Nine years ago, the deceased called the police. Among them, the deceased's daughter was bullied by several gangsters at school. Then the deceased's daughter jumped off the building in grief and anger.

Then the deceased, Martin, called the police. The police reported that his daughter had been abused by scum. When Martin went to the scene alone with a machete, this scene happened at the scene. This is the entire record of the case. "Zhang Tiannuan frowned and then said about Fatty Sun's investigation." Wen Dui looked at Lin Chen and asked with a frown

The only information that the police station has now, even the information that the prosecutor wants to prosecute, then only the entrance of Fatty Sun is in the village of Modu City, on the rooftop of a building, and all the residents of this building are gathering.

The leader is a middle-aged man, wearing a black suit, his face is dark and a bit ruthless

As you all know, the broken things nine years ago have been uncovered. "The middle-aged man roared

That guy, he died and he died in the cistern so you all know the water we drink, now I want to say it's not the problem, but the police have paid attention

"Big guys, your children are all involved, and they've even reached adults now, so the big guys are keeping silent," the middle-aged man said coldly

But now the police have found him, and they are in the process of adjusting, and the dead fat man has been taken away. "Someone couldn't help but panic.

This time, Lin Chen took the officers of the Criminal Police Brigade to investigate, and the investigation was very harsh.

ask for flowers

Even if that dead fat man said what he did, he didn't know the law was different, and now is the beginning. "The middle-aged man sneered.

The cold wind blows, and everyone on the rooftop of the night can't help but be horrified

In the criminal police brigade of the capital city, Lin Chen saw the younger brother of the deceased Martin

It was a thin man with a short stature and plain clothes, but his eyes were blood red at this time, just like the honest man who seemed to be bullied, but who knew that after the honest man broke out, the terrifying power in it would be extremely terrifying

The wrongful death of my brother, I know.

I've been dreaming every day these few days, my brother is screaming, my brother's whole family is dead, hahahaha, a bunch of beasts, a bunch of beasts, I'm going to kill you. "Brother Martin roared, with red eyes trying to grab the machete and fight.


Lin Chen was speechless, and Lin Chen's eyes were full of shock at this time.

Endless resentment, even if Martin's soul is scattered in the reservoir, it is the power to straighten the dead

会议 室

Team Liu showed the case to everyone. This is the record of all the cases.

Although the case of Guan Gan was very noisy nine years ago, after it was defined as a suspicious case, there was not much evidence at that time because all the parties involved died, and the family of the deceased also died, so the evidence is very scarce.

"What we lack now is evidence, only Fatty Sun's confession, but after all, we can't let the deceased's younger brother sue." Liu team frowned, his eyes filled with anger

Team Liu looked at the deceased's younger brother with an extremely angry expression, and he couldn't help but be extremely angry.

As he said, the whole family died neatly. This was the ultimate blow to Team Wang Liu, which made Team Liu angry to the limit.

At this time, Team Liu's eyes were filled with anger, and he frowned as he watched the case.

I went to investigate all the records at that time, and even though nine years have passed, there must still be witnesses. "Zhang Tiannuan volunteered, she is the captain of the police brigade, and naturally she raised her hand directly.

Me too," Lin Chen also frowned.

Mr. Lin, there is a case that needs you now, Zhu, let's take a look. "Wen team couldn't help but smile bitterly, and then motioned to Lin Chen to take a look at the latest case.


037 Electronic Factory

Location of the case: No. 20, Leiming Electronics Factory, suburb of Modu

Case introduction: Three corpses were found in the back mountain by the Leiming Electronics Factory of Magic City. The corpses were all male employees of the electronics factory. Their necks and chests were punctured by sharp objects.

Suspects of the case: The three males were all in their 20s and 25s. Among them, they had been working in the Ming Electronics Factory for a year. The deceased had no fingerprints of the criminal suspect, and there was no trace of fighting at the scene of the deceased.

The property of the deceased is still there, but the corpse was slashed and rolled over.

The first is that the deceased was not robbed or killed by vendetta. First of all, the wallet of the deceased was still there, and there was only no trace of fighting in the death. You must know that although the deceased died in the back mountain, his clothes were not neat, and the process of death seemed to be flat and suffered humiliation.

Looking at the case, Lin Chen frowned, "Zero Jiu San". After the death of the three male corpses, the corpses actually had their lips bent. Lin Chen couldn't believe this thought, which means that the deceased was humiliated. confidence

According to the records of the case, what do you think of Professor Chen? "Lin Chen frowned.

The suspect's method was very cruel. According to the forensic wound report, the first wound of the deceased was the neck, which means that the main artery in the neck was first cut off during the murder.

This is what made Lin Chen frown to the extreme, and even made Lin Chen wonder, what did the deceased do, what happened to the deceased, and what happened to the deceased, even in the face of this kind of thing, how about the on-site evidence collection? Woolen cloth. "Lin Chen frowned and asked.

Professor Chen is looking at the case in detail, her thinking logic is very unique

We can enter through doubts. None of the three male dead were robbed, but there were no signs of humiliation in their lower bodies. It can only be said that they were carrying out some kind of behavior in the midst of death, and then died suddenly. "Professor Chen said with a strange expression.

Lin Chen didn't say a word, naturally he knew what Professor Chen said, which means that the deceased was likely to be killed suddenly while holding a woman's passion. This is the simplest logic and the least evidence.

"What's your opinion?" Professor Chen looked at Lin Chen and laughed

Professor Chen and Lin Chen were together, and naturally they dealt with too many supernatural cases. It can be said that too many cases are accustomed to, and even the most violent cases are faced with ease.

"Talk about acquaintances, acquaintances with three corpses." Lin Chen said lightly

In the afternoon, Lin Chen went to the scene of the deceased. It was the back mountain of the electronics factory. The scene of the death hall had been cordoned off. Many girls from the electronics factory saw Lin Chen, wearing a police uniform and tall and straight, and couldn't help but keep quiet. discuss

That police chief is so handsome, just like the movie star Wu Yanzu

Yes, look at the tall and straight fans and eyes, the models are not so angry, and the height of the eyes is also very straight.A few girls from the electronics factory were talking loudly, and suddenly their faces turned red, because Lin Chen walked towards them with a smile.

"Hello, I want to ask, what is the reputation of the deceased in the factory." Lin Chen asked with a smile

The girl in the middle has short hair, wearing ultra-short raw jeans, and a red sweater on her upper body. Seeing Lin Chen, she bit her lip sweetly.The three deceased people are not fun, they can be said to be scumbags. I don't know how many little girls have been deceived, but they are all deceiving their feelings. It can be said that they deserve to die. "The short-haired girl couldn't help but said angrily, and the two little girls around also nodded.

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