It's not impossible, for a top-level agent force pervert, it's easy to disguise

Human skin disguise actually exists. In the ancient Roman Empire, someone created another new method of disguise, which is to cut off the faces of fresh men and women and then assist with special antiseptic materials, which are perfectly fitted on the face, completely invisible. "Lin Chen frowned.

Guan Gan's human skin disguise, Lin Chen had consulted some ancient horse empire records before, human skin disguise is a new method in the records, this method is very strange, it can be said to be extremely strange.

What do you mean, Chu Yuan may be in a certain area, and then his face has already changed. "Li Tian frowned.

Team Liu arranged for a city-wide search, in which all migrants in the city were searched, whether they were going to travel, eat, or go shopping, as long as they were found, they had to show their ID cards.

This is under high pressure, but the effect is not very obvious, but a few fugitives have been caught, but the perverted murderer Chu Yuan really can't find it.

ID card verification, how did this guy escape? Any place where people can live, we have all investigated, but there is no trace, this guy. "Li Tian frowned.

The phone vibrated suddenly, Lin Chen looked at the phone with a stern look on his face

Team Liu sent a message just now, let's go to a crime scene to take a look. "Lin Chen frowned.

The crime scene is in the northwestern suburbs of the city, which is the factory area. The crime scene is in the master bedroom of a villa in the mountains.

The police car came to the northern suburbs, and Lin Chen got out of the car and saw that the Wen team had led people to block the scene

Take a look. "Liu team is in the master bedroom of the villa, which is decorated in American style, and a strange smiling face emerges on the wall. This is someone painting a smiling face on the wall. The painting style is ancient India, and the thickness of the painting is very ancient Indian painting style. The painting style of ancient India, is this a criminal suspect?" Lin Chen frowned.

On the way here, Lin Chen already knew about the case.

The case is temporarily defined as the smiling face murder case, and everyone at this time is extremely horrified

In a suburban villa in the northern suburbs, the owner of the villa was brutally killed. The process of death was strangled to death. After his nanny found it, he hurriedly called the police, and then came to the scene with that strange smiling face


The scene of the deceased, with an eerie smiley face painted on the wall

The Criminal Police Brigade temporarily defines the case as the Smiley Murder, which is the latest police case.

It is also the second major criminal case after the perverted murderer. At this time, Lin Chen looked at the case, his face was extremely blue.

The smiling face murder case, this is the latest case, and it is very troublesome now, because there have been cases recorded in other cities before. "Lin Chen frowned and said that the perverted homicide cases are ranked after the ranking. Mr. Lin will talk about it in detail." Li Tian frowned and said.

The smiling face murder case, in the previous world detective study, Li Tian had seen some records, this is a murder case in the records, among which is the extreme tyranny

Guan Gan's smiling face murder case can be traced back to its records. The murder case records are extremely terrifying.

"In the small manor of Lindu in France, a garden owner died, and then he painted a smiling face on the wall. It was painted by spray paint, and there was a terrible smiling face on it. Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

...for flowers

"What about the follow-up development!" Professor Chen frowned, very curious about the follow-up development of this case

"Then an investigation was started, and something was found during the investigation. This kind of case investigation was very wrong, and incidents occurred in major cities in the south.

"That is to say, this is the fourth case, the smiling face murder case." Lin Chen said with a wry smile, the case has progressed to this point, it is already a very terrifying existence

Four people died, and all of them left smiling faces with red spray paint on the walls, how the hell could it be so scary. "Li Tian frowned, with a cold look in his eyes.

In this smiling face murder case, the suspect is not wandering in the magic capital, but has all the case records in the major regions.


Smiley Murder

In one of the villa buildings in the northern suburb of Wancheng, the owner died in the master bedroom, which was strangled by the neck, and then died in the room. The wall of the deceased master bedroom had a smiling face with red spray paint

Simple spray-painted smiley face, weird spray-paint, extremely terrifying, it is the ultimate display, and it is also the abyss of crime

Lin Chen smiled bitterly, the recent two criminal cases made him despair

The first is Chu Yuan's perverted murderer. This is the most terrifying case when he came to the capital before.

At the beginning, for this perverted murderer, everyone overturned the argument several times, because the murder case was still unable to find the source of the crime.

You still remember the case records that we speculated for the first time. In the speculation at that time, we chose most of the plans, but what Professor Chen said was the appearance that reminded us. "Lin Chen frowned.

The appearance of the deceased is the same. Now five of the deceased have died. Among them, their appearance and body are very similar, and the similarity is over 95%.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen, because this was the motive of the criminal suspect, that is, the criminal Chu Yuan.

Before Zhang Tiannuan investigated the suspects, all the information about the suspect Guan Wang had been recorded. At least at this time, Zhang Tiannuan was ashen.

Chu Yuan, a perverted murderer, ranks first in the most important criminal cases in Modu. This is also the most troublesome case for us. How should we proceed now? "Zhang Tiannuan frowned.


043 About records

The first serious case, even a perverted murderer

The exposure of local news in Modu caused huge social panic.

This is a real crime and its abominable case. Before that, Team Liu posted a hanging notice, in which as long as Chu Yuan's trace is found, a reward of [-] million yuan will be awarded.

As long as you catch Chu Yuan, the reward of [-] million is the highest ever announced in history, and it is also the time when the amount of money has reached the limit.

But no one is a fool. Under the temptation of a lot of money, some people start to look for it.

Later, Lin Chen suggested to withdraw the notice, because everyone is very familiar with Guan Chuyuan's skills and anti-reconnaissance ability, and it can be said that everyone is very familiar with the means used by Chu Yuan.

"Guan Gan Chu Yuan's skills, you should know that, this guy's skills are extremely terrifying, how can we deal with "Lin Chen's face" one-six three-colored ashen, looked at everyone and said with a wry smile

"Only the direct wall can be seized." Li Tiandao

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