Lin Chen nodded, knowing something in his heart, went to the deputy captain of the special police who was handling the case, and whispered a few words in his ear.This is an ordinary criminal case, as long as you know the process and analyze it

Team Liu sent a message just now, that is, the suspected case has reappeared

Returning to the Metropolitan Criminal Police Brigade, Team Liu had a strange look on his face, and when he saw Chen Lai, he handed over the case in his hand.

Look at it, the suspicious case three years ago is now appearing again: "Liu team's face is very strange, Lin Chen looks like the case, and he can't help but look strange.

This is not a criminal homicide, nor a chain homicide, but a case of a neurotic robbing a cash truck

Three years ago, there were ten cases of mentally ill patients who saw robbery of a money transporter. All of them were shot to death by the money transporter at the scene.

"Liu team, what do you mean, this is someone who deliberately confuses the minds of these neurotic patients and then asks them to rob the money transporter," Lin Chen frowned. This slaughter is not very dangerous, but it is defined as a suspicious case

Yesterday, a cash-transport truck that left from the China Construction Bank in the east of the city was once again hit by two neurotic patients, and then looked at the body with a machete. At that time, the ten soldiers of the cash-transport truck killed it, but there was no arbitrary motive.” The team couldn’t help it. wry smile

I went to the neuropathy patient, and the neuropathy inside was all peaceful and stable, and there was not much mental violence, so this was the most bizarre thing. "Liu team smiled bitterly.

Someone is manipulating these neurotic patients, and then going to fence and hijack the money car." Lin Chen frowned and said to himself

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but smile bitterly, because he thought of a person, a very familiar but unfamiliar guy

That is, Chu Yuan, who fled abroad, has top-notch comprehensive abilities and is proficient in alternative psychology.

Related to Psychology, Divided into Analytical Psychology and Depression

But Chu Yuan's method was to make Lin Chen unable to bear the horror.

This kind of thinking shows that it is a straight and terrifying existence

Chu Yuan's method is that he can control the neurological patient, and even define it according to the entire thinking of the neurological patient, and then guide the neurological patient to do crazy things.

This is a kind of psychology. Once Lin Chen is successfully controlled, it is unimaginable. Even in the previous Wanda Plaza, it was a neurotic who took hostages and then killed them.

Team, do you have any news from Chu Yuan now? "Lin Chen asked

When mentioning 49 and Chu Yuan, this perverted murderer, the team still frowned deeply.

"The world's most wanted list is already on the list, and there is no news now. This guy's reconnaissance ability is terrible. You are suspecting that he is back. Team Liu frowned.

Lin Chen was silent, the wind picked up, and the sins reappeared.

Before going to the neurological hospital, Leiming Electronics Factory has made progress, and the suspect has been caught. Professor Chen invited Lin Chen to participate in the interrogation.

Metropolitan Police Brigade, Third Interrogation Room

On the iron chair in the interrogation room, there was a young girl with a beautiful appearance, but Lin Chen looked at her pale eyes and there was no expression in the girl's eyes.

Eyes with no expression, even this is like a dead person, just sitting like that, looking at everyone with expressionless faces


039 Weird Hospital

Seeing Lin Chen and a group of police officers, the dean of the mental patient smiled wryly.

My name is Zhang Shu, I'm 36 years old this year, and I've been a senior in a mental hospital for seven years. I know if you have any questions, please sit down and talk slowly. "

Zhang Shu smiled wryly and pointed to the chair in the office, motioning Lin Chen to sit down and said

Professor Chen is good at observing people's hearts. She is really agile to the extreme, so she pretends to be Lin Chen's assistant standing by to record the case.

Before coming, in the small conference room of the Criminal Police Brigade, Liu Team, Lin Chen and Professor Chen discussed this matter.

Among them, the suspect is the dean of the neurological hospital. Team Liu suspects that the dean may be implicated in Chu Yuan. You must know that there was a perverted murderer before, but who knew that the owner of the bookstore was also his accomplice.

After clearing his throat, Lin Chen looked serious, then smiled kindly.

"President Zhang, you should still remember the crazy case of a neurotic who shocked Modu three years ago." Lin Chen said with a smile


Zhang Shu smiled wryly, then nodded, smoking a cigarette and talking about the case three years ago

I know that this case was very noisy in the society at that time and even forced Wang Minmin to press the hospital temporarily. Because the situation was very bad at the time, the three neurological patients were wielding kitchen knives each, and then Qian Yu did something wrong. I am in this matter. I know, "the three people attacked the cash truck at that time. Although no casualties were caused, the neurotic patients have been discussed a lot in society, and even now they are being treated to the extreme." Zhang Shu sighed.

Lin Chen sneered, this old guy is still partial to his patient, but he doesn't know what heinous things his patient has done.

The case has developed to this point, and this old guy still doesn't know, it can even be said that he is not aware of the seriousness of the situation at all.After this kind of case happened at that time, Lin Chen felt ridiculous that the parents of those neurotic patients actually sued the gunmen of the money transporter and demanded compensation


compensate you mmp

Lin Chen has seen the video captured by the camera at that time. At that time, three neurological patients wearing white pads were insane, wielding machetes and slashing around the money transporter. Although those neurological patients had problems with IQ, their bodies were adults and their strength was strong. also if

That's why Lin Chencai finds it ridiculous, all the means of these guys are simply contemptible

Dean Zhang, do you still think that those mentally ill patients are innocent? The patients who live in their own world are really innocent. "Professor Chen can't help it, she is recording the case, she has naturally studied human nature and neurological patients.

These people are not innocent, and it can even be said to be ridiculous, because these guys have all kinds of thoughts, and they are all perverted bastards. Of course, there are some people with good morals.

But they realized it was just a child, Zhang Shu frowned.

Hold on, Guan Wang is innocent and not innocent. We will talk about it later. Now we have a problem. Then in the past three years, there have been neurotic patients who have been attacking people and sabotaging people.

During our investigation, the thinking of these people has been controlled by a certain kind of consciousness, which means that they have listened to the will of a certain kind of person. President Zhang, you are a spiritual professor in the medical field, you should know this change of will. "Lin Chen frowned.

This is a kind of will guidance, which is very unfamiliar to Qian Linchen, because there are top professors in the world who are studying the thinking of neurological patients, but it is very difficult to guide them

Zhang Shu couldn't help but turn pale. He was a researcher, so he naturally knew what Lin Chen said.

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