Visit the Third Mental Hospital

The management is alright, because now the ten guards have gone a lot, and the ten guards are in charge of the five scholars. It is still difficult to manage, but the census is our daily thing. "Dean Zhang said with a wry smile.

Lin Chen was silent, he was thinking if he would be that person, what should the deceased do?

Hidden in that mental hospital, and then in that group of stupid people, the criminal suspects are good at all kinds of imitations. Among them, the neurological patients are struggling to investigate blood types, and it is a waste of time.

Lin Chen frowned, thinking about what Chu Yuan Zhuzhang would do

Chu Yuan, this perverted murderer, in which the thinking is the most pondering, and it is also the most difficult to guess, because this guy is extremely perverted, and he has his own unique thinking.

A perverted murderer, this is the terrifying ability of his thinking

We want to take a look at all the patients in the mental hospital, their residences, places, and any areas that can be reached, please ask President Zhang to show us all of them. "Lin Chen frowned, looked at Dean Zhang and said

The dialectics of Guan Wang's dead, this is the dialectics in the record of the dead

But Lin Chen really frowned, that was the deceased neurotic going crazy in the classroom

That class made Lin Chen curious

Among the more than [-] people, where is the criminal suspect, the record of Guan Wang's death

The mental hospital, now divided into five areas

They are from District [-] to District [-]. There are more than [-] people in each district. There are a total of [-] mental patients, of which [-] are nurses and assistants in the neurological hospital, plus zero and zero. broken people

But in this area, it is very difficult to find a person who is very good at disguising and imitating

The human skin mask of Guanwang was a kind of disguising method in ancient India. This disguising method is very clever. The changes in the dry skin are completely terrible. Professor Chen has a problem now. First of all, you know the information about Qianchu. This guy is very good at disguising and escaping, and the imitation of the king should be very good at secret agents. "Lin Chen frowned.

According to what you said, the criminal suspects are good at various means of murder, perverted and cruel. This kind of guy is proficient in imitation and disguise. Now we are a bit difficult. "Professor Chen frowned.

It takes a very terrifying price to find a murderous maniac among more than [-] neurotic patients, and the same is true for thinking.

The news came from Li Tian. They searched the whole city and found traces of the smiling face murderer in the rental house of Jijian. The police officer injured his arm, and the investigation has now begun. "Lin Chen couldn't help laughing and said, the case has finally made progress, and now the progress of the case has always been terrifying. Smiley Murder Case

The murderer Wang Arm was temporarily injured, and Lin Chen was on the phone.

"All the major hospitals and various clinics in the magic capital, who are dealing with gunshot wounds, directly investigate, block the major intersections of the magic city, and directly shoot anyone who is suspected of committing a crime." Lin Chen's face was ashen, and then said coldly.

Smiley murderer, among them, the criminal was shot at the king's arm, so the arm must have a wound from the shooting

The criminal's arm was shot, which requires urgent treatment, and there is also a disinfection test. Now all clinics and hospitals are going to issue orders, all come to buy medicines with such problems, then direct investigation. "Lin Chen said coldly

The deceased record is also where the deceased was hiding in the area

The whereabouts of the Smiley Murderer were temporarily discovered, but there was no record of Chu Yuan's whereabouts.

At least at this time, Lin Chen's face was ashen

He believes more and more in you now, that is, there must be fakes among the more than [-] neurological patients in the third mental hospital in the capital. According to Chu Yuan's extremely perverted thinking and personality, even if it is hidden in that patient, it is very possible. Big

How to find out the perverted murderer Chu Yuan in a polyneurotic patient


047 Prominence Theory

This is the third mental hospital in the country, which is the top mental hospital in the country, so it is extremely difficult to find a criminal suspect among more than [-] neurological patients.

First of all, we have three types of detection. The first is height, age, skin folds, and a crazy accent. Although the criminal suspect Chu Yuan may use ancient Indian disguise methods, in reality, there is no bone shrinking ability. , Body age positioning is a stage, divided out. "

The second is blood type testing, but blood type testing is very difficult because these neurological patients are divided into three types, the first is a complete confusion of thinking, and the second is a certain kind of blow, and then the thinking begins to become confused, this is also ~ and its common.

To test the blood type of neurological patients, among them, only ten nurses can be used to control them, because they are completely uncooperative, but I don’t know how long it will take to test more than [-] people. I am wondering now that Chu Yuan’s blood type was tested by the hospital in the previous body test. Is there a problem. "-Professor Chen frowned

All Chu Yuan's information in the magic capital, blood type testing from childhood to adulthood, as well as all fingerprints and various confirmations, are all normal, but because of this, Professor Chen feels that there is a problem

Appearance comparison test, even the most advanced appearance test now, but appearance detection, this is the most low-level method, even in the data and its low-level

This kind of appearance and facial features of ordinary people can be detected, and even involves bone analysis, but there are many ways to avoid adult detection.

What about the third?The first type can detect all the information of the patient, but its height and weight division are extremely difficult. "

"Especially the neurotic patients who resist, they will struggle and roar how to deal with it." Lin Chen frowned

There is not much information left to them in the case now, because the case has entered a predicament

At least at this time, Professor Chen was looking at the development of the case with a livid face.

Dean Zhang was in the office to sort out all the neurological patients' information, but Lin Chen didn't read much, because according to Chu Yuan's analysis, this guy was straight into it, and even the performance in it was a terrifying existence.

In the middle of the night, in the darkness of Chu Yuanqian, Qi Wu had a wonderful dancing posture, with a strange look in his eyes, and then whispered with a chuckle.Holding that sharp blade, he stabbed towards their chest with Xiaoyang, and blood flowed out in an instant, dripping with blood, with unbearable sadness and the low sighs of those people.

This is the death march, gradually killed in the slaughter

Terrible dance, rolling with the breath

Wang is a young girl who died in the stabbing, the blood dripping from the chest proves a person's madness

Dean, I want to see all the neurotic patients and all kinds of neurotic patients who behave strangely, I am talking about all of them "Lin Chen coldly said that there are many people, crazy, confused, all of them exist, but these are all it doesn't matter

Because death is only the beginning, with the swirling virtual dance, the era of fighting, the point of the knife pierced the chest

The blood of the tick, all spreading, makes people unable to bear the horror or the wry smile

"Nervous patients have abnormal behavior." Dean Zhang asked with a wry smile.

This is a mental hospital, and all the patients here have strange thoughts."

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