Sun Hao, in the sight of Lin Chen from the deceased child, this guy always had a timid expression on his face, and he was extremely timid at this time, his whole body was trembling.

That middle-aged woman was the one who was so righteous and ruthless that she killed the family of three

Don't embarrass my husband, I kill people. "Zhang Chunhua said with an ashen face and expressionless face.

The reason is that all the beasts are damned. We worked hard to open a store in the magic capital and made more than one million dollars. At that time, one of our customers was a deceased. He promoted a wealth management product. drift

Can you imagine that all the money we have worked so hard to earn all our lives has been deceived. This scumbag has gone to the door a few times, and my husband was beaten out before.

"The last time I carried a fruit knife, and then there was another dispute. I took the sons of the deceased and kidnapped them, and then bound them and killed them." Li Chunhua's face was ashen, and he was still angry when he said it.

Lin Chen was silent, Li Chunhua and his man didn't intend to argue, but said it straight, Li Chunhua's death penalty is no doubt, (b but his husband did not participate in the killing, but as an accomplice for more than ten years is still at least

After the interrogation, he returned to his desk. After the massacre was defined by the media, the public was divided into two waves of quarreling. Lin Chen didn't care about the media incident, because he was now inspecting the community of Anjuyuan, an urban village nine years ago.

At that time, nearly [-] people attacked the deceased Martin, and most of them were involved.

Zhang Tiannuan contacted the deceased Martin's hometown account, and then transferred some information

The deceased's biological brother, 57 years old this year, has come from the south, and he sued. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned and finally the king relaxed. In the afternoon, the case has progressed, Lin Chen feels much more comfortable, clock in and get off work.

The car was temporarily borrowed by Professor Chen, and then went to investigate the character of the participants nine years ago and those little scumbags

Magic City Pedestrian Street, walk to the pedestrian street and watch people come and go, some people play guitar and sing along the road

Catch the thief, stole my wallet.

Suddenly, a man suddenly bumped into Lin Chen, and then ran desperately towards the front.

A middle-aged woman behind her was roaring with anxiety.

steal wallet

Lin Chen chased after him abruptly, his strong physical fitness is far from comparable to this kind of street thief.

Grabbing the collar of the thief's shirt, Lin Chen smashed it with a punch, and the thief turned his back in his pocket and stabbed Lin Chen with a knife

court death.

Lin Chen sneered, a high whip kicked the thief's wrist directly, then grabbed the thief's sleeve and a flying knee, followed by a big-eared fan.

Fighting skills, counter-grabbing, Taigang Lin Chen is familiar with

Compared with the perverted murderer of Chu Yuan, the thief Zhigan is far worse than the combination of Chu Yuan and Yibatang.

Lying on the ground, the thief had bruised left and right faces, covered his mouth and mourned

Leaving the scene and passing the late-night bookstore, which Lin Chen liked to go to before, but who knows, the bookstore owner is actually a criminal suspect

When it came to Chu Yuan, Lin Chen couldn't help frowning. He always had a feeling that there were not many people as terrifying as Chu Yuan.

Back home, mopping the floor and cleaning

In the past two weeks, the difficulty of the case has reached the limit, so the villa has not been cleaned! "SMS sound

Picking up the phone, it was sent by Zhang Tiannuan. The family of the deceased Martin had already flown to the magic capital. Now that they have learned of the case, they have already carried a knife to go to that community.

Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, and there was emotion in his bitter smile.

Just like the scene nine years ago, the solitary Martin went to seek justice alone, just like the field where he stood by the cistern and jumped down with despair on his face.


036 Reproduce

Martin is standing in the villa group, someone is mocking unscrupulously

He was utterly desperate, utterly insane, beaten to death, and then killed himself in the cistern

Lin Chen frowned at this case~ couldn't help sighing

There is no suspicious case, only one deceased died with extreme sorrow, Lin Chen wanted to scold him, he didn't know, because some things were really hard to say.

"Fuck, what the hell." The team looked at the case, his face ashen, his eyes full of rage

He is just, even if he loses his position, he dares to scold and beat him.

There are three long scars on the back of Team Liu. They were beaten by some people in the middle of the night for handling justice, and then beaten with machetes. However, Team Liu did not say a word and still had a face of justice. His wife and daughter were all abroad. Team Liu was worried that he had When I came home one day, I saw the case rather than the warm home

Therefore, Lin Chen is very convinced to Gan Liu team. This may not be a rational police chief, but he is definitely a man with the utmost justice.

After reading the case records, Team Liu had a dark face, clenched his fists and whispered this.

"Captain Zhang, has the deceased's younger brother come to the magic capital? Is there any progress in the case?" Forced himself to suppress the anger in his heart, Liu team looked at Zhang Tiannuan and asked

The development of the case is something Liu team has always been curious about, because the case is in the extreme development

When I saw the case just now, Team Liu couldn't help frowning. The whole family was neat and tidy.

"Grandma's family, the deceased's daughter committed suicide by jumping off the building, the deceased was beaten and drowned in the water storage tank, and the deceased's wife was depressed and hanged herself.

It's neat, it's neat, if this group of offal doesn't go in, if this group of offal doesn't go in, I will get him if it violates the rules. Team Liu roared with murderous intent in his eyes.

The case records are very detailed, but the only pity is that the evidence is insufficient. First of all, the case was nine years ago, so the evidence in this case is very insufficient. At least at this time, everyone is frowning, looking at the case, thinking about the evidence and the prosecutor's debate.

The younger brother of the deceased, Ma Tian, ​​called Ma Zang, was 37 years old and was from the South. We only have the testimony of Fatty Sun and the corpse brought up by the boss. The bruises and fractures were detected on the corpse. "

"But the deceased is a long time ago. Even if we investigate various information on the deceased and Fatty Sun's confession, the information is still insufficient." Zhang Tianyue frowned deeply and said helplessly.

The case has progressed to a certain point, and now if you want a breakthrough, that is evidence. This is also the most critical thing in the case. Tell me about the detailed case records, and what happened to the deceased who called the police nine years ago. "Liu team frowned.

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