"The condition of the corpse is as follows. The female corpse is 25-30 years old. The lower body is intact, but there are no bruises on the torn marks. Obviously, she had resisted before, and she had a fatal wound on her chest." The forensic doctor said

Lin Chen was silent, looking at the female corpse, it was the same as the female corpse in the previous four counties, both in appearance and figure were highly similar.

The body was taken away, and Lin Chen was sitting in the police car smoking a cigarette

Lin Chen rarely smokes. Smoking will affect people's judgment on some subtle things about Wang. Although the difference in judgment is only small, once the judgment is wrong, the dead person is extremely dangerous.

"The situation is developing at the extreme, and the situation is very bad now." Professor Chen frowned and smiled bitterly.

"What is the motive of the criminal suspect? The clown in the movie is extremely tyrannical because of his parents and his wife, but what is the motive of the criminal suspect." Lin Chen frowned.

He has a hunch, but once this hunch is correct, the consequences are unmanageable existences

Criminal Police Brigade,

Looking at the corpse of the mentally ill patient again, Lin Chen's eyes were strange

Tell me what exactly you saw. "Lin Chen whispered, like an ancient shaman at this moment

It was a classroom. Lin Chen had seen several neurotic patients sitting in it. Of course, it was a classroom for neurological patients.

On it stands a man with a clown mask

"Do you know the meaning of life and the blossoming of flowers? Come on and give everything for me." The clown masked man roared, with a tyrannical look in his eyes

At this time, everyone couldn't help but feel extremely fearful. This is a straight and terrifying development. Lin Chen's face was ashen.

Sure enough, it was that guy, he came back again, and next to the neurotic patient was the newly discovered female corpse

After the appearance restoration test, the death process of the corpse was compared with the previous wounds, and it was exactly the same as the first four.

Crime Squad

Li Tian came back, when he learned that the perverted murderer was out again and flew back from far away North America

The captain of the serious crime team is Lin Chen, and the deputy captain is now Zhang Tiannuan

This guy is here again and I'm curious what he's for. "Looking at the case, Li Tian couldn't help roaring.

Facing the existence of such violence, and this kind of abnormal criminal psychology is very scary, because the male and female taxi drivers of the deceased were also killed.

This kind of perverted guy, first of all, his current purpose is those girls, those girls who look alike, the criminal suspect Xiping hates such girls very much, this is a breakthrough, Zhang Tiannuan, you go to investigate the population appearance, Wanchengzhi Girls who match in the middle and long look put together a data sheet. "Lin Chendao

Is it possible to lead snakes out of their holes, but is this okay? "Li Tian frowned.

Yes, this guy is extremely perverted, his mind is full of secrets, but his courage is extremely terrifying, everything he wants to do must be done

do it. "Lin Chen sneered.

When the police car suffered a car accident before, Lin Chen woke up, and to deal with this kind of perversion can only be investigated according to counter-thinking

Chu Yuan has been looking for a girl who looks the same on and off, and then kills her

Coroner's Room.

The deceased was lying on the autopsy table. Before the top forensic team had investigated all the presentations of the matter, the color of the eyelids was extremely blue.The situation has reached its extremes, and this kind of situation is often very bad

Looking at the female corpse, Lin Chen's eyes opened again, he wanted to be in the sight of the corpse, and then he knew what happened

"Tell me about everything you see.

Weeds group, this is a barren grassland and an abandoned hunting ground

The deceased went out for a walk alone because he was in a bad mood. Suddenly, a man in a clown mask emerged from the grass in front of him and walked slowly towards the deceased with the upper head in his hand.

Dear girl, some people always miss you so much so please accompany him. "The man in the clown mask came roaring and the woman's resistance was completely useless, the sharp knife pierced the chest, the blood dripped on the grass, and the godless eyes gradually widened.

This is death, silent death

Lin Chen frowned and regained his sight

Still that scene, still that scene


042 The Trapped of Love

Next to the autopsy table, Lin Chen held on to the chair, his head felt extremely dizzy

Sometimes, when you can see things that are unimaginable for ordinary people, what you have to endure in them is extremely terrifying.

It's a tortured power, to be able to see the sight of death, then there's something to give

Cause and effect is like this, after regaining physical strength, Lin Chen's complexion is iron.

This guy has never been afraid of any power

Crime Squad

This time, the core members of the serious crime team, Captain Lin Chen, Vice Captain Zhang Tian, ​​Li Tian, ​​Professor Chen, and the top forensic team sent by the Imperial Capital have already given a death order to take Chu Yuan with all their strength.

The crime of Chu Yuan and its cruelty, the terrible effect caused by the society is shocking

"Now, please tell Deputy Team Zhang about the case." Lin motioned to Zhang Tiannuan to explain the case.

The case is developing, and top-level alerts have been carried out in Shanghai in order to capture Chu Yuan and Liu team.

Now it is on alert. Any foreign population, as well as tourist population, will be directly arrested if there is any sign of suspicion. "In urban villages, as well as major old-fashioned suburban communities, we have arranged for a police officer to investigate." Zhang Tiannuan said

What if it was easy! "Lin Chen frowned.

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