This kind of thinking display, and the crazy businessman caused by the blow of the incident can be said that these people are all eccentric in spirit

Dean Zhang couldn't help but smile bitterly, looked at Lin Chen and nodded.

Professor Chen was silent, looking at Dean Zhang and couldn't help but smile bitterly

That's right, this is a dry mental hospital. It's full of mental patients, and all the patients A has to face here have problems with their thinking and consciousness.

At least at this time, Professor Chen's face was ashen.

Check all the neurological patients. The first is between twenty and thirty years old. "Looking at Dean Zhang, Lin Chen frowned and said.

This is the patient Lin Chen is looking for. Among the mental patients of Wang Duomi, President Zhang has divided a total of three natives.

Lin Chen was looking through all the records of the case. This is all the records of Zaizong of those people. Looking at President Zhang, he couldn't help frowning.

The third dormitory, white single bed, futon, inside the classroom, wide bright pavilion

At this time, the [-] neurological patients were selected. At this time, each of them was crazy, some bowed their heads and whispered, some gnawed their fingers, and in short, all kinds of madness

ask for flowers

Chu Yuan!

Suddenly standing on the podium, Lin Chen snorted abruptly, no one moved under the stage, he was just sitting in his own habit.

This is a very simple test. When you are called by your name at a certain moment, you will definitely react violently.

This is a common state and a very common behavioral trajectory

At least at this time, Lin Chen suddenly screamed, quietly, without a trace of weirdness, which made people unable to help frown and smile.

Things are getting weird now

Standing on the podium, looking at the stupid patients under the stage, Lin Chen smiled and watched the development lightly

"Aren't you coming out yet? You're very courageous, you like to arrange everything, but you haven't come out yet." Lin Chen whispered, looking at the three natives below


Quietly, like Lin Chen whispering ridiculously

Dean Zhang is watching Yang, his face is expressionless, but his pupils are trembling and terrifying.

Because he knows, the police suspect

If the pervert is hidden in a neurotic, then this is a terrifying existence

"Everyone, this is impossible." Dean Zhang said with a livid face.

The name of hiding criminals is simply terrible

At least it's the charge of making Dean Zhang unable to lift his head, because at least the consequences are unimaginable

At this time, Dean Zhang's face was ashen, and he said with a trembling voice.

Check the whole city, the criminal Zhang Zhang should be clear on the news, the criminal is still there, indeed, so I don't know about the consequences, I don't want to know

The criminal of the smiling face murder case, Dean Zhang should know what his situation is. This matter is very serious, it is so serious that it is uncontrollable.Lin Chen is ashen

Li Tian and Zhang Tiannuan are responsible for investigating the criminals in the smiling face murder case, but among the smiling face murder criminals, they are honest and horrifying existences

The whole city was searched, but they could not be found anywhere. The smiling murderer had been forced out. As for Chu Yuan, President Zhang must know about this vicious criminal. "Lin Chen said lightly.

Chu Yuan, anyone who has read the information and understood the case knows how terrifying Chu Yuan is and how serious the crime is.


048 Smiley

Smiley Murder

The record of the case is horrifying

At least at this time, everyone couldn't help but smile bitterly.

The record of Guan Wang's case made Lin Chen unable to help frown

Li Tian and Zhang Tiannuan were in charge of the city-wide search, but the records of Guan Gan during the search were extremely rare. At least at this time, Li Tian frowned at the time when he was extremely shocked. Related information is extremely rare.

Lin Chen left the classroom, no one moved, it was extremely strange, Dean Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at those neurotic patients with ashen faces, clenching his fists and clenching his teeth.

Jiping is because they are because of these stupid people, they are about to die

Dean Zhang couldn't help frowning, his face was extremely blue.

At the gate of the Third Neurological Hospital in [-], Dean Zhang’s face was ashen as he looked at the case records. The records made people frown and smile bitterly, and they were extremely reminiscent.

The case has reached a very difficult level in the modern development. By the way, Li Tian and Zhang Tiannuan led the special police to arrest the smiling murderer. "Lin Chen frowned and said.

After leaving the mental hospital, Lin Chen drove towards the city

The murderer of the smiling face murder case appeared, so Lin Chen had to take action.

Retrospective records watching killer beheaded

Dead dead, countless cases, broken data

At least at this time, everyone's face is ashen, and their eyes are wide and bitter.

The case is going very wrong now, and it's a bit strange that the situation has reached this level. "At this time, Lin Chen frowned, frowning deeply, a little helpless.

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