Li Tian widened his eyes, flipped through the case records, and frowned.

In the records of the deceased's case, the dialectics of Guan Wang's deceased is extremely strange

Looking through the case, there is not much information in other police stations

Now Smiley Murder can be lumped together, that is to say, the murderer of Smiley Murder has a very big mentality of revenge to revenge the society and the rich.

The smiling face with red spray paint shows that this guy is declaring his strength against a certain force, and it is also a kind of resistance.

This is a criminal with a calm mind, but his intention is completely mad. In his life experience, he must have suffered the consequences of such a blow. "Professor Chen was looking at the case, and then analyzed the murderer of the smiling face murder case.

The second corpse in the Do Smiley Murder Case, the seventh corpse in the country, the police suspect one million suspects

In the afternoon, Professor Chen and I went to the No. [-] Mental Hospital in Modu again. I was going to see what happened. The slaughter must be dealt with. Lin Chen's face was ashen.

That was seen on the dead body, that was the body of a neurotic, because the case was a robbery of a cash truck.

In the sight of the dead corpse, Lin Chen saw the picture of the mental hospital. It was in the classroom, and several neurotic patients were like crazy listening to the clown man's speech.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen. This is an investigation that must be investigated. It is useless to directly attack the police.

Because Lin Chen is guessing whether there is a perverted murderer among those neurotic patients, it is very simple for Wang perverted murderer to kill a normal-looking man, and then use the ancient Indian human skin mask, it is very simple and easy to do The camouflage, at least at this time, made Lin Chen unable to bear his face.

This is Lin Chen's guess, but he has a vague feeling that it is about to be confirmed

This is the beginning of death, and it belongs to the demented neurotic

"Captain Zhang Tiannuan, now the whole city is searching for outsiders and tourists. Among them, the ID card appearance investigation, the two are progressing together, how is it now?" Lin Chen asked with a frown

A city-wide search is the only search method, but it is also a complete solution to any floating population, and even to check those outsiders in illegally built houses.

According to the image of the criminal suspect, height and weight, appearance, ID card, accent, god, behavior

These are all under investigation by the special police and the film police, and all these information are under investigation

We are investigating the information, and the situation is very wrong now, the location of the deceased, and the process and means of death are all wrong. "Lin Chen frowned tightly.

The investigation was carried out, but in the city-wide search, there was actually very little information, and even the identity of the deceased was extremely strange.A city-wide investigation has made no progress. "Zhang Tiannuan said bitterly.

Two perverted murderers, hiding in this huge city, this is an existence that makes everyone feel extremely terrified

For the Metropolitan Criminal Police Brigade, this is a real adrenaline madness, because no one dares to have a hunch or guess, how terrifying and terrifying these consequences and death tactics will be once they are unfolded.

Hide it, continue to search, and notify the masses to cooperate with the search and find the reward to double, Li Tian and Zhang Tiannuan, vice-captain, please go to investigate the population of the city in the afternoon, and investigate any oddities.

Street beggars, beggars, and those who pray and kowtow are all to be investigated. Hospitals and suburban housing are taboo. All police officers will be notified to investigate. If there is a problem, they will even shoot.

Zhao Liao) said that Lin Chen couldn't help but suffer here, this is not facing ordinary criminal suspects, so even shooting is the best way to deal with it

"Professor Chen and I went to investigate the mental hospital in the afternoon. There is something wrong with this hospital." Lin Chen looked at everyone and said.

Lunch was delicious at the police station, with three dishes and one soup. This was Team Liu's proposal to apply for food improvement in order to take care of everyone's identity.Lin Chen ate two bowls of rice, and at one o'clock in the afternoon, he went to the Third Neurological Hospital with Professor Chen.

Brother Leng was sitting in the back seat and was concentrating on maintaining the car. He was judging whether there was any danger around him according to his own thinking. This is the judgment of the freshman, but once there is a problem, it is very scary.

"I heard before that the control system of a large truck was manipulated, and then three policemen were killed. Now you must pay attention to driving. In the cases I have encountered around the world, it is unbelievable like this." Brother Leng smiled bitterly.


046 Third Mental Hospital

In the capital and in China, criminal suspects have become so rampant that they use various means to demonstrate and threaten

In fact, the smiling face murder case is very wrong. The two suspects also have very similar goals. This is what is wrong with honesty. "Lin Chen frowned, with a Pishan look in his eyes.

Chu Yuan's purpose is very single, that is to kill those women who look very similar, and the murderer with a smile on his face is a perverted hatred of the rich, and even this kind of person's thinking is very terrifying. . "Professor Chen frowned.

These are two criminal cases, but the methods of the deceased are highly similar

Third mental hospital

The white wall is three meters high. The mental hospital is surrounded by walls. The gate is an iron railing gate like a prison. When I saw a police car coming, I hurriedly released it. Most of the security guards are retired soldiers, and they are all good at some methods and reconnaissance.

Looking around, Professor Chen frowned more and more

After experiencing the incident of the mentally ill being shot to death, here began to raise panoramic shooting cameras, in which the shooting location and positioning location are extremely advanced.

There is no Agan prison here, but why did 467 neurotics leave silently. "Zhang Tian frowned.

Many of those mentally ill people collapsed because of things the day after tomorrow, but how did they jump out of the three-meter-high wall? These people are ordinary people without strong skills, and even among the neurotic patients who were shot to death before, there are still others. Several elderly people in their sixties

"Their age and all kinds of matches are weird, what's going on?" Professor Chen frowned

Lin Chen patted Professor Chen on the shoulder and motioned to enter the room to speak.

Dean Zhang.

It's been a while, but his hair is already snow-white. Recently, the police station has repeatedly visited, which makes him more stressed.

It's just an investigation, Dean Zhang doesn't need to be nervous. "Lin Chen smiled.

Hey, the police, the media, and the family members of the mentally ill have all come to me recently. I was a little helpless. I installed a camera, and the fence was fixed and raised again. The family does not agree. "Dean Zhang said with a wry smile.

Before Lin Chen investigated the identity of Dean Zhang, there is no problem with this guy's identity

Then the problem lies in the more than [-] neurological patients. In such a huge neurological patient, it is divided into regions, and then divided into groups. In the group, there are people who take care of the neurological patients.

But three years ago, because the mental patient escaped and the case was carried out, there was very little soil protection in the mental hospital, so the management was very difficult.

How is the management now? Can any neurological patient disappear. "Lin Chen frowned and asked, this is his purpose, and it is also here.

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