Nine years ago, a thief was found in the community, and the owner and the security guard participated in the beating, and then the thief was holding a machete. At that time, the thief was almost killed. After everyone left, the thief also left.

Fatty Sun woke up, his face extremely pale

Lin Chen squinted, this fat man is not as stupid as before the limit, even all these years, this fat man has been instilling in his mind that the one who was beaten nine years ago was a thief

But really a thief

Thinking of the previous case, Lin Chen's face was ashen. A group of guys always cover up their sins, but they don't know, sins can be covered up but grievances can't be stopped

"Let's be honest, otherwise I'll have to detain you," Lin Chen said with a blank expression.

After following so many cases in the criminal police brigade, Lin Chen has seen most of the disguised eyes. Disguising eyes is a skill. For Wang Linchen, only Chu Yuan made him marvel at the ridiculous disguise of the others.

"You have to start protecting criminals for at least three years, but this is a murder case, or why did you live in prison for eight years, and the criminals detained by the police brigade are all vicious, if you go in, hehe

Lin Chen said lightly to himself, he didn't say much, and some things need to be explained lightly and clearly.

Fatty Sun's face was so pale that his legs began to tremble.

Lin Chen said lightly

Nine! "

Fatty Sun began to tremble all over, frowning and checking his teeth." Forget it, then you can go in.

I gave you Sunshine Avenue, and you have to stop the dead." Lin Chen sneered, and before he finished speaking, he saw Fatty Sun bow his head in depression, and then nodded while crying.

, Officer I said, I beg you to give me a chance, I am not involved in this matter at all. "Fatty Sun was shaking all over, wiping away his tears.


Lin Chen frowned, there was no good face for this dead fat man. This dead fat man always thought that he was shrewdly disguising himself, and then he could deceive everyone, but he was wrong, and he was wrong.

The dead can't be blocked, and the grievances solidify and worsen

This is what happened nine years ago. At [-] o'clock in the evening, the security guard found someone at the door with a machete trying to get in. We only found out after asking. "

The owner of a building in Anjuyuan, all the owners have about eight children. These children are underage boys who often play together, and then bully a girl at school.

The girl was extremely sad, and then chose to commit suicide by jumping off the building. After the owner knew at that time, that is, the parents of those little scumbags, and then planned to settle with the money

But there were more than [-] owners (Qian Zhao), all of them in one building, that is, the parents of those children. At that time, they planned to take [-] yuan each and settle the matter completely.

"But the girl's parents are not king, they said that they should either hack these villains to death, or let them get legal sanctions, and then there was a conflict, and then there were parents who did it at that time, and then they chose to do it directly to the girl's parents.

At that time, there were more than three people in the owners, and they all attacked together. At that time, the killing was very cruel.

The girl's parents were beaten badly. Someone threw stones at them. They were property security guards at the time, and they tried to stop them but didn't stop them. "Then the girl's father was beaten with blood all over his body, then got up and limped and disappeared.

Later, no police came to look for it, so everyone chose to ignore this matter. Comrade police, I didn’t know about it, so you must believe me. "Fatty Sun said with a trembling face and pale face.


035 Group of bastards

Metropolitan Police Brigade

Zhang Tiannuan finished the case before turning it over, and then watched Professor Chen photograph the comparison of the data that Fatty Sun said.

The case is roughly like this. After the deceased man, Martin, called the police, and then explained the situation, Martin was extremely angry, and took the machete to find those little scumbags.

Then he was stopped by the property at the door. The current plan and suggestion of the property was to pay compensation, but the girl's father only asked for punishment and injury. Later, the security guard notified all the owners of the first building in Anjuyuan, and then all the owners appeared.

According to what Fatty Sun said, they wanted to compensate the deceased before, but the owner paid joint compensation but was rejected. Then, the beating took place. The deceased was severely beaten and thrown into the water storage pool in desperation. "Lin Chen frowned.

The basic case description can be verified, even this is the entire case record, what these scumbags do is this fucking bunch of beasts

Professor Chen, a senior student, graduated from MIT, but he couldn't help but face at this time, because he was extremely angry in the face of this kind of person.

Then sue, sue all the owners of a building, all the participants, and the lady who was sued by the scumbag 540 in Shanghai nine years ago. "Lin Chen clenched his fists.

Unable to start the case without the relatives of the deceased must be sued by the relatives of the deceased. "Zhang Tiannuan said with a bitter smile.

"Then find the relatives of the deceased!" Lin Chen frowned.

"No, the wife of the deceased collapsed after her daughter committed suicide and jumped off the building and chose to hang herself. The parents of the deceased died of illness one after another in a year, and the deceased died in the cistern.

Now I can only investigate the distant relatives of the deceased first, but I have little hope, because the deceased moved from the south to Modu twenty years ago. I will try my best to investigate the domicile of the deceased, and then find the prosecutor. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.

Lin Chen was silent, a little angry

Can you imagine

family of deceased

Then there is only endless anger

As for the owners of the scumbags of the first building in Anjuyuan, they have only drank corpse water for ten years, but they can understand.

Forced a family to death, this is the existence of upright scum

Zhang Tiannuan went to the residence of the deceased to look for the relatives of the deceased. Lin Chen and Professor Chen were temporarily involved in the case.

In the previous massacre of a family, this case is still under investigation, and the suspect has been caught. The massacre of the family has aroused a huge call in the media

At this time in the interrogation room, Lin Chen was interrogating the suspect, the man and the woman.

The woman's name is Zhang Chunhua, she is forty years old, a southerner, and she does business in the magic capital.

The man's name is Sun Hao, Zhang Chunhua's husband, four and two years old, a southerner, and the husband and wife opened a jewelry store in Modu.Sun Hao, why did you kill the deceased's family? "Lin Chen shouted angrily.

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