walk into the conference room

Fatty Sun, how long have you been in the property company?" Lin Chen asked with a frown

It's been almost a year. " Fatty Sun said

Tell me what happened nine years ago, what happened to Anjuyuan Zhuzhang in this community. "Lin Chen's face was ashen, and suddenly his pupils turned black as he looked at Fatty Sun.

These guys are all hiding something, even this community is hiding something, Lin Chen knows it, he knows it clearly.

Next to the water storage pool, Lin Chen saw endless sins, which were the anger of the dead. He drowned and drowned in the forest with all his anger, but he did not give in

Lin Chen couldn't imagine how angry the deceased was. Even if he drowned in this water, he was struggling with grief and anger. He was furious, naked, and even hated those people.

Even after death, the anger all over the body cannot be used, so the dead are angry

As soon as he came to the storage tank, Lin Chen saw the endless resentment, even in the water quality.

Fatty Sun looked sluggish and confused.

Tell me what happened to Anjuyuan, an urban village, nine years ago. "Lin Chen asked quietly

Fatty Sun looked sluggish, and then said.

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