Li Tian was directly exposed to the existence of Chu Yuan, and he was also shamefully praised in that late-night bookstore.

So this time Li Tian deliberately flew back from France to report such a shame.

Lin Chen frowned. When he and Chen went to investigate the mental hospital before, he found out that the terrible problem was a straightforward warning for Qian Linchen now.

"Professor Chen, do you remember the truck that hit and killed the three police officers before?" Lin Chen asked after looking over the case.

This case was suppressed by Liu team, otherwise those media who are chasing the wind and the shadow will simply write nonsense.

I remember, the first time I met such a perverted principal, it was an unbelievable existence. The actions performed by this criminal were unbelievable.

I swear, I swear straight, this ride is horrible. "Professor Chen rarely speaks foul language

She is the world's top criminal psychologist, and her research on criminology is well-known in the world. Among them, joint detectives have solved several world mystery cases.

But in Modu, where you left the neurological hospital, this kind of situation actually happened, which made Professor Chen unbelievable, because according to normal thinking logic, there is no such case in the world.

"What about the truck driver, how did he die?" Lin Chen frowned, looking at Professor Chen and asked

In the follow-up, other cases occurred, so the driver of the large truck only performed a simple autopsy at the scene. Lin Chen did not know the details of the death investigation. The deceased, Liu, was forty years old. He was hired by the Nangang BMW Group and was on the large truck. All are some top foreign imported motorcycle brands

Among them, the main cause of death is the deadly numb toxin in the abdomen. This toxin is taken from a jellyfish in the continent. The body of this jellyfish is very terrifying, and the most terrible of them is the numb toxin contained in the body.

This kind of poisonous snake is similar to the puffer fish, but the paralysis directly enters the heart and major organs, which directly causes organ failure and death. Therefore, this kind of death is very terrifying, and it must be faced with caution. "Professor Chen explained the autopsy, and then looked at the crowd.

Now the serious crime team has two major cases, one is the top crime murder case, and the other is the smiling face murder case.

The two major cases, how to be the king, the perverted murderer has killed ten dead, five of them are all the target method of the perverted murderer, and there are already six in the dry smiley murder case, and the devil is the sixth deceased

As the captain of the serious crime team, Lin Chen only felt the pressure was extremely depressed, and couldn't help but smile bitterly, but nodded with a smile and said that he could still carry the progress of the case. "Li Tian frowned.

Li Tian's identity, that is the most terrifying figure in the records of the people.

"I think it should be drained. Professor Chen and I are in charge of the perverted murder case, and Wang Litian is in charge of the smiling face murder case. Among them, Zhang Tiannuan assisted Lin Chen frowning and arranged

Now I am learning about the Smiley Murder case, because the perverted murderers know a lot of information, just need to find the location of Chu Yuan, and then kill him, but this other case, according to its development path, it is very difficult.

Now we have inquired too many records, the case has entered an unpopular stage, we have to find all those records, the situation is not right Guan Wang Smiley Murder Case, Deputy Captain Zhang Tiannuan, please explain all the case records in detail Shan Linchen asked

The smiling face murder case, this is the first smiling face murder in the magic capital area, but there have already been five cases in the area. The reason why Team Liu is so dreadful is that this kind of case is terrifying.

The smiling face murder case is extremely terrifying. I said that the local department will transmit the information to us. "Zhang Tiannuan said

Judging from the death process of the five deceased, the deceased suffered some kind of huge torture before his death. We don’t know the specific torture, but the death process of the deceased was really cruel. All five of them were strangled to death. , the deceased showed signs of resistance to fighting before, but did not fully escape

The criminal suspect was very cunning. He just sprayed a smiley face with red spray paint on the wall of the scene. The traces on the scene were impossible to judge, so it was extremely terrifying in the records. "

According to our investigation and judgment, the smiling face murderer is very good at fighting the king, and even this kind of killing method can be compared with Chu Yuan. "Zhang Tiannuan has finished all his remarks.

Lin Chen frowned tightly, what day is this, all the monsters and ghosts are here now, this is the existence that makes people unable to bear the horror

At least at this time, Lin Chen frowned tightly and couldn't help but sigh with a wry smile.

Death Guang traces its origins, it is indeed a new life in the records, but at this time it is extremely bitter to the people.

The development of the case is very wrong now, and we are now very troubled by the extreme development of this case, which is simply a headache. With wide eyes, Li Tian couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In the two major criminal cases, the murderer was extremely cunning, and the various methods in the display made people unable to help but smile in despair, at least at this time Lin Chen's face was ashen.

Well, the case has been sorted. I will go to the mental hospital to investigate again in the afternoon. I have a hunch that something is wrong with this mental hospital. "Lin Chen looked at the crowd, and couldn't help frowning.

Very wrong, you mean! "Professor Chen frowned and said that she had conducted a mind drain with a neurological patient before, but she was in a car accident when she came back.


044 Visit to a mental hospital

February 29, Xiaoxue

A black Maserati starts up at the entrance of the Rondo police brigade

In the co-pilot sits Professor Chen, and in the back seat sits a middle-aged man with a cold face. This is the top bodyguard specially arranged by Team Liu for Lin Chen. Among them, he can fight even when he encounters Chu Yuan.

"Let me introduce, this is Brother Leng arranged by Team Liu. This is the national boxing champion. He is good at all kinds of grappling and fighting methods." Lin Chen introduced with a smile.

When he entered the neurological hospital this time, Lin Chen had a feeling that once there was a problem this time, it would be very scary, so he invited top fighters

"Brother Leng, you read the camera records in the library before. You also know the criminal suspect, what do you think?" asked Lin Chen curiously on the road as he drove towards the neurological hospital.

In the urban village, Lin Chen and Chu Yuan, a perverted murderer, had a fight, but there was no video record around, but after arriving at the late-night 15 bookstore, it was the first time that they faced those terrifying existences. fear

I saw that the criminal suspect, Chu Yuan, has a very terrifying figure. That is ancient Muay Thai, Brazilian judo, and Russian military killing boxing. As long as this kind of fierceness is hot, all fighting is deadly. Brother smiled wryly

This guy is terrible, once I meet you, I can only escort you all. "Brother Leng said calmly

Lin Chen couldn't help blushing. This means that he and Professor Chen will affect their strength.

I'm not talking about anything, but I'm talking about a lot of things recently, because you don't know the truth and don't know that once the situation develops badly, its terrible effect will be completely difficult to deal with," Brother Leng frowned.

An hour later, I came to the Third Neurological Hospital of the Magic Capital

Entering Dean Zhang's office, Zhang Tianzheng looked at some materials, saw everyone coming and gave up his seat in a hurry

We are here for something, and I would like to ask about the current situation of these neurotic patients. "Lin Chen frowned.

At this time, Lin Chen couldn't help but trace that it was the existence displayed in the picture, and in the picture, it was the display of the picture

Among them, there is a display screen, and it is the line of sight of a dead neurological patient.

A tall and straight man wearing a clown mask, his eyes are wide, his whole body is like madness, and he is even talking like a teacher.

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